Admin News

Admin - Новине из United Kingdom -
Admin News, Day 108

Објављено у South Africa - Друштвена догађања и забава - 13 Jul 2024 10:24 - 31

Hello, Gamers! 

🌞🌞In this article, we’ll highlight the latest updates, special events, and rewards designed to make your summer gaming experience unforgettable. So, grab your virtual sunscreen, gather your friends, and get ready for an epic summer journey. The adventures of a lifetime are just a click away!😎😎

Golden Island

Prepare to embark on a thrilling adventure with our all-new event, the "Golden Island", starting on Monday 15.07.2024, and ending on 21.07.2024. In this exciting journey, you'll awaken the explorer within you, setting sail for uncharted lands, uncovering hidden treasures, and overcoming unexpected challenges along the way.

Your Path to Riches: Explorer's Moves
Your key resource for navigating this enigmatic island is the "Explorer's Moves." Each move you make reveals a new field on the map, brimming with valuable coins and rewards. The more coins you collect, the closer you get to unlocking a total of 44 fantastic rewards that await you on this mysterious voyage.
Don't fret if you're running low on coins; we've prepared a series of missions that promise to test your mettle. These missions won't be a walk in the park, but they're certainly within your grasp to solve. By completing these missions, you'll not only gain valuable rewards but also the precious coins needed to progress further on your adventure.

The Battle for Moves: Strategy and Tactics
Explorer's Moves aren't limited to daily rewards; they can also be earned by engaging in fierce battles. Each day, you can acquire up to 2 Explorer's Moves through combat, offering an opportunity to accelerate your exploration. Keep in mind that the chances of earning Explorer's Moves in battles are 2% for those using 1000 energy and 1% for those with 500 energy. Your strategic prowess on the battlefield will play a crucial role in your journey's success.
To provide an extra boost to your Explorer's Moves, we've introduced a seasonal adventure subscription for 59 Coins. This subscription can be accrued as part of your daily rewards, ensuring a steady supply of moves to keep your adventure going.

As you explore the island's map, you may notice towering structures emerging from the mist. These mysterious towers hold gold rewards which all of us seek on this map. However, reaching them won't be a simple task; you'll need to overcome various obstacles and challenges along the way.

Info Board

- As you have requested, we added a button that the commander and captains of the Military Unit can see on the battle page. That button will automatically place battle as a Military Unit order

- As you requested, changes in the Weekly Tournament tiers from strength cap to experience cap. So with next Weekly Tournament starting Tuesday will be like this
Experience Level: 1-150
⭐⭐ Experience Level: 151-400
⭐⭐⭐ Experience Level: 401+
NOTE: You are split into categories on the Monday before the event, and If your level is changed during the tournament you won't be moved from your category.

- Because of the last event, we have changed hit option. Before only players who had more than 5000 Energy could fight with 1000 Energy per hit, now all players can do it.

- From Monday there will be changes in the reward system for Daily Challenge, we have provided better rewards in boxes 7 to 10.

- There were some under-the-hood changes, and the server has been restarted as some of you noticed. So please if you are experiencing any kind of problem or you notice that some problem is fixed, please let us know.

I encourage you to join our community on Discord so we can discuss proposals, weigh the pros and cons, and remain polite and respectful to everyone.

Best regards,
eDominacy Team



Коментари (31)

I keep jumping between 2 and 3 Stars but I love this! *-*
Again that Island S*t event?
big support for new changes
W admin
Thank you Smile
admin pls delete this shitly event ıam not supporting !
Make rewards 10x better for that golden island, or delete it or edit it, make time table longer, quests more accessible for f2p players. Delete subscription thing, give moves for buying gold/coins.
Bravo za lvl !!!
Dislike golden island , but thank you for the updates!
nego Admin jel tebe zveknula suncanica pa škrabas ovo za ostrvo..bolje bi ti bilo da lijepo sve 3 igre spojis u 1 a ne da na sva 3 servera ubacujes sve isto Smile
Tiger Tiger Who made you so dangerous?
pls admin make the event atleast 50 euros as 18 euros is too low. For 18E you can buy like some good AAA games in steam and eDom is obviouly waaaaaaaay better than that xDDDDDDDDDD
Will be nice for fun Smile Thank you Admin o7
F2P can't enjoy the event anymore, you just milking stars players. F2P players can't even get the medal for completing event. Ridiculous.
Konosuba goddess Eris best girl
"pls admin make the event atleast 50 euros as 18 euros is too low." Yes,yes, please...
Admins: It takes me a long time to play, having money in each country takes me a long time to travel to exchange money and the main page takes several seconds every time I have to enter there
And it would be good if it were easier to choose the side you are fighting for and for the chosen side to appear on the left side. As well as being able to choose at once how many tanks we want to use in a hit
2% and 1% You must be joking at least in erevollution gives you 7% xD
And it would be good if it were easier to choose the side you are fighting for and for the chosen side to appear on the left side.