Sasha file din poveste

Ucuitoru - Новине из Romania -

Објављено у Romania - Друштвена догађања и забава - 08 Jul 2024 11:45 - 17

Sasha TD la taste! HAM!

Incepuse fain weekend-ul asta pentru mine. Mi-a tuns tata iarba, sa gasesc mai usor rahateii de pisici (asta ramane intre noi...ssshhht), s-au strans din nou muntomanii, ca de obicei, la o noua sediuiala, muzica, rasete si planuri de viitoarele weekend-uri la Casa Bijou-vila Bijou si planuri de concediu care se apropie. Eu cu surioara mea mai mica, Luna Biciul Fermecat, ascultam si tot atipeam. Sa ne atipeam, Luna avea o treaba cu vecina mea...cred ca nu se intelegeau la retete sau la cate ochiuri pe fata si cate pe dos se face un culcus perfect.

Toate bune si frumoase pana cand ma trezeste tata cu duminica in cap. I-am explicat ca e duminica, ca i-a sunat alarma mai repede ca de obicei, pana cand i-am vazut rucsacul...Era clar, asta iar ma tradeaza si se duce pe munte! M-a dus la gradi unde surioarele mele Ada Milea si Linda Evanghelista ma asteptau. Si s-a mai intors dupa mine ieri, doar azi cand a ajuns de la munca. Asa ca azi l-am descusut m-am uitat la poze, le-am ales pe cele care meritau cat de cat atentia si acum m-am pus la taste...

Astea fiind spuse, ne revedem in urmatoarea drumetie!

Hopa...s-a dus in bucatarie sa imi aduca o dulcucenie, deci continuam...

S-a intalnit dis de dimineata in parc cu Fratele Negru, Eliade, Gurita, Nepoata, Cel ce alearga cu lupii, Aparatorul galaxiei si Mancatoarea de ciocolata. Satanut se pare ca a lipsit, deci sigur au avut o zi innsorita si toti au fost in siguranta in aceasta drumetie.

Dupa o calatorie cu Furiile albe, una mai furioasa decat alta, unde pe drum Eliade si Nepoata au incercat, fara sorti de izbanda, sa mai adoarma cate un pic, au ajuns la locul cu pricina, de unde va incepe transformarea marmotelor din grup in robotei teleghidati. Nepoata noastra, dupa ce weekend-ul trecut a luat botezul muntelui pe cel mai usor traseu montan, weekend-ul asta a facut cunostinta cu muntele la propriu.

Am fost pe traseul asta cu tata acum doi ani si imi aduc aminte foarte bine urcarile sustinute de la inceput, poiana cu ursi, zmeura, fragute si afine, refugiul Arcer, urcusul enervant de abrupt prin padure pana la stanci. Si la stanci, nu am cum sa uit, ca de fiecare data cand ma opream un pic, ma piscau furnicile rosii. Dupa ce tata a vorbit cu Fratele lui Negru sa lase niste capcane multiple pe drum, in caz ca ne urmareste cineva, au ajuns pe primul varf din traseu. Stancosul Arcer!

Bucurie mare, felicitat Nepoata, poze, 17 ciocolate si o duzina de branzoici devorate de Mancatoare. Si au pornit frumos, in rasete spre vf. Tibles, pe saua muntelui. ne intelegem, nu toti au pornit...Cel ce alearga cu lupii a luat-o la goana. Gurita tot insista la tata sa ii faca poze si sa i le trimita lui Der Fuhrer 16. Seara asta, cineva, sigur va auzi de nenumarate ori, renumita :"Ceapa ta, ce ti-am zis?!" 16

Ajunsi pe Tibles, au tras clopotul de le-au tiuit urechile tuturor ursilor pe o raza de 100 km. A urmat masa. Mancatoarea de Ciocolata a scos un zimbru la protap si a inceput sa manance cu pofta din el. Dupa siesta, ce au zis ei....hai sa facem toate varfurile muntelui Tibles. Asa ca au pornit ei frumos spre vf. Bran, pe o coborare si o urcare sustinuta pe creasta bombata a muntelui. De pe vf. Bran, dupa pozele cu bocanci, tata le-a aratat traseul imposibil de departe pe care trebuiau sa se intoarca.

Asa ca au pornit inapoi spre vf. Tibles, au mai tras o data clopotul si au pornit spre "robotizarea" genunchilor pe coborare. S-a povestit mult despre "ciolofan" si "oo", Nepoata cred ca a visat ce tot repeta..."iar pietre pe coborare".

Se vedeau deja tot mai departe si Arcerul si Tiblesul cu Bran-ul in spatele lui, dar ei mai aveau inca mult pana la vf, Ousor. Ajunsi pe Ousor, au facut o pauza de apa si au inceput coborarea direct in vale...lupta cu panta abrupta, lupta cu miliardele de muste, lupta cu coborarea direct pe rau, unde normal ca Nepoata trebuia sa faca botezul caderii in fund, direct in apa!16

M-tii Tibles raman un traseu extraordinar de frumos, pe care toti vrem sa il repetam in fiecare an. Pentru cei care au venit pentru prima data si nu stiau ce ii asteapta, au recunoscut ca se bucura ca s-au trezit cu noaptea in cap si cu toata oboseala acumulata, frumusetea traseului compenseaza tot!

