VISA news

Yayınlanacağı yer China - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 21 Aug 2024 09:28 - 18

I would like this article to be seen as a manifesto of my dissatisfaction. If there are other people who share the same feeling with me, they are free to say it without insulting and bullying.

1. The economy is in decline
Companies are no more profitable once x2 productivity will finish... here I have quick calc, right now the profit for a weapons company q4 is 0.5g per day (if the selling price is 7g/k and raw materials cost 0.01cc) with x2 productivity.
This means if you build right now a company q4 for 180g, you get your investment back in 360 days (1 year). Without x2 productivity you have to wait 2 years.

Companies limitation to 1000 was a good move, focused to block me in building more companies, but nothing else. A dedicated change asked by smart guys who doesn't care about poor people, because this change doesn't have any effect for them.
With short words: Only I am affected by this change and that was really a priority.

2. The new RW system is a bullshit
New joiners who don't have time to coordinate with others in opening RW will have no chance of doing it themselves. Again, a change asked by smart guys who have a core of active people and was served to admin behind a concern about using the script.
It was probably easier for the admin to wash his hands and not mess with those who use scripts.

3. Free to break the game rules
Anybody is free to sell his account. These days I uncovered several people who are selling accounts. I brought evidence both from the game and from discord, proves with SS and the admin's sanction was only a simple warning.

Anybody who spent few euros can insults everyone if he wants. There are some specimens who constantly insult, incite to racism, make constant references to Nazism or are xenophobe. I asked admin many times to ban these players who repeatedly attack communities or people, but a source of euros matters more than the well-being of others.

Anybody can have more than an account if have time spend with something like this. I know players with names, clear evidence, who sell damage for gold or use other accounts to boost their main account, or use secondary accounts for PTOs. The automatic and manual verification system of the admin does not work. I repeat It does not work and this should be a priority to be resolved.

I know many top players who have decided to leave the game recently. We have to understand that a player who decided to leave is a loss (it doesn't matter which side he belongs to), and even more so if that player has invested money in this game in addition to time.

Several people have contacted me privately to complain that my behavior in the game destroys communities, and to stop doing this. I remind them that this game is built to offer the satisfaction of constantly fighting doesnt matter if you win or lost.

The only winner is the admin, we just give ourselves temporary satisfaction, but the most important thing is to be human to each other.


spageSolomon KaneExterminatorAeriuzDer KommissarNebra007harisHarkoS4BIGolldiNorsk krigarevidojkoJiraiya Sennin

Yorumlar (18)

Great RW system
You are right, the game is in decline not only the economy
I believe that rather than a block, we should limit the amount of companies you can work on, with detriments in production the more companies you use, that way people use only what they need, instead of mass spamming productions of all resources. What do you guys think?
But nobody have more than 1000 in whole game except Humulus
so far, the changes in BP are such a pain, made me think that the golds I invest on my companies are in vain, gave me conniptions but I had my fun so far since this game let me have a reunion with my fellow eBrothers
I already said, this time 4 months were enough that needed 4 years on erev1. The symptoms basically were the same ones that You listed here.
RW system is a joke
Nothing new under the sun...
Buy more ingame and you have all rights
it is thanks to you clowns
You play with your VISA, we play with our friends. GET LOST LOOSER ! BOT!
Zovu me iz banke
I agree Humulus is destroying communities. I also have evindences and scrshots.
@bombata333 I know about your friends, like Sekulla Smile
Without counting all the already dead nations
not rly over tho...ppl kept saying that about erev1 for years Smile) Admin did 1 thing right: "created" Golden Challenge: Rise to the Throne so ppl will burn their stocks so market can flourish
Ofc owner gets the money and we are trying to have some fun. 1000companies "limit" is a joke if u ask me, at least we all get a lot of bars, so even 'the poor' are having some fun hitting here and there. So multies are also 'allowed' here... Will look into that 😉
Surprise! Why I went 2 clicker mode weeks ago xD