VISA news

Yayınlanacağı yer Romania - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 10 May 2024 09:46 - 16

RO version

Dragi romani si cetateni,

Probabil stiti deja ca alianta Parabellum s-a dizolvat.

Chiar daca Romania este total in dezacord cu aceasta decizie, nu avem decat sa ne supunem votului dat de majoritatea membrilor din alianta si sa ne regandim strategia ca tara cat si diplomatia.

Ca natiune, Romania a respectat toate tarile indiferent de dezvoltarea lor si a cautat sa arate respect atat aliatilor cat si dusmanilor. Astfel, pozitia Romaniei in perioada urmatoare va fi de neutralitate.

Vom continua insa sa ne orientam spre mentinerea unor aliati care s-au dovedit cinstiti cu noi si pe care vom continua sa-i sustinem in demersurile lor.

Totodata suntem deschisi spre alte aliante cu tari care impart aceleasi valori ca si noi, respect, onestitate si solidaritate.

Romania isi doreste sa fie o tara stabila, cu principii puse inaintea bonusurilor si imi doresc ca acest lucru sa fie inteles de toata lumea. Suntem aici sa jucam un joc pentru distractie, dar intr-un mediu in care predomina bunul simt.

eViata lunga Romania!

ENG version

Dear romanians and citizens,

As you already know, the Parabellum alliance is disbanded.

Even if Romania totally disagrees with this decision, we have only to submit to the vote given by the majority of the members of the alliance and rethink our strategy as a country as well as our diplomacy.

As a nation, Romania respected all countries regardless of their development and tried to show respect to both allies and enemies. Thus, Romania's position in the following period will be neutral.

However, we will continue to focus on maintaining allies who have proven to be honest with us and for whom we will continue to support them in their endeavors.

At the same time, we are open to other alliances with countries that share the same values as us, respect, honesty and solidarity.

Romania wants to be a stable country, with principles placed before bonuses and I want this to be understood by everyone. We are here to play a game for fun, but in an environment where common sense prevails.

Long eLive Romania!



Yorumlar (16)

I find Romania as one of the most loyal and respectful countries in the game. Always a pleasure working with you guys o7
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