The Irish Republic

Yayınlanacağı yer Ireland - Savaş analizleri - 23 Jun 2024 06:26 - 38



Yorumlar (38)

Curious to what our proposal was? Take a look ->
Signed, lets shoot to the last wep in storage
As current CP I fully support this message The terms offered to us were infantile and NO country in any game could accept.
Your proposal looks like you won the war lnao
I respect your thoughts! Just remember that the choice for the war to continue is yours alone! no one else's!!
Weren't you stepping down because family was a priority ? Hmm seems you were stepping down because you wanted to reach to a NAP and people wouldn't agree if you were there ,just saying... Good luck
@Red Balls I fail to see why you think he decides alone.
Lmao this is such bs hahaha, you guys are being disingenuous. You lost a war, got wiped, and you want to get all of Canada and other colonies for free. You are the ones being infantile, being delusional in defeat. It's fine, stay wiped. Anyone who reads your "very fair" proposal and think like you do has an IQ deficit. You are lucky enough to get your cores back (according to our initial offer) as well as half of Canada. The only sticking point was that we'd keep some regions until the reshuffle and freely give you back anything not interesting. But sure, have fun wasting your people's time trying to "liberate" what was freely offered to you.
Infantile behavior is when you declare offensive war, lose and then refuse to accept the consequences of defeat, I told you nobody wants to wipe Ireland, we weren't even attacking during the negotiations which you used as a window to take regions back, while pretending to be discussing the proposal. You took our compromise as weakness, but it's fine, it was your decision, not ours. Have fun.
In my entire career in gaming history. I have never saw a nation Core regions of a third party nation without their consent or a merge deal. Asside that, i have never seen an AGGRESION war, because people seem to forget who invaded who which was Ireland-Brazil on Serbia, that ended up on a complete loss and people demand to regain everything they had with a status Quo agreement. For the infantile, since they called our words that, arguments that, oh but look we are giving you USA as reparations. Giving us what? We are not even the ones holding most of USA as you can see, and what we are holding is a small part that was taken. The audacity to call immature and infantile the people that have been negotiating with you, from 16th of June on the first aproach until 23rd, 7 days, to come to peace and offer you a start, letting asside you are not even mentioning our last compromise we offer you which was actually taking another step towards kindness and give you partially Canada instantly for free, and more regions in case we wont need them in a few days/weeks aditionally. You took our kindness as a sign of weakness while we were honestly trying to give a fair chance without compromising the victory Serbia, our allies and the alliance achieved. This comes more like a joke so dont take it personally, but you guys are acting like the biggest clowns i seen in a while.
I’m tired of this. We are only like 100 people playing this shit together and EVERYONE knows who is lying, who did what and who’s behaving right or wrong at this point. No need for propaganda articles imo!
I hope to see all argument from Phoenix alliance and CF's representative to comprehend the whole situation during this NAP talk from every perspective Laugh
Lots of crying. I said we do not care for your insults. Get ready, because you’re going to be in hell for the foreseeable future.
@No One See, if you really want that i will try to make an article mentioning the specifics and how many times WE offered things and GOT REJECTED. And there were 0, absolute 0 flexibility from Ireland’s side. Meanwhile take this: They wanted all Canada to return to them, Our nations (Not alliance, Nations holding the regions) were opposed to that. Then we offered them counter the 6 USA provinces that PHOENIX countries hold for a respiration fee… GOT REJECTED. Then on top of that we offered 4 Canada regions for FREE as well… GOT REJECTED AGAIN. Ireland said Canada is considered our Cores!! I can’t think of anything else we could offer in this agreement!
"Get ready, because you’re going to be in hell for the foreseeable future." Throwback to Serbian Invasion...
@Michael Collins, I'll save your comment, for time you'll declare your second "surrender".
More crying. More insults.
one more news one more cry one more yapping one sad face who thinks they are good when watching how other allies shot for ther country Sad
show me an NAP that banned MPPs fights.... ever? Link me on discord if you don't want here (if in another game) I have been involved in many many NAPs on victory side and losing side and this is not a thing. And also Canada is core here as it is in another game... we took it in days and planted our flag. We play game with many RL Canadians and this is the price. You say we wanted to end war with same as when we started... not true we started with most of USA and we have not asked for that. There is a price for defeat and that was it... we accepted that but for you it was not enough. You want more, too much more imho and we won't pay it. Anyway it is a game this is not personal so I hope everyone is still enjoying the game play Smile
@Purple Balls, you never had an issue with the MPP term, at least you never stated you had one. And if you had one at the very least you never made the effort to present it was an issue so, if you dont state you have an issue that means you are fine with it. The only thing you guys kept Yapping about instead was how whole Canada is Irish cores and that it needs to be fully released as well. Nice argument aboutn the Canadians by the way, i have 2 real life Canadians in Germany also so i guess its our common cores now, Canada is Germany core officially as well :>
Purple, then i guess you guys should work on your communications. You NEVER mentioned concerns regarding MPP EVER! You been offered USA regions that Phoenix holds, you right-out rejected it without having any interest to negotiate on it. You been offered 4 Canada’s regions, you rejected that one too. What else we COULD offer for the love of the lord so you were happy with it? Anyways ofc we are having fun o/
You can give us Canada like we wanted and there would not be any need for the crying.
Give Germany the fucking Canada. Canada is German Soil End of story. Btw i have a Brazilian in Greece ,i claim brazil as my cores @safer plan for it
How strange Ireland breaking its word HAHAHA.
Guys we have in real life Canadians in germany, requesting German cores back is an insult to them, we are renting our Canadian cores to Serbia!
A war that benefits no one and stems solely from the ambitions of some people. We are a lucky country to have left this war in time.
May the war continue 😈🇦🇱
Death before dishonor!
Weren't you taking a break from the game due to family issues? And now you come back all loudy with these chants of eNationalism and pride just after your country was wiped out? I don't quite get it mate xD
Stop crying you received what you asked for. You decided to dow Serbia and you got clapped. You treated them with disgrace, you receive the same treatment brainless. I want the Irish population to wake up and stop chasing this brainless guy over and over. You guys have potential and resources, say no to Brainless and his mule, bule.
I really want to know that agreement which is fair to everyone😂
سینا جان خودت یه خلاصه از این مقاله برام بگو روله
"You can give us Canada like we wanted and there would not be any need for the crying." You are the one crying lmao, you've been offered half of it with the other half on standby until the reshuffle happens. You are the ones being utterly delusional here.
Mige ma kheili khubim kheili bahalim
damn what did bule's grandfather do in 1919