Admin News

Admin - Новине из United Kingdom -

Објављено у Slovakia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 27 Jul 2024 08:31 - 46

Dear Players,

As we wrap up the month of July, we bring you the latest updates and important information from our administrative team. This edition covers exciting new features, important reminders, and some insights into upcoming developments. Your continuous support and dedication are what drive our collective success, and we appreciate your commitment to staying informed and engaged.

Summer Festival

The event starts on 29.07.2024 and lasts until 04.08.2024. The game is really simple, all you have to do is open bee hive spots. There are bee hives in this mini-game of which 40 of them have rewards (experience). With each click on a bee hive, you are breaking it, which means opening a selected spot. Spots that do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked and you will see 0 experience in the bottom. Each attempt to open a bee hive costs you 5 Energy, every 1200 seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be online so often to spend Energy. If you are not patient you can buy Energy from the store. Like in season quest event we are providing you 44 rewards of which the first is free, and you can buy a Gold ticket for additional rewards.
NOTE: This is the first event of this series as simple ones, please provide us your feedback about this event do you like it?

Resistance War

For a long time, we had many questions about resistance wars, proposals, and reports. Here’s a summary of what we've fixed and the new system functionality. We fixed a bug that occasionally allowed resistance wars to be initiated one second earlier than intended. Under the current system, to start a resistance war, you need to pay 15 Gold and click the start button.
From 28.07.2024, a new system will be implemented. Two players will need to support the resistance war by contributing 50 Currency each from the original region owner 50 Currecny from Agressor which has taken that region. After that, a third player will have the option to start the resistance war with 10 Gold. If the resistance war is successful and the region is liberated, only the player who paid 10 Gold will receive the Resistance Hero medal.

For supporters who tried to support the Resistance War and if their attempt was unsuccessful, their support of 50 or 100CC would go to the Country Treasure of the original region owner. For supporters who tried to support the Resistance War and if their attempt was unsuccessful, their support of 50 or 100CC would go to the Country Treasure of the agressor region owner.
The cooldown period between resistance war attempts has been reduced from 300 seconds to 60 seconds. Additionally, players who participate in a resistance war will have a 60-minute cooldown before they can participate in another, rising it or supporting it.
NOTE: With the increase in the player database, we reserve the right to change these requirements and may require more players to support a resistance war before it can be started.

Info board

- We are asking you, players, which event you want to have in period between events. You can write your proposals to support or via comment.

- Citizen name change cooldown implemented, now you need to wait 20 days before you are able to change your nickname.

- When you place an offer on the market and another player buys all the items from your offer, the offer is now completely removed from your storage. Previously, when this happened, the offer would remain in your storage with a quantity of 0 items. This change improves the clarity and management of your market offers, ensuring that only active offers with available items are displayed in your storage.

- Changes have been made to the Travel tab. Now, if you mistakenly choose the wrong country when selecting your travel destination, you can simply use the refresh button to pick another country. Previously, you had to refresh the entire page to change your travel destination. This update streamlines the process, making it quicker and more user-friendly.

- Clicking on the battle statistics now refreshes and provides real-time damage stats. By clicking the button, all statistics are updated instantly. This ensures that players have the most up-to-date information during battles, enhancing strategic decision-making and gameplay.

- The issue with damage not appearing correctly in statistics and transferring into another round has been fixed. Players who experienced this problem and assisted us in resolving it have been rewarded for their help. The issue has now been addressed, and you should not encounter this problem in the future.

- Scheduled maintenance now occurs on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month. During this time, the server may be down for a few minutes at Daily Change, rarely we do it around 08:00 Game Time. This routine maintenance ensures that everything runs smoothly, providing a better gaming experience by preventing potential issues.

- Each Monday, we perform a series of backups and base cleanups. During this time, rewards and counters might be slightly delayed in displaying. Please be patient; within a few hours, everything will reflect your progress accurately. This maintenance helps maintain the system's integrity and ensures your gaming experience remains smooth.

- To write a ticket, please be concise with your problem. Clearly describe the issue and include the steps you took that led to the problem. Avoid lengthy stories as they do not help us solve the issue effectively. Providing specific details about your actions and the resulting problem will help us address and resolve your ticket more efficiently. Please be polite, thank you all in advance

- Players can request a transfer to a country without active citizens, and we will accommodate this request, but only once no matter when did you previously changed citizenship. We cannot transfer you every few months. Each player has one opportunity to help revive a community in a "dead" country. If you do not succeed, we cannot transfer you to another inactive country. Additionally, we cannot assist with adding congress members or providing the Country President role; it is up to you to manage and succeed in your new country. If you request a transfer to a dead country, we assume you have a plan in place.

