The eDominacy Chronicle

XerTaLT - Новине из Germany -

Објављено у Germany - Политичке дебате и анализе - 17 Apr 2024 12:58 - 9

In the dynamic world of eDominacy, effective leadership is key to national prosperity and stability. We recently sat down with Kanzler Safer, a prominent figure known for his innovative approach to virtual governance. He shared his insights on leadership philosophy, economic strategies, and the future he envisions for our nation.

1. Kanzler Safer, could you share with us your core philosophy on leadership and governance within eDominacy? How do you approach the challenges that come with leading a virtual country?

Unlike our usual governance system from other games, here we are trying something fresh. Each minister on his respective position has absolute power on his aspect of governance, the President/community leader works as a tie breaker and an overseer of everything instead. Ofc in most decisions he has to bear the weight of a choice and live with the consequences, good or bad.

2. What are your primary strategic objectives for this term? Are there specific areas or issues you aim to address or improve?

Currently as we have already succeeded to create a stable economy and active market, our primary goal is to organize our military and offer our citizens fun internal events we are creating for some time now, some of them as big enough that even require excel and databases to store data for competing!

3. Economic stability is crucial in both the real and virtual worlds. Could you elaborate on the economic policies you plan to implement to strengthen our national economy in eDominacy?

We are already at a very good point for our size in terms of economy, we are already offering 90% upgrade refunds to our own soldiers which boosts their economy, as well as various ways to gain gold, by organizing and splitting Round Hero medals and more. What we want to do is open up our State Loan Program once we are sure we can afford accommodating more than a couple of people.

4. Given the constant threat of conflicts in eDominacy, what steps are you taking to ensure the security and military readiness of our nation?

Our Nation though its neutral and without being part of any Block/Alliance, has made sure to keep strong and good relations with our neighbors, we strive to keep a strong MPP Network that, in such case arise we have to defend ourselves, we will gain passive and perhaps even active support in our defense.

5. You recently announced a significant change to the congressional structure. What motivated this decision, and how do you foresee it impacting the political landscape of our country?

For better or worse, this game benefits a country with less democratic value. What i mean by that is, a nation with 2 active congressmen will always outvote fast a nation with 10 congressmen that many may not be all online at once to vote. The restructuring is important and mandatory to ensure fast decisions. One the other hand, it would be better if people could be way more active in Politics, but since the nations get punished indirectly for that, there is not much to say about this.

6. How important is community engagement to your administration, and what initiatives are you planning to increase player involvement and decision-making?

Community Engagement is EVERYTHING, the game, the nation and even us the government cannot survive, function or even proceed inside the game without a good, active and by extend strong community supporting us. We try to talk with people, be entertaining and re-assuring, teaching them all we know and offer them ways to grow as well as get involved into the decisions in some cases. For example, for the country of choice, avatar creation, MU name, Party name and many more, it was a collective player decision put on public polls with their own recommendations!

7. What do you consider to be the biggest challenges facing our country right now, and what are your plans to overcome them?

Damage, damage, damage. Though we have good economy and active population, sadly we lack Visas. Sadly in this game 1 Visa that is a 5 star can compete easily with 10 or even up to 20 Free to play players . SO even though we strive to deal as much without wasting stocks, we find it hard to even compete at a top 10 spot on any event, which is a very big problem for us atm. Our primary solutions are to recruit even more people as well as boost our economy and go for the longer game to increase our damage capacity.

8. Looking forward, what is your vision for the future of our nation in eDominacy? How do you plan to achieve this vision?

I want Germany to become the No 1 strong, in terms of power, economy and diplomacy nation in Edominacy. Actually, what i mean is, the No 1 Neutral nation! Currently we are being outshined by nations like Spain still that are neutral but with time i am confident we can truly be No 1. Through recruitment, dedication to our community and policies to support our dream.

9. What advice would you give to new players who are just starting out in eDominacy and wish to become more involved in national affairs?

This game can be tough, the gold income is very low and the Pay2Win element very prevelant. However, there is always more fun to be made and better ways to enjoy it such as in politics! We are always looking for new commanders to help us run our community better and deal with every day issues which we can't always be present for!

10. Finally, can you share a personal reflection or a particularly memorable moment from your time as Kanzler so far?

Haha, well the two biggest moments so far, one negative and one possitive were as follows. The negative one was, people getting increasingly angry and missunderstanding our intention when we declared our neutrality. Some MPP allies like Finland-Sweden as well as internally strong and supportive players like Kaveh and Rend had strong arguments and didnt agree with our path, so we temporarily parted ways. As for positive, our coordination during the last event which helped us almost get to the very top, but with our commanding and splitting of damage, we farmed A LOT of medals and split them between us, and with our good damage control even beat Turkey that had around 30% more firepower than us available online.



Коментари (9)

It was a great time with you, and a lot of interesting and insightful questions!
Show booba
o7 Hail Safer great interview continue please !
v+ Nice!
Nice interview but i have a question .... What do you think about a baby-boom in Germany and how it will affect the economy and the future of eGermany ?
v+s, good interview!
V+s, nice!