The Dalton's

El_Tarlo - Новине из Greece -

Објављено у North Macedonia - Ратне анализе - 25 Aug 2024 04:43 - 10

Greetings eDominacy world ! 
Today i decided to write a few more about the recent wars against eGreece.

I am not responsible of making you cry or wet with my tears. 

Lets start ... 

New players coming into the game and that's great for everyone ....

Today until now ....

Still wondering , who ordered all that clones ... something is moving behind the curtains ....
we have to be ready ....

Now let's answer to a question i had in my previous article (check it HERE)

The answer to that is that Greece started the invasion war law.
After i got elected and saw that there was no peace from previous war and saw that USA didn't attacked us
i thought that they forgot to attack and i decided to attack them to drain them and help our brothers.
I know that you might think that this is not the best way to intoduce yourself to another goverment,
but i think we did our best to help our brothers and for the game to evolve.
I think i answered to your request. Let's talk about some other requests that didn't worked well ...
In the middle of the war and without any offer for peace or cease fire , Bulgarian president asked for a rent .... 
As you can see , we didn't accept it and we made a counter offer ...

And some last battles ...

The war continiues ....

And as always ....
Happy #DrainWeek !! 



Коментари (10)

El_Tarlo, Greece o7 This game is about war & politic, so there is nothing wrong with starting a war.
DarkBlack , first of all it's a GAME and in order for us to have fun we have to fight each other. But at the end we are all friends who enjoy the same game. All we have to do is to stay at game level and try to have fun without messing our EGO to the game.
Always the Star wars has been the heart of the memes we all love Laugh
El_Tarlo was right .... i cried :'Crying
Cry, baby
poor you
I cri... Sad