Behnam - Новине из Iran -

Објављено у Albania - Политичке дебате и анализе - 12 Oct 2024 12:31 - 5

Hello dear readers,
It’s a somber day in Edominacy as another prominent alliance disbands, following in the footsteps of many before it. Once vibrant and brimming with activity, the Edominacy we knew and loved feels like it's slipping away. The lifeblood of this game – the alliances, the rivalries, and the camaraderie – seems to be fading, and a sense of resignation looms over many.*cc6aHlgx3AJZ0daMgOvMQQ.png

When alliances like Pheonix, once central to the game’s heart, dissolve, it’s not just a goodbye to a group but a farewell to an era of unforgettable moments. Yet, as these goodbyes accumulate, one can’t help but wonder: Where are the admins? Why do they remain silent, merely watching as Edominacy withers?
The purpose of admins in any game is more than just oversight; they’re the caretakers of a thriving community. They ensure that updates keep the experience fresh, that players feel heard, and that engagement is rewarded. And yet, with no response from the admins as alliances disband and players drift away, it feels as though they have turned a blind eye to the game’s slow decline.
Every player and alliance that has poured time, strategy, and loyalty into Edominacy deserves better. This game was once a battlefield, a place of unity and rivalry, and a world that brought players together. The passion of players hasn't dwindled; it’s the sense of community that’s at stake.
The admins owe us answers: Why aren’t there updates to keep the game engaging? Why haven’t they addressed the concerns of a community that, until recently, was so loyal and passionate?
All we’re asking for is care, communication, and action – the things that can keep Edominacy alive and meaningful for all of us who still cherish this game.
For all the alliances that have come and gone and for the players who continue to stay, it’s time to speak up. Admins, it’s time to act. Don’t let Edominacy become just another relic of the past.
For Edominacy, for the alliances that made it great, and for the future we still believe in – we’re waiting.


PentitoLesleyShadow FiendSinaSinaSina

Коментари (5)

Don't worry, soon they will introduce third server "eRevonacy". They launch a perfect game and later deteriorate it.