Admin News

Admin - Новине из United Kingdom -
Admin News, Day 129

Објављено у Singapore - Друштвена догађања и забава - 03 Aug 2024 11:04 - 72

Dear Players,

We have several important updates and changes coming to enhance your gameplay experience. Our team has been hard at work addressing various issues and exploring opportunities for improvement. We believe that your feedback is crucial, and we invite you to share your thoughts and ideas with us. Below, you'll find detailed information on the upcoming changes and areas where we seek your input.

Quests Season

The Quests Season event awaits, offering a simple yet engaging challenge: completing missions across three distinct time periods. The event starts on 05.08.2024, and ends on 18.08.2024, this adventure boasts a total of 44 prizes, with the first one being free. To claim each prize, you must earn 1000 Stars.

Upon accessing the Quest Season tab, you'll encounter 8 quests divided into 3 sections:
One-Day Quests - 4 quests, each requiring 600 stars, spanning a duration of 24 hours.
Three-Day Quests - 2 quests, demanding 1350 stars, duration of 72 hours.
Weekly Quests - 2 quests, commanding 1800 stars, duration of 168 hours.

Upon completing a quest, you'll await the expiration of a lease time on a timer before embarking on the next challenge. Quests will manifest randomly, and failure to solve a quest within the specified timeframe will prompt the arrival of a new one. Each quest is achievable within its designated period.
For those seeking additional rewards, a separate section is available for purchase. Acquiring one of our tickets grants access to extra rewards. Every participant can claim rewards until the event's culmination. With the event spanning 14 days, a timer will assist in tracking time. Please note that there will be no extensions, so ensure you collect all prizes punctually.

IMPORTANT: Kindly claim rewards promptly, as events will not be unlocked once they expire.


- To assist new players, we made changes in additional training grounds for players with less than 5000 Strength/Intelligence. This facility will grant you 75 Strength/Intelligence per day, and it will be active from Monday 05.08.2024.

- Changes inside Business Pack. The building that provides 100% productivity has been removed from the pack, and the remaining rewards have been boosted. These changes will take effect on Monday, 05.08.2024. We are making this adjustment due to overproduction and low demand for in-game assets.

- We have added rankings for the Round Hero medal, so now you can go to Rankings and pick Round Hero. There will be a list of players sorted by a number of Round Hero medals.

- You have asked us to provide Warfare and Hyper Bar options outside the box for weapons, and we did it it is on your left side and you can turn it on and off in your Settings as you please.

- Slight changes in Daily Challenge box rewards. We are stimulating new players, and providing them with even more gold which they will gain. The last box will provide only 5 Golds. Change will be active tomorrow at Day Change, 04.08.2024.

Feedback and upcoming changes

- Mutal Protection Pack
Some players again raised this question to change into some other limits, and we rejected it. There is no sense to change it the whole time.
Our idea stands regarding the Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) to make the game more enjoyable, challenging, and strategically engaging. Currently, there's a limit of 10 MPPs per country. Our proposal is to remove this limit and introduce a more flexible system. The question is, how do we implement this effectively?
The idea is to tailor the number of MPPs a country can have based on its power. Stronger countries would have fewer active MPPs, while weaker countries could have more. This system benefits smaller countries and introduces new dynamics to the game, preventing the top 3-4 powerful countries from always siding together.
This change aims to balance the playing field, making alliances and strategies more diverse and unpredictable. We believe this approach will enhance the overall gaming experience by encouraging varied alliances and giving smaller countries a better chance to thrive.

- Economy problems and solutions.
As we all can see, the in-game economy has shifted towards overproduction, causing in-game assets to lose their value. This situation hinders small players from developing their accounts easily. Recognizing this issue, we have removed the Research Center from the Business Pack. This change aims to lower overall production within the game.
Our next step, as will be detailed in the upcoming Admin News, is to limit the number of companies each player can own. These are just our initial measures, and we are actively seeking your ideas for further improvements.
One idea we are considering is removing the "work as manager" option. Based on our calculations, this change should help stabilize the economy. While this solution has its drawbacks, it also offers significant benefits. We invite you to share your thoughts, ideas, and visions on how we can permanently fix the economy together.