- For those who reported problems with the timer, we have identified some issues, although we were unable to reproduce the problem consistently. We appreciate your assistance in providing videos and detailed information, which have been invaluable in our investigation. Rest assured, we are actively working to resolve this issue. Once a solution is found, we will notify you accordingly. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

It's important to clarify that we do not favor any players or sides in the game. While we understand that some players may feel that we are rigging the game or showing bias, this is not the case. We do not discriminate based on nationality, country of origin, or any other personal factors. To us, every player is simply a number, and we treat all players equally.
Your victories and losses are entirely your own; they are part of the game, and we do not interfere with the outcomes. This game is meant to be an enjoyable and relaxing space, not a place for conspiracy or political influence. It is a multiplayer, free-to-play game designed for entertainment.
If you find yourself feeling anxious or frustrated because of the game, we encourage you to take a break. Remember, it's meant to be a fun and stress-relieving experience. Step away if needed, relax, and return when you're ready to enjoy the game again.

I encourage you to join our community on Discord so we can discuss proposals, weigh the pros and cons, and remain polite and respectful to everyone.

Best regards,
eDominacy Team


BaddestEl_TarloLesleyLordSun3Novo PatriotaGolldi

Коментари (46)

"Players can request a transfer to a country without active citizens, and we will accommodate this request, but only once." Once or not it shouldn't be allowed OR, at least, a player could request to get his original citizenship back or something but not that thing
gj for RW starts o7
Ok Lp
good but do something about the map
Participation in a resistance war means Only Rising or Supporting it, or also means Fighting in it on the Resistance Side?
How do you get CC from countries that have been wiped already? This seems even worse than what we have now?
Bad update
@aenfear ,good question but it's not admin's fault. The gypsy crybaby proposed only to increase the people needed, he forgot too say exactly how he wants it to be done. No worries he will contact now to fix it
@FylolianMNK, The comment was very funny lol Laugh
It is good that there is a more rational basis for starting a rebellion. Surely admin will offer local CC for sale on the money market.
I hope now i will be able to complete the rw mission. About the 0 at the inventory page , is it possible bellow the items i have for sale , to have the market history and not at the profile page ? I used that to keep track at what price some things were sold ....
I can't see the article, I have too many tabs open.
Good changes except the RW CC supporting. Make any type of CC.
the rw masters approve this article
"- When you place an offer on the market and another player buys all the items from your offer, the offer is now completely removed from your storage. Previously, when this happened, the offer would remain in your storage with a quantity of 0 items. This change improves the clarity and management of your market offers, ensuring that only active offers with available items are displayed in your storage." This means that you are gonna constantly have to set up the damn price of the item back and forth. Having 0 was a nice reminder to how you had things set up. I don't like this D:
Shen ki damaskdi
Congratulations to Hiro
ahora no sabre a que precio vendí la última vez, y tendré que trabajar mas
Remove energy from store
Limit the store or watch the game die before your eyes.
The aggresor support liberation of occupied region? Cool
can we have a longer event,,,maybe make the summer event for two weeks?
We need world war 2024 and new weapons we need aircrafts and we need artilery we need waaaar
During the war, add sound when firing and create a real war atmosphere. Everyone will empty their warehouse to the end
Admin, there is no wrong in making the event last longer not just for 1 week, unless you just want to milk players...
Agree on Kibrot hataava... maybe add some atmosphere music of war??
VERY NICE EVENT THIS TIME ADMIN !!!!!!!! This time we need to spend GOLD, so that we can unlock the rewards which we need to pay 18 EUROS to claim xDDDD last events were atleast easy tasks + spending 18E , this time is 18E + 500g, so that we can claim the same rewards that are on the same event xDDD the disrespect towards the players is getting ridiculous at this point. But in the end you will reap what you sow Laugh people say show respect to resieve respect, but you are only showing the middle finger to the regular players. Well played Laugh
@DemonDjukson For each 1200 Seconds, you are receiving 1 Energy. One day have 86400 Seconds, which means you are receiving 72 Energy. If you divide it with 5 Energy(equal to each spot), it means you can open 14 spots(and you will spot daily and accumulate 2 energy for the next day). The event lasts 7 days, multiplied by 7 days with 14 spots it is 98 spots opened. For two remaining spots you need 10 Energy, and if you calculate those 2 energy for two days you will have 14 Energy to open spots value of 10 Energy. The conclusion is that you will have 2 Energy more than you need.
the event is simple and I enjoy it but please give f2p players the chance to open all spots if they're online and playing the game. thank you!