The Irish Republic

Yayınlanacağı yer Bulgaria - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 07 Aug 2024 17:51 - 38

After reaching day 133 of the game, I think the death of the game is here. To preface, this article is not meant to incite hate nor is it to create hate. I am simply telling you the story and the facts. It is up to you to see if you want to listen. I do not care either way, you will see why.

*This article is not aimed at the admin team, but instead at the events that took place in the game*

Chapter 1: A Rocky Start

When this game first started, I had high hopes. I had not played one of these games for a few years, mostly because these games I found myself addicted and they were timewasters. The start of this game was so unbelievably rocky, I knew there may be issues in the first few weeks but I had thought changes would be made quickly to make sure things were balanced. They were not fixed. What examples may you ask?

1. Unlimited energy - truly one of the worst ideas was to implement no limits on energy. No strategy could be formed with this. Only recently was there a change to make it a week to purchase each of the energy packs. Again, this is too much energy per week for VISA. I myself am one, this makes zero sense for the F2P players. The only reason why this game survives is simply because of a few things. VISA donations and one side keeps fighting. How do we fix this? Easy, we decide to limit all packs to a month. This would limit VISA abilities overall and balance things further for F2P to enjoy and have a chance at success. 

2. Unlimited War Stashes - I don't even need to go into much detail with this one. Being able to buy unlimited war stashes was quite possibly the worst thing to do. Allowing nukes to do 50 damage per item? Outrageous. I did my first billion damage on day 3, and I was the first to do a billion in a single battle. 

3. Unlimited gold buying - This goes hand and hand into the current phase of the economy. Which I will explain later. 

4. Orgs - These do nothing in game and were used for one thing and one thing only. Please refer here. BattleHero did a wonderful article where Albania used this bug and abuse to win multiple battles that were critical, changing the game drastically. The people who were involved in this should have been banned. 

Chapter 2: The War for 3 months... and still ongoing.... 

One of the main reasons the war started was because Ireland decided to attack Serbia for the actions of the Serbian government against Ireland and the former alliance. We also attacked because the game was in a current state of farmville, and a bunch of us were about to leave the game, so we elected to attack Serbia for this reason as well. They did not help the alliance and actively betrayed the alliance. So what is the issue?

1. The war has not been balanced since the start. Ireland had been facing numerous fronts and the alliance Ireland was in (CF), was outnumbered in population and damage. Ireland fought until the very end, defending itself with the allies help for over a month. There is no shame in what Ireland did. The issue at hand and where the shame lies is where the other side sits and does nothing for an extended period of time and then laughs when they have overwhelming damage and population and are shocked that they won. To that I say GUWOP. 

2. When PB was faced with an balance issue. One of the core reasons why the alliance was dismantled was because the game was going to die because the sides were unbalanced. So I and Dani decided to dismantle the alliance to keep the game alive. When the other side is prompted with the same issue, what do they do? They stay together and kill the game because they are not intelligent enough to see their actions have consequences. Not only did they abuse bugs with the unlimited RPGS, they also broke NAPs numerous times, and used script (one guy was dumb enough to post images of this. He should have really closed some of those tabs out, one was a dead give away to his actions). So one has to ask oneself this, are they not smart enough to read the terms of an agreement or do they willingly do not care about the NAP?

Please see the current damage output that was calculated on day 132:

As you can see, the damage is unbalanced and this is a slaughter. So if the game is to remain in this constant state.. Then there will not be a game. The other side will not dismantle for the good of the game, they elected to farm and hold all the resources. As I've stated previously, a lot of them are not very smart with this approach. 

Chapter 3: Econ-whoah

Because there was not a limitation gold purchases and or companies at the start of the game, we run into the issue we have now where there are so many weapons on the market and available for purchase. The amount of weapons will only rise at this point, even more so when there is a ceasefire and or NAP signed with the entire world. The admin could issue an event to waste some of the weapons while putting limitations on the amount of companies and or doing a buy back of the companies.  

Nobody should have this many weapons on the market in 4 months:

If you have not already, please read this article from BaRBaR. While I like BaRBaR and consider him a friend, I do not agree with his consensus in the article. Increasing production will not do anything but make the issue longer lasting. This goes against basic supply vs demand. All the more reason why the BP should be removed entirely. However, we both came to the same conclusion, the economy is failing and without the most basic of an economy module, the game will also follow and fail. You soon will not be able to produce for a profit, if you have not already. 


Chapter 4: The End

While I have had some fun playing this game and was able to reconnect with some long lost friends again with this game. Now I did use some words that were negative to describe the other side but I do not hate anyone in this game and I wish you all would see the consequences unfolding before you. I wish you all the luck in both the game and in real life, enemy and ally alike. If you all ever need help with anything, please feel free to reach out (even you Batasha). With that being said, I am quitting on Day 134. My assets will be divided among the people of the game.

