Garuda News

Yayınlanacağı yer Indonesia - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 17 Aug 2024 19:36 - 14

"The Guardian of Nusantara"

Wahai Sang Garuda, Atas nama segenap wangsa Nusantara, Tanah Air Tumpah Darah. Tanah kami lahir, hidup dan tumbuh dalam kebihnekaan yang ika serta kedamaian abadi, Trimakasi senantiasa bersemayam Menjaga Bumi Nusantara !!!!

O Mighty Garuda, In the name of all the people of Nusantara, the Motherland. Our land, where we were born, live, and grow in unity within diversity and everlasting peace. Thank you for always dwelling to safeguard the Land of Nusantara!!!

Dirgahayu republik indonesia ke 79 !!!!


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Kelazzzzz Dirgahayu republik indonesia ke 79 o7
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Majapahit kejauhan sampe ke Albania Yang ane tau Majapahit sumpah palapa cuma sampe pilipin hehe.
wkwk majapahitnya era 4.0
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