Whisper of The Sky

Yayınlanacağı yer Indonesia - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 12 Jun 2024 06:46 - 1

Ina Version

Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia

Kali ini di eIndonesia 24 Hours edisi Days 77:



League Wars: Battle for the Crown Ronde 2 sudah selesai dengan skor telak 8-0. Lawan kita selanjutnya adalah Iran pada Ronde 3. Pertandingan tidak akan mudah pastikan berperan serta warga Indonesia untuk mewujudkan negara kita masuk 10 besar.


Hari ini tidak ada yang menarik di dalam negeri namun di luar negeri ada beberapa info yang dapat menjadi perhatian:

-OchiReci dari Romania masih menawarkan makanan bagi warga negara eRomania

-PonyStark seorang penggiat media dari Swedia kali ini membahas tentang Indonesia, melalui artikelnya

- Selain itu  OchiReci juga mengadakan kompetisi kecil bagi yang paling banyak fight selama league crown

RoBazooka dari Romania meminta Tankardist dan Ochi Reci untuk berhenti berdebat dan segera melupakan perdebatan yang telah dilalui selengkapnya dapat dibaca disini

Turul Harcos Governor Hungaria menjelaskan terkait investasi negara dan rencana investasi tahap 2 selengkapnya dapat dibaca disini

gzhn Presiden Turki mengumumkan bahwa Negara Turki mengundurkan diri dari keanggotaan Aliansi F.E.A.R. Mereka akan melindungi MPP mereka dan membantu ally mereka. Turki akan segera mengakhiri perang mereka sekarang dan tidak lagi memenuhi tuntutan aliansi.

"Anything in game stay in game, anything in RL still in RL"

Eng Version 

Good Evening eIndonesian Citizens

This time on eIndonesia 24 Jam Day 77 edition

League Wars: Battle for the Crown Round 2 has finished with a landslide score of 8-0. Our next opponent is Iran in Round 3. The match will not be easy, make sure the Indonesian people participate to make our country enter the top 10. 


Today there is nothing interesting in the country but abroad there is some information that can be of interest:
-OchiReci from Romania still offers food to eRomanian citizens
-PonyStark, a media activist from Sweden, this time discusses Indonesia, through his article
- Apart from that, OchiReci also held a small competition for those who fought the most during the league crown
RoBazooka from Romania asks Tankardist and Ochi Reci to stop arguing and immediately forget the debate that has been going through. You can read more about it here
Turul Harcos Governor of Hungary explained the state investment and the complete phase 2 investment plan can be read here
gzhn The President of Türkiye announced that the Turkish State withdrew from membership of the F.E.A.R Alliance. They will protect their MPP and help their allies. Türkiye will soon end their current war and no longer fulfill the alliance's demands.

"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"

That's all for the Day 77 edition of eIndonesia 24 Hours, if there's something wrong, you can say it in the comments. If anyone is interested in being involved in this project, you can PM me directly. Support with Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)

See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Stay Stupid, Don't be Smart (Tere Liye)

Red_ Wing


Emergency Food

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diskusiin apa ochi rechi gan?