Urmeaza un nou weekend. Oare unde merg muntomanii lui tata? Ca peste 2 weekenduri,

Tineti aproape si veti putea si voi participa! 16

Pana data viitoare, va pup scurt pe botic!
16 16  16

English version:

Sasha TD on keys! HAM!

This weekend had started well for me. My father mowed the grass, to find the cat shits more easily (this remains between us...ssshhht), the mountain people gathered again, as usual, at a new headquarters, music, laughter and plans for the coming weekends -s at Casa Bijou-villa Bijou and upcoming vacation plans. Me and my younger sister, Luna Biciul Fermecat, listened and kept typing. Let's understand each other...I thought, Luna had an affair with my neighbor...I think they didn't understand each other about recipes or how many stitches on the front and how many on the back make a perfect bed.

Everything is fine and dandy until my father wakes me up with Sunday in mind. I explained to him that it was Sunday, that his alarm went off earlier than usual, until I saw his backpack... It was clear, this is betraying me again and going to the mountains! He took me to the kindergarten where my sisters Ada Milea and Linda Evangelista were waiting for me. And surprisingly...he didn't come back for me yesterday, only today when he got home from work. So today I opened it, I looked at the pictures, I chose the ones that deserved the most attention and now I got down to the keys...

Having said that, see you on the next hike!

Oops...he went to the kitchen to bring me a sweet, so let's continue...

He met in the park early in the morning with the Black Brother, Eliade, Gurita, Nepoata, He who runs with the wolves, the Guardian of the Galaxy and the Chocolate Eater. Satanut seems to have been absent, so they must have had a sunny day and everyone was safe on this hike.

After a journey with the White Furies, one angrier than the other, where on the way Eliade and Nepoata tried, without success, to fall asleep a little more, they arrived at the place in question, from where the transformation of the marmots from the group into remote-controlled robots.

Our granddaughter, after taking the baptism of the mountain last weekend on the easiest mountain route, this weekend she got to know the mountain literally.

I was on this route with my father two years ago and I remember very well the sustained climbs from the beginning, the clearing with bears, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries, the Arcer refuge, the annoyingly steep climb through the forest to the rocks. And at the rocks, I can't forget, that every time I stopped for a bit, the red ants stung me.

After father talked with the Black Brother to leave multiple traps on the road, in case someone is following us, they reached the first peak on the trail. The Rocky Archer!

Great joy, congratulations Nepoata, pictures, 17 chocolates and a dozen cheeses devoured by the Eaters. And they set off nicely, laughing towards the summit. Tibles, on the saddle of the mountain. Okay... let's face it, not everyone started... The one who runs with the wolves took to the chase. Gurita keeps insisting on father to take pictures of him and send them to Der Fuhrer 😁. Tonight, someone will surely hear the famous saying countless times: "Your onion, what did I tell you?!" 😁

Arriving at Tibles, they rang the bell and cut off the ears of all the bears within a radius of 100 km. The meal followed. The Chocolate Eater took out a bison from the protap and began to eat it with gusto. After the siesta, what did they say...let's do all the peaks of Mount Tibles. So they set off nicely towards the vf. Bran, on a descent and a sustained ascent on the domed ridge of the mountain. From vf. Bran, after the pictures of the boots, dad showed them the impossible route from afar that they had to go back on.

So they started back towards the mountain. Tibles, they rang the bell once more and started to "robotize" the knees on the way down. A lot was said about "ciolofan" and "oo", I think the niece dreamed what she kept repeating..."and stones on the way down".

The Archer and Tibles with Bran behind him could already be seen further on, but they still had a long way to go, Ousor. Arriving at Ousor, they took a water break and started the descent directly into the valley...the struggle with the steep slope, the struggle with the billions of flies, the struggle with the descent directly into the river, where normally the Granddaughter had to do the baptism of falling into the bottom, directly into the water!😁

M-tii Tibles remains an extraordinarily beautiful route, which we all want to repeat every year. For those who came for the first time and did not know what to expect, they admitted that they were glad that they woke up with the night in their heads and with all the accumulated fatigue, the beauty of the route compensates for everything!

A new weekend is coming. Where do father's mountain men go? Like over 2 weekends, Casa Bijou-villa Bijou captures them again in its story, with its charm.

Keep close and you will be able to participate! 😉

Until next time, kiss you on the nose!
🐕 🐾🐾🐾 🐾


LushaSaferGolldiOchiRecialt puiLordSun3Visator

Коментари (17)

Ce fain! Felicitări muntomanilor!
If thats Romanian land pictures, its fucking amazing man
Am fost și eu anul trecut pe acolo. Super fain a fost. Probabil unul dintre cele mai frumoase drumeții de o zi
I miss Romania so much, I went this year for one week. I wish I would've stayed for a month man o7
foarte frumos
Next weekend we will have new peaks checked. In the mountains of Rodnei. Follow "Sasha on the keys", for new stories Smile
@Safer, yes Romanian mountains. Maramures district. Smile
@Sesebi, tu de unde esti? Sa nu-mi zici ca esti din Baia Mare... Smile
@Overseer where have you been exactly in Romania?
@Ucuitoro Bucharest mostly (: I was visiting my then girlfriend. I wanted to go to Brasov but we couldn't make it because of the weather
Great article, bro
@Overseer next time visit Brasov, it is a very beautiful town. @danider, ty mate! Smile
Good photos Smile
@Ragn0 TY Smile
Nu sunt din Baia MareSmile) sunt din Alba Iulia. Sau Cluj. Depinde de zi 😂