The Irish Republic

Yayınlanacağı yer Ireland - Savaş analizleri - 14 Jun 2024 10:15 - 21

Good afternoon everyone,

I write this from the restaurant in my hotel, so I apologize for the not nice article format.

This game and the rounds have definitely taken a toll on me and my personal life. I am not leaving the game or going to stop fighting. We have an ongoing stalemate against the world. I am truly impressed on how we keep holding the line against the odds. I am proud my country and allies for this. However, I am going to resign from all political and governmental positions. This game has taken a toll on my family and my work, so I am deciding to put them first.

Please respect this decision as it does not come lightly. Real life is something that needs to come first at the moment.

Thank you.


BatashaLesleyOverseerStamaTcOSHiLordSun3Purple BallsGeneralSakeraHazel

Yorumlar (21)

I dont respect your decision. Good luck mate Smile
Good luck in real life o7
I dont respect your decision. Good luck matebx2
Nice bro, RL comes first. Good luck with your personal life.
Gl o7
You need to rest , becouse you made some big mistakes. I wish you all the best and waitting your full return in game o7
I have the same problems as you and understand your position. RL>game . O7
I have the same problems as you and understand your position. RL > Game o9
RL always comes first Thanks for your service
Good luck in real life
RL comes first, gl and take It easy with the game.
Good luck bro ,family is always first