The Irish Republic

Brisleain - Новине из Ireland -

Објављено у Bulgaria - Политичке дебате и анализе - 12 Apr 2024 05:24 - 43

I have been playing these games for a large chunk of my life. They have got me through high school, college, and into my adult life now. I am very thankful for the people that I have met throughout my time in these games. However, I must be honest with you all and with the staff here in the game. I am currently at my breaking point. I have spent $1,134.37 USD exactly on this game. This is a drop in the bucket compared to some people. But I ask myself, “what have I got in return for this?”. The answer is the resounding shock value of disappointment. These games get worse and worse with every new one that comes out. With that being said, here are the suggestions I would give.

I want to point out that if these suggestions are not met with at least some kind of dialogue with the staff I will effectively quit the game on 4/19/24 at 11:59PM.

Here are the suggestions:

1. Remove nukes entirely from the game and compensate players (either by gold, EBs, RPGs)  for buying these when they were later nerfed greatly. They serve no purpose.
2. Make Energy Bars limited and have a cool down timer on each pack. Larger the pack, the longer the cool down. 
3. Make Energy Bars, RPGs, etc available by purchase with gold. 
4. More gold for your buck. The prices for gold currently in the store are way too high. 
5. Remove the rounds for battles and do one single 24 hour battle. These are designed for the player to use more resources which in turn have a higher chance to spend more money at the store. 
6. Add a trade channel within the global chat. 
7. Make medals worth more gold than they are. Players need to be able to make gold with these medals to purchase numerous things. This will improve player retainment because they are able to purchase certain things with gold. Higher player retainment will increase the likelihood of the game making money on their end. 
8. Companies are too expensive and the cost should remain at 50% the total cost. Why would new players join the game when the first players here already received the discount. It would be an unfair advantage. This will increase player retainment. 
9. Make the MU (Military Unit) more valuable and beneficial to the player. Increase abilities for the player who owns the MU. Add last login time for the Commander/Captain to see. More rewards for DOs. 
10. Filter for resources on the world map. 
11. Increase worker tokens earned by Research Building. 
12. Countries should get an org account. 
13. Lower level to donate to an article.
14. Remove naval battles.
15. The creation of a council of players from around the game where you consult changes before they are not. With this there is a bridge of communication before the implementation of change.

I respect the staff, and I understand that not all changes can be met, however, changes do need to be made if this game is to survive another 6 months. 2k players actively play, this is nothing compared to past games. 

As I stated, if these changes are not met with at least dialogue with the staff, then I will not be playing anymore and I will not give the game another dollar and I will be leaving.




KavehPavelchodaniderBattleHeroOrignalQcBlack DraGoNSadamSir barbodBananaZarak1El_TarloBraneBillyGrandeAdmin

Коментари (43)

