Alpha news

Yayınlanacağı yer United States of America - Finans işleri - 05 Aug 2024 02:35 - 7

Hi guys...
I want to share the funniest suggestion I've ever seen in this type of game. I kid you not, there’s nothing more ridiculous than this. When the game started, the Bulgarians had a complete bonus and managed to amass thousands of gold over three months. The leaders of Bulgaria directed the game’s wars towards Ireland, and after forming new sides that they architected, they launched a world war by attacking Serbia, all to keep the energy and wars away from their bonuses. They executed this with such finesse that they managed to maintain their alliances.

When they lost in World War I, they published an article declaring that they were stopping the fights because they were tired, portraying themselves as the victims, despite being the ones to initiate this global conflict in the first place. From their behavior, I inferred that their main priority was the interests of their own country, and now they found themselves at a crossroads where they had to choose a path:
1. Continue fighting and defend their allies.
2. Stop fighting and conserve their energy and resources for future gains.

Apparently, they opted for the second path and executed it beautifully, showcasing their strong political strategy.

After the reshuffle changed the bonuses on the map, Bulgaria’s situation turned sour; they lost their bonuses and decided to rely on bullying and military force to regain their bonuses, starting World War II. After days of intense fighting, the Bulgarians lost their weapon bonus in Africa, which they had previously seized through force and conflict from rival sides.

Once again, they reached a crossroads where they had to make a decision:
1. Continue fighting and support their allies until they reach a diplomatic solution. (By starting a world war, they brought the fire of conflict to their allied countries.)
2. Abandon the fight while ensuring their allied countries wouldn’t be upset about it, given that they are currently at war. (Losing the bonus means their profits were cut off, so there’s no reason to keep fighting, even if their allies have bonuses or are engaged in war.)

When the Bulgarian leaders lost World War II, they once again chose the second path. But I’ve gone into all this detail just to highlight the funniest proposal in this style of games:

Dani once suggested in the game’s chat box that our side cease all wars and split the bonuses evenly between both sides Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh 
Now, you might wonder why such a proposal would even be considered. A side that has been forced into two world wars, faced attacks, and after all the battles they've fought and the heavy costs incurred, why on earth would they accept such a proposal once they finally achieve victory?

Despite Dani repeated insults toward the Iranians, I don’t want to insult him back; in fact, I want to acknowledge him as an pro player. In our minds as amateur players, we might lack insight, but I’m curious about what incredible substance lies within Dani mind as an pro player that led him to make such a suggestion.

*This is just a game, so let’s keep the insults to a minimum. Friendship and rivalry are just excuses for us to enjoy the game together, and I respect all countries and players. That being said, I won’t deny that I have no respect for two players whose names I won’t mention, as they seem far removed from human civilization.

This was a fun piece, and anywhere I mentioned Bulgaria, I was referring to the current leaders of Bulgaria in this game.


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Yorumlar (7)

so let’s keep the insults to a minimum o7
It was an accurate article and provided good analysis, but I want to add a few things to the childish behaviors of the current leaders of e-Bulgaria after the failure. First of all, they started by not accepting the statistical data and pretending that they have a weaker side, while they themselves had chosen this alliance and did not even invite countries like Iran, Romania, and Turkey. Second, they stopped fighting and by doing this, they want to destroy the economy of the game and force everyone to change the sides, but after they saw that we have no desire to change, they go into a sulk exactly like a 12-year-old child and their current leaders decided to bringing oppressions to its highest level Laugh After seeing that their decisions is not very effective and make no sense, they decided to threaten us and admin with quitting the game. With this, they forced admin to make changes to the game, especially regarding MPPs, which I personally believe is not the right thing to do and will cause many changes in sides and alliances. Any changes in MPP is putting pressure on the players and we don't accept this because it is completely detrimental to us and we consider this to be an interference in the game process. with respect to everyone o/
very accurate. o7
this game would be nothing without wars, stop trying to get the higher moral ground. it's just a game. everyone plays for their country to be the best... besides the traitors and mercenaries...
@damnachen, Yes, but a good leader must accept failure when he fails. We see that some people in this game start boycotting the game after losing and cry and try to change the rules of the game with many requests.
True story 🫤