Nouvelles du Vignoble

CVigneron - Новине из France -

Објављено у France - Политичке дебате и анализе - 15 Sep 2024 12:45 - 9

Sweden is nowadays an interesting nation, that occupies a good amount of regions in the Scandinavian and in the Baltic region.
It's country president, Guatemala, is also the leader in charge of the FEAR Alliance, composed also by Georgia and Hungary and currently ranked 3rd in the world.

I've take the chance for a talk with Guatemala in order to try to discover something more about his nation and his alliance.
I've been welcomed in one of the cornerstones of the Swedish defense system, the castle of Akershus, where this interview took place.

Good Morning Mr. President and thank you for finding the time to meet me. I would like to ask you to draw a short picture of yourself for the ones who still don't know who you are.

First of all, welcome in Sweden and thank you for choosing me. 
I'm one of the founders of this nation on this game. I've been known as G7 in other similar games, where I learned the basis of the political life. When the new world started, with a bunch of friends I've tried to made this a great nation and I think that the results are paying us for the efforts made until now.

About Sweden, It seems you really love this nation and that you have great plans for it. Which have been the basis to create a so strong group that follows the same principles?

Sweden has been created with a group of friends that, as me, wanted to flee from an ended world and seek for new adventures and opportunities. We had fun in the old world but a real change was needed.
So the group has been one of the keypoints of the newborn nation: a multicultural team with different skills and abilities. Our veterans are from very different places: Georgia, Egypt, Tunisia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Greece, Serbia, Albania and Bolivia and I hope I'm not missing anyone. So it means different cultures and different approaches and points of view that always help evaluating situations in the best way. At the same time, we have persons with different skills and interests, that helped us to establish a Government where everyone had the chance to work for the preferred module.

So is it right to say that, after developing your nation, you tried to create also something that could help shape the geopolitical situation (= FEAR Alliance)?

Everyone knows that this world changes very fast and that nations have already rise and fall but I think that, looking at the results, Phoenix and FEAR have been the most successfull Alliances of this game.
So we can say that our experienced HQ has surely helped to create something bigger and stronger.
We had the chance to collect our own bonuses, in a world where only Phoenix seemes to control them for months. In particular I would like to take the change to thank the single players that made this possible, expecially those from Albania.
Right now our strong point is this: the single players that helps each other and try to build something different by collecting military victories but also protecting the smaller allies. 
This allows us to have satisfied members in the Alliance, that are not continuously trying to look for a new place in the world order.
Our Alliance is very versatile and ready to respond to any threath: thanks to the single players in contact with our roots, often problems are solved before reaching the HQ, in a well working machine that seems running from centuries.
Of course we have Leaders, but everyone consider himself part of the process and this is something that makes me really proud of my Alliance.

You've made some references to past and present evenements so I would like to take the chance and ask you which are your forecasts for the world....

Well, this is not an easy question and I would surely like to have a sphere in which reading the future in order to help my nations to be ready for any challenge....but I think that the future scenario is very downgrading because the world seems dominated by an Alliance while the rest of the countries don't seem to have the evergy and the will to fight against it. The reshuffle of the map's resources helped a lot but disassembling Alliances and randomize political unions could be an interesting twist in the game...this could also help to bring new relations and communications between old enemies or groups that, sadly, bring irl tensions ingame.

As you know I came from France, a nation reduced to a one island dominion in the Mediterranean sea. In the possible future scenario that you draw, the life seems that will keep to be difficult for nation as mine....

First of all let me say that I always try to support small nations and to have empathy for them. We all would like to see a movie where the loser makes a transformation and solve the plot. But sadly the experience has teach me that this is possible only if that nation is supported by a Visa player, that can invite people in the nation, support them and invest his money for the success of the country.
However this is the minority of the situations, so what I would like to suggest to small nations is, while keeping in mind its own principles, to try to find a way to unite them or, even better, to accept their des and find a new path in an already existing biggest community. The world is difficult and others can't always fight your battles.

I hoped that you could teach me a secret but I have to accept this sad scenario. In France we are trying to keep the flame shining but we know how easily it could be turn off.
Thank you very much Mr. President for this interesting talking.
I wish you all the best for the future!


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Коментари (9)

Thank you dear French Leader and also a great Journalist. Thanks for bringing the Interview type journalism to this game. I always admired such articles in other ganes. All the best to the French nation.
Wow! Nice article! Please continue with your work!
Great article! o7
Very interesting article which tells us a little more about how the game works ;-) +1
Sweds are not in the game.
Good job o7