Објављено у Romania - Политичке дебате и анализе - 02 Mar 2025 08:00 - 12

Salutare romanasi si romancute.
A trecut ceva timp de cand nu am mai scos un articol si multe lucruri s-au intamplat de atunci. Dar pana a va prezenta situatia interna si externa a tarii as dori sa incep prin a va multumi tuturor pentru implicarea de care ati dat dovada zilele acestea, in special celor care au raspuns afirmativ la chemarile de lupta organizata.
Deasemenea, am mii de multumiri de oferit MoD-ului nostru, Lusha, care a stat aproape 24/7 alaturi de mine sa ma ajute sa trec legile de DoW sau sa organizez romanii pentru lupte.
Romania | Intern
A. Programe active
Pe plan intern continuam momentan un singur program dedicat cetatenilor Romaniei, avand in vedere situatia neplacuta in care ne aflam. Pastram o rezerva importanta de gold pentru eventuale reduceri oferite de admin la implinirea unui an de cand este deschis serverul.
Pana atunci puteti beneficia in continuare de:
1.Program de refund dezvoltat de Romania pentru work as manager, construire companii si participare deschidere RW acccesand formularul Romania | Refund
2. Program de 50% tax refund la work as mnager oferit de USA pentru a lucra la ei cu bonusurile cele mai bune. Formularul este asemanator cu cel al nostru USA | Refund
3. Echipari gratuite pentru a lupta organizat in ultimele minute pentru Romania. Trebuie sa aveti acces pe discord sau telegram.
Pentru a primi invitatie pe canalele noastre de comunicare nu ezitati sa ma contactati!
B. Situatia tarii
Suntem in a doua zi de dupa resetarea mapei si planurile noastre de a obtine bonusuri s-au spulberat o data cu atacul Croatiei asupra noastra. Astfel, am fost nevoiti sa ne adaptam strategia si sa luam masuri suplimentare de a ne proteja regiunile natale impotriva cotropitorilor.
Tin sa mentionez ca ne luptam pe campul de lupta cu Croatia, Ungaria si grupuri anti-Romania. Nu va fi o lupta usoara dar eu simt ca vom iesi invingatori.
Avem sprijinul necontenit al USA, aliatii nostri cei mai apropiati si vreau sa multumesc lui BattleHero pentru acest lucru.
Romania | Extern
A. The war with Croatia + Hungary and anti-Romania groups
Once the map reset happens, the Romania's agreement with Croatia for Hungary stopped. That comes with an expected Romania DoW on Hungary and with a less expected IW of Croatia on Romania.
Even if we hoped that our former allies would not attack us, because it was a common sense measure not to do that to an old friend who fought for your bonuses and protected you from enemies, we still tried to be prepared and not be taken by surprise. Proof, that we repelled the first attack of Croatia on our capital, and we are thoroughly preparing to answer them in such a way that they will remember us.
The Croatian dynasty is coming to the end, same for their good friends from Hungary.
B. Romania's accession to the Eden alliance
Romania's neutrality ended once a member of the Hydra alliance decided to attack us. Thus, we urgently joined the Eden alliance, in order to build a common action against the new common enemy.
I would like to clarify that Romania's behavior will be one of reaction. Any involvement of a new member of Hydra in the war that has begun with Croatia will translate into an escalation of the conflict.
The collaboration with Eden and the USA will be a long-term one, the goal being to remind a group of countries that they are not invincible as they thought.
Long e-live Romania!

BattleHeroalbanezziMotorinaMotorinaBulito99LushaScymeXKosingasTrouble_boyMiracleMiracleMiracleMiracleDreamkiller1514Dreamkiller1514Dreamkiller1514Dreamkiller1514Exu CaveiraMangaMangaBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuHe did itHe did itLemann o BilionarifКоментари (12)



welcome to the dark side!
and good luck

Welcome Romanian brothers!
balance is now perfect
Thank you Hydra love you


Humulus betrayed Hydra, i have respect for all other Romanian players o7

Selling damage

@Mitar86, I will miss your bad jokes. I can rent a China region for Hungary and Croatia so they can stay togheter when are wiped

How do you feel knowing no one like you in this game and accept you only because of your money

Hail Romania o7, Hail Eden o7 We are good side of game !!!

Bornax, some people forget this is a game and start taking things personally
That is when it gets all fun and games, because those people end up crying 


Hellspawn, I aint crying cause our plan is very simple. Stop Romania from having bonuses and will continue so till the attacks on Hunagry stop, at the cost being deleted. About taking things personally, it is personal, he is a zero of a person. All the best to all romanians except him o7

It's ok. Romanians don't respect Croatia