Will I return? More than likely not, I know the changes will not happen. But, I may see you when Wink:



Yorumlar (38)

Thank you all o7 It has been a pleasure playing with you all, enemy and ally alike.
Bris leave the game Surprised
Sad to see you going away. You are a master in the economics of this game. I hope the things you said get fixed so you come back sooner rather than later. Thanks!
You are a brother to me man, We've been playing since 2014 and ongoing, more than a decade of experience through multiple games. I don't really want to see you go, but I understand your frustrations, as they are very valid. If anything, Thank you for making my experience in Ireland one of the best I've ever experienced in a game like this, and for your relentless leadership and stubbornness in the face of war. You made me very proud all throughout, and I've told you that multiple times, but I will keep saying it. Thank you Brother
stay here just make wt
What could we expect from the same Team that milking players from previous games? The game description is "Multiplayer strategy game", better be changed to "Multiplayer credit card game"
multiplayer "Spend hundreds" game
Sad 😭
dont think admin will upgrade this games, the main idea of this game is to milking visa players. Limit the production, limit the energy and limit the company. if you want more Make it bonus from the event i suggest the game will balance and more interesting. Nowadays the game so boring cuz visa player always win
good luck in real life, despite all the disagreements! Smile
As much as I enjoy having bonuses with allies, I agree, it's bad for the game. Remember when we used to get together to organize hits so we could damage other countries, when there used to be a true community? It was because back then there was a chance of fighting but right now, there's no point. Even though I've been saving up for pretty much from the beginning, I know a Visa guy can outscore me in just one round. On the other hand, when there are too many people/Visas on one side, it kills the game (as we previously saw with Romania in some game I won't name). There needs to be active war among strong countries (like Albania and Serbia). How about we start Balkan wars?
Send girls and golds
Stop crying for the unbalance bro ,you will never achieve 50-50 in any game like this is IMPOSSIBLE. Nobody will come say okay let's split 10 with 100B damage here 10 with 100B damage there and let's play ,you know why ? Because you and danidiot made sure about that. Your good friend danidiot made sure to provoke (for example) Germany when they were neutral to join Phoenix ,your good friend danidiot made sure that lived will stop the game and many more examples. You know it's not always the others people fault when we fail ..just saying. Not to forget that CF was created with Ireland-Indonesia-Brazil-BG-Croatia against NO ALLIANCE and I remember you were all very happy with Celio being your side and so many visas together. Now Celio is too OP has to be nerfed 🤣 Just accept that your attitude and especially your friends attitude brought many countries together ,its your fault please don't cry about it. On the rest you are right game is dying ,admin has no clue of what he does and mainly has no clue what players actually want to keep logging in for something more than 2clicks
Whats dead cannot die....sad story continues....
GL in RL o/
thank yo admin for removing toxic ppl from the game 😁
Will miss you
I hope you will stay o7
Staying is easy, giving up is hard. We chose the hard way. Winning is not winning against me. Winning is achieving something and competing with yourself. E Dominacy may look like the winners right now, but they are the big losers. I can give E Revulation as a reference.
@Patalos What I remember about Celio is that in the South American war he wanted to crush Serbia in the epic war and Bulgaria prevented it because of their old close relations with Serbia. Celio reacted to that and changed sides.
I have never seem more victimized people in my entire gaming career since 2010. First of all, its beyond any human comprehension how with all last wars of all last games considered, a balanced war with around with some fluctuations of a damage spread of 45 to 55 and during their own BOYCOTT times to 42 - 58 when noone fought is being called a game killing and unfair war. Yes there are more two clickers, more regions and more resources, because all that damage is spread in 10 nations and not concetrated like yours in 5. Point No 2 , at least be either true to your words or admit you are a Hypocrite. Our side and me personally has done numerous attempts to find peace between us and work together to enhance the game balance and diplomacy, which have been ALWAYS declined, and there is proof for each and every one attempt. So people that care about the game truly, dont deny cooperation even if they hate their enemies, but all compromise a bit to achieve a goal, something you people are not mature enough to do. Point No 3, There is Celio, there is Humulus. But there is also Lesley, there is BarBar, there is Bule, there is Lunx. Very easy to blame the visas and unbalance but noone looks their own back, and your target being only Humulus and Celio in 90% of your comments proces this. Unless you also are against lesley sharing war stashes all around and giving thousands as well, its only bad on one side? lmao Point 4: Celio was on your side before he was on ours, you had every chance before your relations break to press these matters with the same intensity as you do now, you didn't. Why? because it feels GOOD having that power on your side, but BAD when its on the other. Stop being hypocrytes, either work with me and us to make the game better or at the very least stop crying all day long say we are killing when you dont give us a way out to move along with you.
