The Irish Republic

Brisleain - Новине из Ireland -

Објављено у Bulgaria - Друштвена догађања и забава - 06 Aug 2024 16:13 - 25

Greetings everyone! After taking some time to review all the articles that have been published... I have decided to respond with some information about the current situation in the game. 

Sasha the Traitor 

Firstly, if you have not already please take a moment to read this article by BattleHero. He goes into great detail outlining why a certain somebody should never be trusted and is one of the greatest liars in the game. This person should have great shame, however, they brag openly how they betray their "allies" and "friends". His moronic and dumbassery needs to be put on full display. No mercy. 

*Note: Sasha is the name we will call this person. He was in some capacity leading the country of Serbia. Now he leads from the back, as he should. It fits him well.*

Our story begins in April when the war with North Macedonia was raging and we were using many resources to defeat them and protect Greece from being wiped. I was the SC of PB, the alliance at the time (as I was elected to). I had asked the Serbian CP at the time if he would attack MKD and open a second front, here is the question that I gave:

No issue here! See below for the response from the Serbian CP:

The following day, Sasha responded and gave this to the alliance:

You may be asking yourself here, "Why did this MoD of Serbian just veto the CP for?". That is a million dollar question that we had at the time as well. It makes even more sense that they practically forced the Serbian CP in these chats to resign because they said he "stole" gold from the country to produce.... Then magically Sasha became CP and then went against alliance orders for his own personal benefit. Truly showing he does not support his allies not even a few weeks into the game. Absolutely disgusting. 

So, I decided to respond to this Serb who decided to go against his CP:

I brought up the issue multiple times, and Serbia would not follow through to help the war to in turn help Greece. Because of this, Ireland (mostly Bule and I) used hundreds of euros to cover the cost of alliance objectives and goals. This was because Serbia did not help us with this second front. The war took a few weeks longer. Billions of damage wasted because Sasha wanted to be selfish and put himself first. On top of this, Sasha was the only Serbian citizen in any of these chats. As this was later confirmed, he did this to limit information from the alliance to Serbia. He did this to control the narrative which in turn used to lie to his people regarding Ireland as well as others. 

Towards the end of PB, a situation arose from South America. Peru was threatening Serbian oil, so my team stepped in an cancelled all MPPs or NAPS wanting to be signed with Peru because we knew this would isolate Serbia. We put our necks out to protect Serbian resources as this is what allies do. 

In turn, Sasha decides to silently sign a NAP behind closed doors to protect their interests while the rest of the alliance is literally fighting for them and raising RWs to make sure their resources are not at risk. Not once did they notify anyone in PB. See below for the convo with the CP of Peru at the time (we will call him Ishmael):

Now let's see how this eejit responses to Ishmael:

The next chapter takes Sasha to Croatia where he tried to openly declare war on them. This all started when Ireland defeated the USA in war and BiH came tot he US and started trying to grab up land along with Croaita. However, we had worked this out with Croatia, not with BiH. We politely asked BiH to please leave the US, however, they declined. Because of this war broke out between Ireland and BiH. The war lasted a few days with Ireland forcing a surrender of BiH forces and withdrawal from the US. We then released the Dublin Accord. BiH and Serbia at the time were very close. During the war, Serbia had told BiH to ally Albania (to which they did). At this time, this is when Serbia and Albania starting have a friendly relationship. See below where a Serbian citizen asks a BiH government member why they allied Albania:
Sasha had told them to ally Albania. What a great ally Sasha is! He had them ally the enemy of Ireland while Serbia was still a member of PB. This is truly where we thought that Sasha was a traitor. Which is ironic, he tried to tell me that I was a traitor:

He decided to call me a traitor! What a funny guy with the jokes! 

In the end, Ireland elected to defend Croatia because they were a new country and still growing. So I asked my government if we could protect and help them grow into a functioning community. We did. Sasha elected to respond with this little retort:

Not only did he elect to defend a non-member over a member, he worked with not only them, but also Albania to try and bring down Ireland. Truly a disgusting person this Sasha is. I am not sure how this person can sleep, whoever he is. 

When Ireland attacked Serbia, in response of Sasha doing these things, Sasha needed 7 countries to defend him. He would not dare fight Ireland 1v1. He needed all the help he could gather.

After this war, Sasha has been making plans to turn on their ally, Albania. Do you not believe me? Look how worried and scared this man is:

This translates to: "
Albania has an income of 1200 gold, which is terrifying for me regardless of everything, from tomorrow we will have better bonuses than them, but I would like to have you granite for 4x100."

Maybe tomorrow I will show the screens that show how he is planning to attack Albania once a NAP is signed... Either way, Sasha is a liar and a backstabber. Shame!

*If any of these pictures are removed, or this article is deleted, I will leave the game the following day. This abides by all rules and regulations put forth by the admin team. Along with the private convo I had with him*


BattleHeroWurtexBulito99Bulito99KabokloMurat MonstrumGolldi

Коментари (25)

Macedonia-Albania forever !!
bris spilling that tea
Bris njab propaganda!
everything here is true and we can done to wipe mkd sooner then we get
dow serbia dow now
Maleee ti i Gruevski so olkavi statii.. nemat drugi...
Bris, your propaganda is cheap bro, i advice to stop writting and start reading.
try harder! Laugh
Brislein, you need to find good doctor to help you 😬
So is it FYROM or MKD? I guess it depends if they’re an ally or enemy
First of all, in your attempt to defame Serbia, you reveal truly how you all felt about MKD, just a target called Fyrom for you and Parabelum to wipe them when they had no allies early in the game. You find something wrong with Serbia having specially early on where diplomacy is fluid and hate is minimal, decent relations with countries? Because they do not want to participate actively in the destruction of MKD? I would suggest you are very careful, you never know when MKD will realize who they are fighting for and once they do, and understand you past actions they will show you a bright star you never seen before Laugh
Albashka the coward
this is not true, he set someone to write that and crossed his nick name to look like batasha Wink , also i see some other people on discord, did they gave you permission to post this article, reported anyway, rules should apply even to visa players
Macedonia - Albania 🇲🇰🇦🇱❤️
@Safer - I’m not not sure why you put words in Sasha’s mouth. He explained that wasn’t the reason. Unless you are saying he openly lied to alliance. Well, then you might be on to something. Unlike you, I elected to show this because these messages with this Sasha occurred allegedly 4 months ago. You would lie and cover up the evidence to keep everyone happy, which is not honest.
безделни интриганти
@Bris That still only answers half the argument, but not the disrespect you showed MKD or the fact you revealed you wanted to kill them to exit the war by forcing the wipe when there was no alliances for protect them. Also, for the other part, if you think that Batasha didnt have good relations with MKD, you are mistaken, i had as well. There are many players there that are my dear friends, everyone has friends in these games and not everyone kills friendships or hates people to guts like you guys do, out of game we all remain good friends and talk or cooperate when/if we can.
This is last desperate attempt..... everyone in this game know who is who , so relax Brislein 😉
@Safer - No, I answered it. If that’s as the case, do you think Sasha would have mentioned this? He did not. Surely if Sasha loved MKD so much he would have said something that would align with you what you just said. Sasha cares only about himself. I don’t hate anyone, I’m just showing this Sasha’s true self. Nothing more, nothing less.
@Batasha can u sign me an autograph?
brislika, you often change your opinion, how can we trust you
You have not been a good ally to your allies and left them in the flames of war 2 times, at least try to be a respectable enemy to the opponent side and stop the crying and sophistry... 🤦🏻‍♂️
@Sir Barbod Brislein NEVER ONCE left their allies. Ireland Stood by their allies in Victory and Defeat.