Thinking Out Loud

BattleHero - Новине из Romania -

Објављено у United States of America - Друштвена догађања и забава - 18 Oct 2024 05:00 - 28

Reminder: This article is about Peruvian multimakers only. I know there are Spanish players and other latinos in ther community, this has nothing to do with any of you. Just beware that among your "Federation" there are cheaters and many, many multis. The Federation sell you an illusion of a populated and strong country/community, but the true backbone of that "Paper Empire" are actually the latinos that joined. If we'd count all of you out, it would be only a few real Peruvians left and dozens of multis. All i'm aiming for is for those multis to get banned and all of us to enjoy a fair and clean game. For me it doesn't matter that much who win or loses battles and wars, i want to play a clean game with real players, i'm all for banning multis in every country regardless of their side.

Yesterday during the league match (Peru vs Bosnia) , the same accounts came online, with Peru reaching 32 online players simultaneously, a true achievement for the state of the game right now. I would congratulate them, if i didn't knew the truth.. more than half of the accounts are bots activated to fight in the league.
Screenshot with online multis mentioned in the previous article

I've been tracking those accounts since Day 100.
For more than 105 days, these accounts logged in daily for a few seconds, up to a minute or two, to work, train, produce and sell their products on market, that was all. All of them in a short timeframe, clear indication that there is only one guy behind all of those accounts. They were also stocking all this time and used to fight in important battles, like the first war with Brazil where they destroyed a community with their multis.

Day 101
Day 102:

Those screenshots are from 05-07 / 07 / 2024, more than 3 months ago. Today they have pretty much the same behaviour, the only difference is that they changed behaviour after the first article. Their maker is trying to split their login time in groups and mix them with real players,

This is on Day 138, 23 accounts logged in just 15 minutes, The same bot accounts, daily, over and over.
A true record, isn't it? about 35-40 seconds per account.
^ What more proof would anyone need than seeing this screenshot?

He(they) started selling products for different prices recently, let me show you more about this, this is how it used to look like in the past:
This is how bots behave. Produce the same stuff, post them on market for the same price, in the spawn of 30-60 minutes, ALL OF THEM. How is this not obvious? Now they stopped doing this, right after the article, pretty normal, right?

I already know Admin will not ban them. They add up nicely to those "fake stats" and simulate activity and engagement in an almost dead game. The long term effects of actions like this will drive real players away.
Enjoy your multimakers and ZOMBIE army, Admin. We know the truth, we know they're multis and we know you chose to ignore them.


humulusDeflectionDeflectionAeriuzGuba OtrovnaNSKBproMurat MonstrumEvanzLesleyLesleyLesleyLesleyYoX1921Dellex

Коментари (28)

Peruana 87% clean
Nice work Hero... but admin is made his choice long time ago 🤐 Vote and sub
Crying started
Admin, still you won’t do anything? BH, great article, thanks! o7
If it is a game, make it a fair game
How can you look at this Admin, and do nothing?
Im in your multi list?r really? You know me from another games, cmon bro, we fight in the same site in .....
It's a game, just stop crying
@Kachito i never said every player in the "online list" yesterday is a multi. I said "more than half" are bots activated to fight in the league.
When you make one about your clones, expecialy asmin, I will even bother to read. Cry me a river till then, and admin ban all people that have clones, the rest of us, few but honest will survive!
OchiReci, you didn't even knew me or asmin before this game, you're spreading rummors like that without knowing anything, that says a lot about you.. i've been checked dozens of times for referrals based on reports and guess what, all my referrals are real players. You're on that list too if you forgot, and many others.
xd resulta q todos 3sos son multis xdddddd oe as algo con tu vida bañate o has ejercicio, oe ahora resulta que muchos del gobierno y amigos de años jugando este game son multis un poco más me pones ami, deja de llorar qué llegara ala Federación el maremoto
no se tu pero es normal conectarse todos ala misma hora por el llamado del comandante para pegar en una batalla importante
Haha, that is a good one, me, a bot? pft, go cool your brains down for a bit. Well, it looks more like a delusion and self-reflecting article for such practices. Oh, btw I do not just work, train & produce, but also do the daily challenge and some snipping, and I leave my account active whole day just to mess up with the RH hunters Cheeky
From what I can read here it seems that our friends from the Federation lack of something called 'reading comprehension' since what Hero stated is that over half of the accounts there are clones/bots, not all of them. If you are so bothered about being accused of having clones this can be solved by sharing screenshots of your communication channels (Whatsapp, Discord, etc.) where these 'calls' from your commander can be clearly seen, along with the involvement of the accounts suspected to be clones.
Admin should add phone number verification in order to help with this. That way it'd at least be harder (and more expensive) for multi-makers to have an entire army of them.
Soy bott jajajaaaj Soy multi de issakSirko
Battle Di1D0 come on, have some time for real life as well, instead of chasing how many times the peruvians fart go and enjoy your life until you have it.
yo soy multi de Aguiar jajajajajaja :v, tmr que pendejad@.
uno ya no puede estar 2 clik? porque lo tildan de bot, además de este "juego", porque más que un juego es una comunidad y somos una comunidad más grande de hispanoablantes y eso es un hito que logramos por primera vez en el eMundo y si entramos al game es por nuestras amistades y amigos, administración sabe que años tras años que mis hermanos y amigos usamos el mismo nik de server en server, como decía además de este game estoy jugando 4 juegos que exigen la mayoría de mi tiempo además de trabajar e ir al gym, estoy en el WhatsApp donde el comandante avisa de las batallas importantes y no tan importantes el mismo nos dijo, cada hit es muy valioso para la confederación así sea poco o mucho la idea es estar todos como hermanos y pasar muy bien jugando este juego qué le tenemos mucho cariño a pesar de las malas decisiones tomadas aún o buscamos su encanto. se que a ese grupo donde pertenecen son un poco racistas qué no les gusta que una clase de tercermundista e hispanoablantes cresca humillando nos, no les gusta que tomemos regiones que eran en todos los servidores su territorio, pero solo tomamos lo justo y necesario estamos felices con nuestra comunidad felices con nuestros rivales porque que sería el juego sin rivales agradesco la madures de la administración de comprender la situación .
Not bad. o7. Waiting for part 3
Y se supone que son otanistas, pero son más desunidos que nosotros ...y eso que. Estamos llenos de comunistas
Pls write for MKD
Yo soy la multi de BattleHero
Yo soy una ilusión XD cierto no sé que hago opinando si no estoy en ésa lista XD