The Poet

Malpicci - Новине из Peru -

Објављено у Romania - Први кораци у игри - 13 Aug 2024 09:24 - 8


I'm quite sure that this article will be a waste of time but maybe, just maybe, it can be useful. I know people will claim I'm favoring one side over another, and if that is your opinion you don't need to comment. However, if you have honest comments regarding the proposed changes, feel free to comment and I will read carefully, if I agree I will promptly change my article or add your idea to my article.

I will clarify something at the beginning, I WILL ALWAYS FAVOR THE DEFENDER SIDE AND FREE-TO-PLAY PLAYERS. Most of my suggestions are to help small/medium communities or countries that are being stacked by bigger countries. 

I know this kind of game is mostly played by people that want to have their egos inflated by a spending their RL money, so already know what to expect from the comments section but, we never know, maybe you guys surprise me positively.

Preventing stacks

  1. Defense Shield by number of DOW

             We know that a current strategy used by all alliances is to stack up against one country and send multiple DoWs sometimes even using dead countries. My opinion is that you should be allowed to do that but at the same time should be penalized for being an aggressor toward a single country. So my ideia is that if a Country X receives multiples DoWs, Country X should receive an extra Defense Shield for when they are the defenders.
              Example 1:
                             Romania sends DoW against Germany 
                                              - 1 battle = 100% damage from both sides - No extra Defense Shield.
             Example 2:
                             Romania sends DoW against Germany
                             Bulgaria sends DoW against Germany 
                                              - 2 battles = 95% damage from the Aggressors' side (Romania and Bulgaria) - Activates an extra Defense Shield on Germany's Defender side.
             Example 3:
                             Romania sends DoW against Germany
                             Bulgaria sends DoW against Germany 
                             Croatia sends DoW against Germany
                                              - 3 battles = 90% damage from the Aggressors' side (Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia) - Activates an extra Defense Shield on Germany's Defender side.

One argument that can be used against this suggestion is that alliances would use Proxy wars to increase their shields, so please read the next suggestion to help this possible problem.

    2. Cooldown for Direct Orders of War
           To fix the possible problem that can be caused by the previous suggestion and also fix a current problem that occurs which is Proxy wars, I propose to have a cooldown on sending DoWs by one country against the same country. Suggestion would be either 7 days or 14 days. This can also help small communities to grow back after getting wiped or even preventing them from that. It will become harder for countries to maintain multiple bonuses in 80%/100%.
                       Bulgaria sends DoW against Argentina
                       Bulgaria wipes Argentina (DoW enters in 7 or 14 days cooldown)
                       Argentina liberates one region
                       Bulgaria will need to wait the cooldown to send DoW again
                       Argentina might keep liberating their regions and helping their community

Cooldown will also prevent using Proxy wars to help with suggestion 1.

Helping economy for EVERYONE
    3. Increase minimum Foreign Tax rate
Right now, anyone can produce in a different country with a 1:1 rate. Of course each country can dictate it and increase for foreign if they want to; however, I believe the game should put a minimum for foreign taxes so the production of the whole eWorld will not be concentrate on only one country. I propose something like minimum of 2cc or 3cc. It will help improve the economy of countries with less privileged bonuses. 
          Example - Current
                        If I produce in my own country (Romania), I will be paying 30cc for 40/40/40/20% bonuses.
                        If I produce internationally, for example Albania, I will be paying 30cc for 100/100/100/100% bonuses.

          Example - Proposed 
                        If I produce in my own country (Romania), I will be paying 30cc for 40/40/40/20% bonuses.   
                        If I produce internationally, for example Albania, I will be paying 90cc for 100/100/100/100% bonuses.

Does this mean that players will stop producing on countries with higher bonuses? No. However, they might at least think if is better to spend more CC with higher bonuses or to spend less CC with lower bonuses. This could help middle to low bonuses countries.

     4. Increase F2P energy or lower P2W energy. And medals!
         The current state of the economy is administration's fault. The 1000 limit companies is just a slap on the face F2P players, basically a joke. However, it is a joke because the administration took months to realize that letting P2W players spend their RL money on gold and energy would be a great idea for the "game", aka their own pockets. So, what did it cause? Well, P2W players simply command the demand on everything, specially weapons. 
         How can we try to fix it a little bit? Either increase F2P energy gained by missions, weekly challenge, or whatever. Or put a REAL limit on energy purchase (even though I know people will find a way to buy over the limit ahhahahahah). 
         I have been playing this server for 5 months and a P2W player can simply click twice and buy the same amount of energy I have been gathering for this whole period. This is just insane. 
         No player should be constantly hitting 150k-200k hits weekly, even though we know there are a few that can. How can this game be any competitive if F2P are thrown to the trash? Having P2W players putting twice the damage a F2P players has dealt in months but in just a SINGLE BATTLE?
         Also, P2W players can purchase gold as much as they want while F2P are gaining 5 gold per TP and 1g + 25 cc per TA? Why would a F2P spend their weapons if a P2W can buy from them for more money that they would receive from spending it on a battle? 

      5. Change the Level factor on damage calculation.
         I have been saying for a long time that Level is what matters the most of the damage calculation, and that players around the same Strength but in different Levels will have a totally different experience in the game.

Current formula: dmg = ceil(((lvl x 5) + str) x (1 + (rank x 0.025)) x power x boost + missile) x hits

         Focus on the (lvl x 5) + str. What does that mean?
         Using two players with 5000 Strength but one with level 100 and the other with level 500.
For the level 100
           (100 x 5) + 5000 = 5500
For the level 500
            (500 x 5) + 5000 = 7500

                      "Virtually", this means that the player with level 100 has 2000 less Strength compared to the level 500. If I get higher levels it only gets worse and worse, for example a level 1000 would have "virtually" 4500 more Strength. Whenever you look at a player with 2000/4500 less strength than you, do you think they have their power any closer to yours? Is it fair?
My suggestion would be to reduce the (lvl x 5) to (lvl x 2) or even less than that.
Not only P2W players have more energy to spend but they also gain way more fire power for hitting more. This is just insane.

                       You should also read Overseer's article on Exponential Growth/Level Cap ( to check his idea. I think it can be helpful but it would still benefit P2W players who can just keep buying more Energy to keep increasing the difference in their levels over the F2P players.

      6. Rounds duration
          I was a defender of 2 hours rounds before but it got me fed up real quick and I believe more players might feel the same. Activity is important but we all have lives outside of the game, and with the current round system we just cannot do much outside of playing the game. Hopefully, we will all agree on some increase in that time, maybe 3 or 4 hours rounds, I don't know. I know Admin already mentioned it on the previous article so I will not talk much about it. 

I got very tired while typing this whole article, specially knowing people will either not read or just hate it, so if I messed up on something just let me know and I will come back and fix it or explain something better. 

If you have any real suggestion, let me know and I will include in the article.






Коментари (8)

Remove unlimited gold/energy or the game is dead.
Support Malpicci, Extra Defense Shield idea is good o7
Puta que pariu, muito foda pra ler tudo isso...fórmula e os kraio ....traduz aí 🤦🏼‍♂️
Good propositions. I dont want to be the bearer of bad news but restrictions on gold and energy should have been something the game started with. I have a feeling its a bit too late, but worth a shot.
Support my favourite journalist
Agree with this!