North Korea Daily News

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Објављено у North Korea - Друштвена догађања и забава - 20 Oct 2024 07:14 - 3


1. The official name of state is Democratic People's Republic of Korea - DPKR or eNorth Korea. Abbreviation used is eNK.

2. eNK is sovereign, independent and recognized country of eWorld.

3. eNK is totalitarian state ruled by dictator who is candidated and voted by high council without term limits.

4. Loyalty to the State and dictator is a political duty of all citizens.

5. Every citizen of eWorld is free to apply for citizenship and won't be judged upon his past.

6. Official language used in game is English.

7. Territory of country is inalienable and organized into regions. 

8. Capital city is Pyongan in region Pyongan named after the city.

9. eNK hold claim on all in game North Korean regions ( Pyongan, Chagang, Ryanggang, Hamgyong, Kangwon, Hwangae ) and South Korean regions as we do not recognize sovergnity and independence of South Korea ( Gyeonggj-do, Gangwon-do, Chungcheongnam-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Jeollabuk-do, Jeollanam-do, Gyeonsangnam-do and Jeju )

10. Any foreign occupation of any of these regions will be considered as act of war. 

11. Founding Fathers of nation are MangaFJNG and Celio


1. eNK has one party system which means only legal and official party in country is eKorean National Front. It is forbidden for anyone to create other party or candidate for party president of eKNF.

2. Dictator is proposed and voted by members of high council ( 3 or 5 members ).

3. Highest legislature body in country is dictator ( if not elected founding fathers hold control until next dictator is elected )

4. High council consists of 3 founding fathers and ( if needed ) 2 most loyal and honourable citizens.

5. Government must contain at least 2  members ( governor and MoD ). They are elected by dictator himself and he has all power to add, remove or change members and positions.

6. Government proposes draft for law proposal which congress member finalize and put into vote procedure while dictator has right to veto any law proposal.

7. Governments positions are next: Prime Minister ( leading internal affairs, chief of immigration office, overlooks does ministers do their job and chief of congress ), Minister of Foreign affairs( in most cases dictator in combination with MoD take care of foreign affairs ), Minister of Defence ( also General of the North Korean Army and leader of all military operations conducted by country ), Minister of Economy/Governor ( governor of national bank which regulates monetary exchange of korean won in country borders and outside them, regulates taxes and motivate domestic produces with editing taxes ), Minister of Education and Propaganda ( helps assimilate new and foreign citizens into community, writes articles about country policies and reforms ) 

8. Congress is under direct control of prime minister and must abide strict rules set by dictator. They are representatives of citizens and country itself and they must be honourable persons. Dictator proposes and edits candidatures for congress which are limited to only trusted and loyal citizens. 

9. Any breach of constitution or law will be sanctioned and citizen black listed.


1. All citizens enjoy the rights and freedoms granted to them by the Constitution, and have the duties laid down thereby.

2.  The right of access to public, civil, or military positions or dignities shall be granted, according to the law, to persons whose citizenship is Korean.

3. All citizens have the right to one (1) anonymous vote per election and the right to one (1) public vote per referendum.

4. Regular citizens can't enter higher politics or enter congress without previous security check.

5. The right to work shall not be restricted. Everyone has a free choice of his/her profession, trade or occupation, as well as workplace.

6. Free access of persons to economic activity, free enterprise, and their exercise under the law shall be guaranteed.

7. The right of property, as well as the debts incurring on the State, are guaranteed. The content and limitations of these rights shall be established by law.

8. Citizens are under the obligation to contribute to public expenditure, by taxes and duties but government must assure tax burden is fairly distributed.

8. Right to freely express in media and public.

9. Every citizen has right and duty to defend Korea.

10. All citizens have the right to live free of harassment by another citizen. Harassment is defined as the words, conduct or action, repeated or persistent that, being directed at a specific person, annoys, alarms, or causes substantial emotional distress in that person and serves no purpose.


CelioFJNGAeriuzThe EmperorKrilnikCR0

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