- Organization solutions, expansions, overall ideas
This module is not fully developed and requires significant changes. We kindly ask for your ideas and suggestions. Although we have some concepts in mind, we prefer not to disclose them to avoid influencing your creative thinking.
Please be thorough and fair in your proposals, including calculations, pros, and cons. Player ideas are incredibly valuable to us. Never think that your input doesn't matter—because it does. Even if we do not implement your suggestion, we deeply appreciate your effort and contribution.

- Upcoming changes
We will outline here the changes that will be implemented in the next admin news, which include: Newspaper relocation, Weekly challenge reward and missions revision, Packs rewards revision, Companies limit, and additional options for Military Units.

I encourage you to join our community on Discord so we can discuss proposals, weigh the pros and cons, and remain polite and respectful to everyone.

Best regards,
eDominacy Team



Коментари (72)

BP is trash now
Mama, I'm on Admin news!
No more manager work? Lol
Instead of limiting production, features must be created that consume excess items. Limiting production is never a good option. Communism is a disgrace.
So nothing important changes. Except that you will limit the number of companies. But you announce this before it is done, so visa can prepare for this and build as much as they can. I was expecting this news. 2click on....
Dont remove manager work....
Nnstead of removing manager work and all these shit ,maybe you find a way for players to use these weps and make them wanting to play the game instead of just selling them ? Maybe you bring an event with missions that are actually helping players spend time in the game and not just clicking 5 buttons every some hours ? Its clearly your Arm combat type event failed miserably because you couldnt COPY an idea from another game and make it worth for players to actually spend their weps for these rewards (trash rewards so you can push players to buy more EB from shop). Maybe when you make it profitable even for p2w players and your requirements on that event is like 500 weps or 1000weps with a good rewarding system that is WORTH for the players ,you can fix the supply in the market. You cant make money everywhere ,its simple business ,give something back and long term you will take it x2
10? So, in order to help new players gather gold, the last box has less gold now? :s
please add Bulgaria on the map
We could implement a expiration system (food expires after a certain amount of days), Weapons get rusty/less effective or flat out disappear) stuff like that. What do you think?
so you take eco bonus, hurts but can live with that. but you want to limited companies per player? how this kind of communist thinking will help make a free market? and disabling manager work with it means killing those who play for economy, not to mention kill no. 1 source of income in the game for governments. I disagree with these suggestions but open for discussion, specially if this change will come with a more playable economic niche
Limitation of mpp is exactly to the disadvantage of small countries, small countries seek mpp with big countries, and when we have restrictions on mpp, big countries try to use the limit of mpp for stronger countries...
create maybe more raw and middle level resources and expand production variety. that will require players and maybe even countries to specialize only on specific line of production. that will also increase number of countries enjoying 100% bonus and allow smaller countries enjoy it as well if played right which regions adjustments
Karl Marx liked this
@Dear Admin if you will remove ''the research Center'' and ''work as manager option'' most of player leave your game same day. I have about 300 factories and I have paid thousands of euros for them. Then you will provide me with at least 600 employees. We are already about to quit the game, please don't put more negative pressure.
example for limitation of bigger countries with more resources variety: if lines of products stay 4, every country can pick only 2 lines(by law, called "economic focus"Wink completing 80% bonus to 100% bonus
each region will hold 2 resources options, available by governor to switch with a law called "region economic focus" selecting the region and one of available resources to focus on
In fact, I think it is more appropriate to leave without waiting. I spend time from my real life, I spend real money and deal with nonsense. I hope you will come to your senses and do what is necessary.
bad updates
limiting companies is shit !!! But you announce this before it is done, so visa can prepare for this and build as much as they can. thats true
I believe admin will reconsider work as manager because new players cant pay for workers and will not have how to work in their companies. Lets see
Limiting company will make visa player sell their company to get their gold back, but not their money.
I have a suggestion for a dispute, Who thinks less; The admin of this game or the Governador ?🤔
problem is peepl like BaRBaR threatening to leave the game. Now dear murican peep, decide which is better? Make the game more balanced and much more interesting for more peep and let 1 crybaby leave the game or let 1 crybaby continue on with his/her p2w rampage and destroy the game.
@Sakura you're a crybaby hun. Because you've never really accomplished anything. If I start something, even if it's a game, I'll do my best. I respect what I do. Here's my problem. At the beginning of the game they said these are the terms and I accepted those terms and spent money. Now if they say the rules have changed in the game, don't I have the right to protest?
Coshi ideea it's great