I am generally in support for most of the things you propose, with the exclusion of two - 5 (rounds are great change to the battlefield) and 14 (i don't see that much problem in it) also a note on point 8 - every player gets 5 day discount on upgrades on signup, it's not just us day 1s. Otherwise your feedback for the game is very good and I like the rest of the proposals.
I want to support this article but
+1 support especially the option to buy energy with G
I hate naval battle
Thank you for your very good article.@dani +1
V+S from your dear Nemesis Wink o7 Finally a gold buyer taking a stand, big VISA players are the only one who's voice can be acknowledged by the admin team. I spent around 100 euros and don't really feel a big change for the money.
true +99
disagree with item 5 agree with the others I have many fair and useful suggestions in mind. That is useless to say. I just tire myself
Dont agree with 5,6, 11 , 14 The rest is good
Quote the ADMIN: "We can make request 13 possible from all 15... and maybe, even 6 if I have time.."
Some are less important than other but i agree with many of them
Support all this if we dont get wat we want lets leave game
Great article, not much arguments to be made against it, Except point 5, these games are as blant as it goes, at least the round system is something a little more dynamic and spicy
the game is much more interesting when it is on rounds or when every minute of influence gives you victory points. 24 hour battle is the dumbest thing that can be introduced
Buen artículo v + s
que buen servicio v + s
When an article is published in the game it shows that the game is active and there are concerns for the players, we all know that not all suggestions will be implemented but I support the suggestion to create a group related to the management team, create moderators It can also help the admin team to prevent cheating, it can allay the concerns of the players because experienced moderators can make changes in the game that make us have an active and live game, with this activity of the team The management will be happy and can use the help of the players and the players will be happy... Even if it is not possible to add moderators, it is necessary to establish a group that communicates with the management, In order for the game to continue its good trend, it will need changes from time to time, and such groups can provide effective suggestions... This text is written with a translator...
Agreed with everything minus point 5
Getting rid of 5 would be pointless, that would only serve certain players. Multiple rounds more chances for everyone to win medals .
Bravo !!!
Some valid points, but im sure as expirienced player you could probably see that issues from before. While i dont agree about everything you said, one think is 100% on spot.. for game to evolve and survive we need more players, not by referal link, but by making game more interesting. I had problem with no1 game from this admin, and that is MAP. Some countries have huge advantage over others in regions or location. Example entire asia and N America is just one big farm with huge number of regions, while just look at South-east europe, very small region with in-game supperpowers..reguardless of RL, no country in game should have more than 3x regions than any other, let alone 5x or more as we have. As that didnt change here, im still on strike with my wallet Smile , after all thats all i can do. BTW, big mistake here is that devs allowed unlimited purchase of gold and packs at start of game, that has instantly created huge gap in players ability and game is not even 3 weeks old . F2P players are important in any MMO game, and with this move from admins it will be difficult to create larger player base. And even what we do get here, many will just quit due to that. I highly doubt that game will reach 10k players (not double accounts). What i do think more than likely that will happen as already huge gap is created , many F2P players will just not bother and with in month or two go in to 2click mode with some even leave game completely and in turn that will have effect on players like your self who has heavily invested in this game. But, while i dont think its worth it, that doesnt mean you dont, and fair play to that, but extremely high pay2win aspect this time around is death blow to game.
I sign and I sincerely hope that as a player I am also aware that the admin takes these proposals into account, point 5 and 14 I believe would be up for debate, since I honestly find it entertaining and we were able to realize on the day of the event that it was per round, such time to make it more dynamic, other things could be added, I'm just citing an idea, if country A attacks Country B the energy recharge time of the recharge of these two countries will be reduced by half, so they can hit more in a round, like this The allies would only be waiting to help and the battle would be more direct or have more influence among the players, it would produce demand for food and weapons, which would improve the economy, it is just an idea
What i agee with is that something definitely must be done because the game had probably the worst possible start in the history of those games, the changes that were made a few days back is only the beginning if the administration wants to keep the game alive. On top of everything the admin change, the mods removal and the statement made by Tovar that communication will only be held through tickets ingame i find ridiculous and not a good sign in my opinion to say the least. Learn from your mistakes if you want to keep the game alive and earn in the LONG RUN not just for a couple of months. We've all seen the past miserable failures. Smile
It is perfect
Whats new here ? Just some copy paste game with some new grafics... same code from erev2
Nice suggestions o7 s63 v69
There are a lot of things to change here, if not everything. Starting from the store. First of all the number of the packs (golds/energy packs etc) should be reduced. Gold packs price too high and not worth it. A 12€ pack that last only 10 minutes on battlefield. A useless monthly pack and too expensive energy packs. Not worth it. If the rewards of the packs will remain like this, then they need to change the amount of energy spent for 1 hit. To compete and shoot every round we need to spend 100€ daily. 2 options, rise the in game rewards and the packs rewards or change the rounds system. A game to be active, needs action. Add more daily missions or tasks so people can spend more time and earn more rewards. Otherwise the effort of NON VISA players will be useless. Add more golds to the game. Upgrade the medals reward to 5 gold. Reduce the dmg from one medal to the next one.
Also, definitely improve the FIGHT button, and the report that comes after every fight button is so annoying and not smooth at all. Needs some creativity to smoothen fight button out when people want to do the tanking… Currently it’s so unpleasant to do tanking.
1200 usd on this game xD sleep well knowing you are a retard
You are correct !!! o7
even if nukes are removed the damage with rank progression is already done and will screw everyone else up.
laughs you spent a whole bag on this. also #6 was my idea. don't spend money the first month, baby boys.
we are all just a bunch addicts Cheeky
I’m not upset about the money. I could spend another thousand at will. The key issue is that what is occurring is destroying the game (and any credibility).
1200 usd on this game xD !?!?!? (in a fortnight).
Especially gold on RH,how they expect people to build TG companies with 1 gold per RH ? Two is almost not profitable for a state. Should be increased drastically at 2.5 or 3g per RH. We want to fight with weapons but we lost 10 times more than what we win.
Triple A videogames which production cost few 100 million dollars nowadays are sold for 60-70 euroes and you have a huge content and an actual game. So a browser game should absolutely give you a good content when you spend the same amount. Especially when big visa players pump huge money in it. The more I play these games the more I realize it's just a few months scam to get the money fast. I wish it was p2w, but its worst then that.
fast alle Vorschläge sind sehr sinnvoll und durchdacht
The big mistake that the majority has made is to buy in a massive and uncontrolled way without first evaluating all this first. If you really want a change, agree on all the visas and not spend more for a few days