El Carabobeño

Overseer - Новине из Venezuela -

Објављено у Venezuela - Први кораци у игри - 10 Aug 2024 12:05 - 14


Hello! Here's another Alejoidea

As you've seen from other games similar to this one, after a while, players grow to such stupid levels that it makes it impossible for others to catch up. If we want to incentivize new communities, eventually players need to meet at a point where growing in strength/level reaches a limit at some point.

The REASON why strength is such an issue, is because it is one of the three main pillars of Strenght/Damage in the game. Here's the formula for those unaware:

dmg = ceil(((lvl x 5) + str) x (1 + (rank x 0.025)) x power x boost + missile) x hits

An Unyielding level, incentivized further by the possibility of an X2 Multiplier from a Gold Pack which all VISAS will always be able to afford, ensures this is a Pay to win game. No matter how much skill you have, whether you invest 10 or 20 hours into the game, you will NEVER catch up to them

This is a bigger issue, because it will pretty much provide increases of damage to the user that will make him a sort of God of War dealing 10 million per hit without weapons (or more, as an example), where as players starting the game will hit a max of 100000 damage with bazookas per hit, for example. Thus, what happens when in two years this players reach levels that make it impossible for others to catch up? What's the incentive of buying gold to grow when others are reaching levels so stupid its unreachable? When their damage is unmatched? No Single user should have such power.

I bring the example of 4 Games. Games under which players have reached to Absurd levels after years upon years of playing this game. In eRev: The Last Lynx Pardinus IS lvl 8288, In eRev2: Plamenfm is lvl 7008. In eDominations: La0ch is lvl 5509. And for us: Celio is lvl 1405. They all follow the same trend of infinite growth and are people that can solo an entire nation or group of nations.

Do we really want that to be for us? Other games where level increases damage, like MMORPGs such as Aion, Mu Online, Final Fantasy XV, they all have level caps for a reason. To allow F2P players to catch up EVENTUALLY (after several months of hard work)

My Proposal:

1) Introduce a level 1500 OR level 2000 Cap, Increasing the cap AS NEEDED once several players catch up to it. More super tanks: More balance on countries.

2) Introduce Exponential Growth: Every 100 levels, XP requirements to level up increase. Example: Players from lvl 30 to 100 need 5000 XP to level up. Players from levels 101-200 need 6000 xp to level up, players from level 201-300 need 7000 xp to level up, and so far and so forth. We can adjust the current levels of players to meet this exponential growth.


PLEASE! Give your ideas. Do not just say things like "admin will NEVER introduce this" or "admin wont do that" because you don't know unless you try. Propose your own ideas! Get the ball rolling if you want some balance of any sort. Be respectful and mindful of others as well. We are a COMMUNITY. This is no place for insults. Keep your grievances to your private messages.

Even if yall disagree, please comment! Respecfully explain why you like-dislike this idea <3


Kavehkh4NBananaNebra007Chaos MakerspageVergacioncOSHikris124LesleyTroyannForcAdmin

Коментари (14)

Wouldn't it be better to just change the damage formula? Why not reduce the Levelx5 to Levelx2 (maybe different)? At least the damage difference wouldn't be a huge problem anymore.
@Malpicci is an acceptable alternative (: but then that would decrease the damage for everyone, it wouldn't really solve the issue. Alternatively we could make it a compromise: Where as the more levels you have the multiplier changes from x5 to x4 to x3 to x2 to x1.5 or smth. OR depending on the top level you have, whoever is in the top 10 gets X2, top 100 x3, top 500 x4, top 1000 x4.5, etc. Thank you for commenting!
putting a cap on level is not practical but making it really hard for people to climb on the level ladder is logical and can be applied!
@Kaveh Sure! That could be an alternative
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Exponential growth is the default situation in the vast majority of games, but not here, because the point of this design was to encourage p2w and it will always be that. Either make xp required exponential or change the damage formula
@Banana good point!
Unfortunately, the real task at hand is figuring out how to keep the game p2w and make it playable because realistically thats the only route they will take 💀💀💀💀
@Overseer, I wouldn't solve the issue for sure, but it would reduce it and help a bit. Exponential also would help. The problem with the formula is that it is (Levelx5)+Str. So lets use a level 1000 vs a level 100 but with the same str of 5000. For the level 1000, it would be (1000x5)+5000 = 10000 against a level 100 - (100x5)+5000 = 5500. How would you feel if you had about half of Strength of someone else? What if it was 7000 vs 5200? It would at least help a bit, wouldn't fix tho. Maybe 1.5x? Idk, can be discussed.
@Banana i think the best way would be to find ways to make microtransactions in a way that doesn't rig the game for people, and moreso helps them improve. In a way, things like the Rookie pack were successes IMO. Likewise I've seen other games do also banners or avatar covers at a certain price for added aesthetic. We could switch to those kinds in a way, but convincing admin for it is a whole different subject. And @Malpicci I highly agree bro (: I think that reducing that could be a huge step into balancing the strengths or the division between P2W and VISA players, AT LEAST on matters of damage. Obv playing for a year over someone playing for months should reward you something, but not to the extent you become untouchable
I'd be careful with suggesting other monetization methods, because instead of substituting the broken ones with the better options, they would just monetize everything and fix nothing.
Base on your proposal, i agree, esspesialy number 2. We all need level up requirement in every 100 levels. Why? Ofc because this is war strategy game. With the power of money, Everyone can be level 200-300-400 even more for only 2-3 days
Levels should be changed into offering exponentially better " rewards " and/or cosmetics to the players rather than increasing their base damage, example being special medals, profile borders and more. Or perhaps every 500 lvl milestones the level up rewards change, from 1 gold, at lvl 501-999 1 gold and 2 bars 1001-1501 1 gold 2 bars and 40 Q5 food, 2000+ 2 gold and so on