VISA news

Yayınlanacağı yer China - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 20 Jun 2024 14:10 - 27

Because I received quite few questions from different people about my departure from Romania, I would like to clarify this aspect.

I went to China because the Romanian Government put me in a bad situation by refusing to help the Phoenix alliance and honor the promises made through my Country President word. One of the promise was that Romania to drop the MPP with Bulgaria, once Bulgaria will attack a former PB country in the core regions.

This happened while I was Romania Country President and Secretary Commander of the Phoenix alliance and after I no longer held these positions.

I am not the enemy of Bulgaria, I know enough people from there from other games. I don't hate Romania because they don't share the values that I hold dear. I will help my own country whenever I am asked because I care about my Romanians, but I will do it without ever returning to Romania.

My presence today in the Mid Andes battle was just to prove to everyone that I respect my word and I will do everything in my power to help my alliance as I promised.

Honor before everything o7


BatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaRagn0Der KommissarCelioK R L

Yorumlar (27)

I don't want to talk much here about all this. But I will say i have only respect to you and I think the pressure between us is mostly a misunderstanding and I hope that one day we will be able to sit calm and talk about it so we can clear it out
You are the best Humulus, i see nothing but honor from you. I been an ally of Romania for very long time in different game and they are the most honorable of people o7
You dont need to talk me about you honor, you are brother forever o7
It is an honor to be a friend of such an honest person.
@Humulus you have been by far one of the best officers, soldiers and commanders even though we played together for like a week now in the alliance structure! Respect and good luck
Humulus o7
Humulus o7
o7 much respected humulus. You might not be in Romania but you are the Romanian that everyone respects and remember Wink
o7 respected
Respect o7
respect for you o7
It was obvious that BD was a person with 0 honor when did i say that.
Humulus o7
Ti-a pasat de ro si cand ne-ai lasat singuri sa luptam in liga, 70 gold in medie castigati de fiecare persoana din ro, te lauzi cu dmg tau desi nu dai nici 20% din ce dam cei care chiar luptam pt aliati. Diferenta dintre noi e ca nu cerem statui
@Tankardist ati vandut onoarea romanilor pe 70g de fiecare. Spor la strategia voastra, sigur va deschide portile succesului in viitor. Tocmai de asta v-am lasat, nu ma pot opune strategiei voastre marete. Strategie a avut si Bris si uite unde a ajuns IRE. Imi doresc din toata inima ca voi sa aveti succes.
@BattleHero, daca ati facut-o din initiativa personala atunci spune-i capitanului tau sa-si tina gura. Voi v-ati gandit la beneficiile pe termen scurt pentru romani. Poate eu la cele pe termen lung. Onoarea se castiga si aratand inamicilor ca putem livra damage oricand ni se cere pentru aliati fara a cere o rasplata la schimb (pentru ca sigur va veni ea la momentul potrivit, ca oamenii nu-s idioti sa uite). Iar faptul ca v-am ajutat cu ce am putut in finala din Liga desi puteam sa va dau cu seen are ca rasplata acum sa fiu luat peste picior de unul caruia am fost amabil sa-i raspund rapid la nevoia lui din acel moment.
Nu am refuzat niciodata sa lupt pentru aliatii care ne-au castigat respectul. Imi pare rau ca ti-am cerut food si arme imprumut, acum regret, daca iti datorez ceva pentru "ajutor". anunta-ma.
Nu-mi datorati nimic. Nici eu voua. Suntem chit. Imi doresc sa nu ma mai cautati. Spor cu planurile voastre!
Mi-ai imprumutat arme pentru o ora… si acum aduci asta in discutie, denota multe despre caracterul tau. Cat despre vandut onoare si alte lucruri te rog da te abtii, nu uita cu tu inca dai undeva la 30% din ce dam noi pt aliati, cand o sa ajungi la nivelul noatru de dmg te rog sa ne contactezi sa doscutam, pana atunci e doar marketingul de tine
Va spalati aiurea rufele in public. Rad si curcile de voi.
Humulus you made you re art to tell RO dont have honor? Dont forget you fight for this aliance a little part compare to Ro. You fight only against bulgary hard, against other contry you are idle. And nice to see batasha claps you re art with bouth hand, when you tell Ro dont have honor.the wheel is round
Lol, era de așteptat și popcorn, atât am de zis!