The Guardian

Manga - Новине из Croatia -

Објављено у Croatia - Борбена наређења - 07 Jul 2024 09:18 - 18

Today I am declaring to you that any government member from any country seen fighting hard in resistance wars in Croatian colonies in Slovenia, Austria, Italy and France which are part of Great Croatia will be treated as attack on our sovergnity and independence and will be dealt as such.

I am writing to you today as we started to accomodate many important figures in our resistance wars which are using lies and cheap propaganda to back their fighting against us. Croatia from the first contact tried to have peacful deal with Bosnia about renting regions, our only “wrong doing” was we were fighting during talks as we were over crossed few times during talks with them. I am still looking and wanting peacful solution to that conflict and will work it out if not now one day.

For now our ex allies Ireland, which are accusing us that we are reason they are deleted and not Bris behaviour for their wiping ( Imagine in what world they are living ) showed that they are real enemy of Croatia and that they never were our allies even so we DID helped them in many battles and we DID talked to many representatives from winning countries to ease request in NAP for Ireland. Bulgaria is also on list of hostile nations for Croatia from the time we were used like toy in Danis foreign affair games and sold as ally long time ago. We are reviewing all our battles and for now there are few nations under watch.

I want to thank our beloved friends from Macedonia and Germany for their help in our fights for justice and truth. We will never forget who helped us during our darkest ours and will be forever grateful. Hail Macedonia! Hail Germany! Hail Croatia!

Od davnina, na nju svak' juriša
K'o da nije dosta snjegova i kiša

Sa svih strana svijeta dolazile tvrde sile mraka
K'o da narod tamo gine iz meraka


Gh0stKavehRodjoMad Polar Bear

Коментари (18)

Covjek pisao n makedonija. Reportt
Wipe Wipe Manga
lmao, another joe biden
manga peacefull deal is not shott every time in rw agiast bih then we are very peacefull too then if is this okay
No country can declare another country as part of their country just because they want to do so.
živio drug Manga! o7