Whisper of The Sky

Yayınlanacağı yer Indonesia - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 11 Jun 2024 06:13 - 1

Ina Version

Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia

Kali ini di eIndonesia 24 Hours edisi Days 76:



League Wars: Battle for the Crown Ronde 1 sudah selesai dengan skor telak 8-0. Lawan kita selanjutnya adalah Bosnia and Herzegovina pada Ronde 2. Pastikan berperan serta warga Indonesia untuk mewujudkan negara kita masuk 10 besar.


1. Kependudukan

Hari ini  terdapat kelahiran warga baru selama 24 jam terakhir yaitu akun POCONG. Mari kita beri dukungan warga baru kita bagi pemilik akun ini jangan segan2 menghubungi jajaran pemerintah ataupun teriak di shout untuk bantuan2 awal. Bisa juga bergabung dengan channel discord Indonesia untuk ngobrol2 asik.

2. Pertahanan & Keamanan

Selama 24 Jam terakhir tidak ada pemberontakan yang diluncurkanUntuk Wilayah Luzon, Hokkaido dan Southern Taiwan berhasil diamankan.

3. Politik Dalam Negeri
Belum ada lagi usulan Law dalam 24 jam terakhir.

Selain itu sebagai warga negara saya masih berusaha dan berharap agar Pak Presiden menyempatkan diri untuk mengumumkan apa saja yang telah dilaksanakan pada periode sebelumnya dan apa saja yang akan dilakukan di periode ini.

4. Berita dari Luar Negeri
Belum ada informasi menarik yang tersedia dari media luar negeri

"Anything in game stay in game, anything in RL still in RL"

Eng Version 

Good Evening eIndonesian Citizens

This time on eIndonesia 24 Jam Day 76 edition

League Wars: Battle for the Crown Round 1 has finished with a landslide score of 8-0. Our next opponents are Bosnia and Herzegovina in Round 2. Make sure the Indonesian people participate in making our country enter the top 10.


1. Population
Today there was 1 new citizen born during the last 24 hours, namely the  POCONG account. Let's give support to our new citizens for the owners of this account, don't hesitate to contact government officials or shout at shouts for initial assistance. You can also join the Indonesian discord channel to have fun chatting.

2. Defense & Security
During the last 24 Hours no rebellion was launched. For the Luzon Region, Hokkaido and Southern Taiwan were successfully secured.

3. Domestic Politics
There have been no further Law proposals in the last 24 hours.

Apart from that, as a citizen, I am still trying and hoping that the President will take the time to announce what has been implemented in the previous period and what will be done in this period.

4. News from Abroad
There is no interesting information available from foreign media yet

"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"

That's all for the Day 76 edition of eIndonesia 24 Hours, if there's something wrong, you can say it in the comments. If anyone is interested in being involved in this project, you can PM me directly. Support with Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)

See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Stay Stupid, Don't be Smart (Tere Liye)

Red_ Wing



Yorumlar (1)

aih lawan bosnia yah, lumayan berat.. semoga aja nanti player indo banyak yang online