And although this is a gaming platform, it is not a playground. This is a commercial enterprise and of course every commercial enterprise tries to make a profit by considering the supply-demand balance. Charity and prayers do not fill our bellies.
yes absolutely! you do have the right, but then don't expect the game to improve/get more popular.
Limiting production is total nonsense. I don't know how you came up with this idea! It's not good for us and the game, but it's good for you, but only in the short term. Think about it
maddening , dead game anyway Laugh
@ Sakura Actually, I'm defending your right too. I have the ability to find people to work. How will you produce? Have you thought about that? If you don't work yourself, you'll buy everything from the market. You need CC and for that you'll buy gold.
@BaRBaR buying stuff from market doesn't sound that bad , i mean it is designed for that xD but yep, you already gained 600+comps as you said and to say the least it's unnatural therefore the game is where it is now. I'm not saying what admin is suggesting is the perfect solution but compromises are necessary or you can enjoy it as it is.
Lol if you remove manager work then game is over for me good luck admin
Copy paste events
This is a fraud on all players who have invested money to build their companies. The players can't help it that you in management are too stupid to promote your game properly
Hey, admin, about MMP's this was my suggestion on first server from 2016.. Maybe suggested numbers i had there are not best, but i still believe idea is overall good for healthy balance of powers in game, at least way better than what we have on first server
@Sakura good luck and have fun my friend. I was react for first step and I just read the comments and the most sensible comment came from Patalos.
I appreciate your effort! Please do not remove Work as manager!
The issue with this game is lack of having player base. When player base in this low, admin is constantly afraid every change he makes piss off some people. Or people protest etc. or Visas complain and he has to implement changes for them. As long as player base is this low, you will not have a thriving game in this genre.
manager work must be kept, if u rly wanna do something and make BP worth: 125% productivity as worker vs as manager . Coshi's idea with dual resources per region could save the countries who are weaker, make the new law cd 5-7days
Dual resources... @He Did it what about a way for resources to be either one or the other, not both at once? Like Your country can take advantage of X or Y resource but not both at the same time. Countries that have several repeated bonuses could benefit much more
for new players, the business package should remain
Minimal mandi min heheh
Lol, I already left, by by Admin, enjoy the money from those who kill the game! I follow your advice from previous article and left the game. I never advice someone of my friends to play this. Because if they spend less have no chance. Farewell!
Please keep work as manager!
I believe eliminating the double production from business pack is a food step towards balancing supply and demand but when there is overproduction the main concern should be to increase demand not to kill supply. To help new and small players game should automatically purchase market offers under a certain cc cap. This way you controll prices and eliminate a good portion of the production. It should be done with deep consideration on monetary market effect
@valyR, You haven't left the game yet!? In the past month, you have said leaving to the game 10 times a day Laugh
You are fighting communism but your decisions on change are dictatorial, if you are a democrat you better do a poll and get people's opinion before you make big changes.
Companies limitation is a good thing but only in this phase of the game. Removing work as manager can have a huge negative impact for player's economy.
please reduce the damage difference for TP, TA and RH medals! Weapons spend->earned medal golds does not correlate or makes sense! that is why people prefer to sell weapons instead using them in battles to earn medals! This change will also create more battles and wars, as war will be a source of gold income!
Bro got 60 votes only
I wish my suggestion about MU will be approved by Admin
If the game was already bad, now with these changes it will be worse, it is already difficult for me to gather the strength to enter the game, now with this I think I will not be able to, first of all the mechanics of this server are not the same as the others here, they require too much energy , weapons, time, resources and above all time, battles can last more than 14 rounds, which requires a huge amount of weapons, energy and, above all, coordination. If in times of war there was a feeling of shortage of weapons in more nations They lost the war for not having weapons in the national and foreign market, now with this limit it will be a mess, I understood that there was no limit for that reason because the game demands too many resources, time and much more, I could talk about point 2, 3 , 4, 5 but the comment would be very long but if the main thing is the limit I don't consider it good at all
This problem with economy in game is created from start when players could spend unlimited amount of money . It just created huge gap in player base. One 5* player can produce more than 20-30 regular players. By removing work as manager , you will just hurt players that are already in huge disadvantage, and thats majority of players, and many will quit. Because of "no limit" in spending, game economy now depends on that big spenders to keep spending , plain and simple. Many of us, seen that coming and it turn has stooped us from spending in game. How to solve issue, its difficult one now, but removing "Work as manager" will only remove players from game.
I appreciate your effort! Please do not remove Work as manager!