Safer your are one big lier. We were always for limits on all VISA players not just yours. Always... When we were winning and when we were losing. It is funny you call other people hypocrites. Celio is on your side exactly because our fight against VISA madness and guys like him controlling the game.
Farewell, Bris, my brother. One of the game makers in eDominacy, sadly widely misunderstood by people with soft character. We had our differences, we were pissed off each other, but we are together till the end. I apologize if disappointed you sometimes and I will just say that your presence here is needed and valued by many people. Even if you are not going to play actively, consider to hang around from time to time. I will greatly appreciate it. If not, because I understand your frustration, I hope we will meet again. You will be forever in my heart
@Danider Did i stutter or you dont even bother to read anymore? I didnt say you were NOT against it, i said you were not pushing and fighting for it with the same intensity as you are when affected from it. If you remember i had a conversation with you and others first days of the game, saying how 2 5 star visas can wipe whole German population and its completely unfair, and people were like " its not really that bad as you say " So yeah, hypocricy, when i was warning about this early one but back then you had 70-80 online soldiers and visa so makes sense.
You have not been a good ally to your allies and left them in the flames of war 2 times, at least try to be a respectable enemy to the opponent side and stop the crying and sophistry... 🤦🏻‍♂️
I thought we all agreed that game = bad straight from the start. Half of this article is just victimization. How about we all grow a pair.
Nice excuses to run away. A farewell full of tears
How are you people all of a sudden seeing the issues... let me give you an example. I introduced a brand new to the genre player at the start of the game. Back when Jango was buying like there's no tomorrow. In one battle, he sends me a picture where he makes like a couple of thousands worth of damage per shot and then there's unlimited-buyer Jango smashing it with millions per hit. And he asks me "Why that is?", "How can I catch up?". Didn't know what to tell him. Just told him to abandon ship. A game where you need to spend THOUSANDS in the first months just in order to compete is not worth playing. People with THOUSANDS of companies without any real effort (picking your card from your wallet is not an effort) and players who are basically one-man armies effectively killed the game before it started. Ludicrous how some still defend it and say 'oh, no, trust me, bro, changes are good, changes are coming'. There's no coming back from this. Game will just continue to be a chase between the few top visas to see who's willing to spend more. Until one by one regular players (and the occasional visa) give up and the game turns into a ghost town.
Safer the clown
@Deflection you are not a clown, you are the whole fucking Circus :>
dead game from the start anyway with 150 active players , from which 33% multies Laugh
Sjebani smo
Cry me a river
First off, I'm also 2 clicking now and last 2-3 days I have not even produced my weapons... But in my entire life I never seen such a behavior that blames everything and anything other than themselves and try to do ANYTHING but not accept defeat and sit at the talking table! Phoenix side is NOT and NEVER been perfect. Ever. But how do you not see that every time you guys lose in a war you quit the game? And what kind of attitude that is? You simply say we either win, and all things go as we say, otherwise we gonna quit the game and destroy whole playing field for everybody! ... You know why I stopped playing actively and went 2 clicker? I say this from the bottom of my heart... you can call me anything you want... I stopped because I used to see some people here as a worthy opponent, as a valuable competitor to make me and everyone better, but when you guys quit for second time and refused to talk, when I saw recent behaviors, I became 100% sure that this is not worth my time anymore. I see no worthy opponent anymore here... I lived for a good opponent, unfortunately(This statement is not about ALL countries and all people, it's just about a handful)... Anyways I don't see it in you anymore to change those behaviors, but no hard feelings at all. All love and I really wish you guys all the best with your families and RL o/
About the game I also agree many things sucks here. But if you guys really leaving, better completely stop about these childish trash talks and balance talks and negativity... Again, as I say this to everybody here that felt even the slightest hard feelings about me, if I ever said anything bad to you or accidentally made you feel upset / angry, I apologize. The ultimate goal for me here is to play the game in such a way that I level-up in my RL. Meaning I learn a new thing or two while I'm playing & having fun playing. Wish all the best in your real life.
I will put it simple lads. From start, game economy was based on people buying gold, for production, for fights etc.. Many players have decided to "outspend" competition and by much as they could, thinking that will give them edge in long run. What it did actually happened was that they have overbuild everything, and created ecconomy in game based on who wants to keep spending money. While regular players decided ether to quit or not to bother because one big spender can win against 100 regular players.. that is stupid, and regular players are anything but stupid. Many of us has seen that coming in first week, hence reason why i have only spent 10e. You guys who spent as if there is no tomorrow just to "buy" some victory have killed game from week one, and is main reason game canot grow, along side of admin who allowed for this to happen. Now many who has try to "outspend" other are complaining how game is broken, well get mirror lads , as you had big part in it. From me only one thing, "smile and wave "!!!