Whisper of The Sky

Red_Wing - Новине из Indonesia -

Објављено у Indonesia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 07 Jul 2024 07:55 - 3

INA Version

Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia
Kali ini di eIndonesia 24 Hours edisi Days 102:


1. Admin News


- Mulai tanggal 08 Juli hingga 14 Juli 2024 akan diadakan event Lucky Dice setiap harinya akan mendapatkan 2 dadu gratis. Untuk mendapatkan dadu tambahan ada beberapa ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi, di antaranya:

     - Setiap melakukan hit yang menghabiskan 1000 Energy berpeluang mendapatkan dadu tambahan 2%

     - Setiap melakukan hit menggunakan Warfare  berpeluang mendapatkan dadu tambahan 2% untuk setiap 1000 Energy

     - Untuk setiap hit menggunakan 2000 weapon akan mendapatkan 1 dadu tambahan untuk setiap 1000 Energy

     - Jika melakukan hit kurang dari 1000 Energy berpeluang mendapatkan dadu tambahan 0%

     - Selain cara di atas dapat juga dengan cara melakukan pembelian Gold Pack di Store

    - Setelah semua hadiah di board didapatkan, semua hadiah akan direset kembali. Setelah 3 kali reset papan maka akan mendapatkan medali yang hanya didapatkan sekali.


- Mulai tanggal 13 Juli hingga 16 Juli 2024 admin memberikan diskon Training grounds, Strategic Buildings, dan Special Items


- Admin mempermudah cara mengcopy link artikel dengan cara cukup klik kanan judul artikel tersebut


2.Berita Dalam Negeri

- Dalam 24 jam terakhir terjadi pemberontakan di region Sabah. Ayo rakyat Indonesia bisa manfaatkan pertempuran ini untuk panen medal TR dan TP.


- Pemerintahan periode ini telah mulai terbentuk diantaranya:

   - Prime Minister         : Nezuko

   - Menteri Pertahanan  : No One See

   - Menteri Luar Negeri : To Be Confirm

   - Governor                : Claoner

   - Menteri Pendidikan  : Javier XXII

Mari sama-sama kita dukung para pemerintah yang sudah terbentuk dan mari kita sama-sama tunggu program kerja pemerintahan periode ini dan Laporan pertanggung jawaban periode sebelumnya.


3. Berita Luar Negeri

Jaca Menteri Pertahanan Hungaria yang baru menyampaikan posisi, kondisi dan keadaan geopolitik Hungaria saat ini, serta peluang-peluang yang dapat direalisasikan, selengkapnya baca disini


RedAngel14 Menteri Pendidikan Irlandia yang baru kembali mengajak warga Irlandia untuk bergabung di server discord Irlandia serta menyampaikan manfaatnya, selengkapnya baca disini


XerTaLT Tim Public Relation Jerman yang baru mengumumkan kabinet Pemerintahan Jerman periode ini, selengkapnya baca disini


humulus Presiden Cina mengeluarkan statement dalam artikel yang menyebutkan alasan mengapa Mantan Presiden Rumania pembohong, selengkapnya baca disini


BattleHero mantan Presiden Rumania periode sebelumnya membalas artikel yang dikeluarkan oleh humulus di artikel sebelumnya selengkapnya baca disini


Ucuitoru Anggota Kongres sekaligus menteri pendidikan Rumania mengumumkan give away untuk warga Rumania selengkapnya baca disini


ENG Version 
Good Evening eIndonesian Citizens

This time on eIndonesia 24 Hour Day 102 edition : 

1. Admin News

- From 08 July to 14 July 2024 there will be a Lucky Dice event every day, you will get 2 free dice. To get additional dice there are several conditions that must be met, including:

     - Every hit that costs 1000 Energy has a chance of getting an additional 2% dice

     - Every time you hit using Warfare  you have a chance to get an additional 2% dice for every 1000 Energy

     - For every hit using 2000 weapons you will get 1 additional dice for every 1000 Energy

     - If you hit less than 1000 Energy you have a 0% chance of getting additional dice

     - Apart from the method above, you can also purchase a Gold Pack at the Store

     - After all prizes on the board are obtained, all prizes will be reset. After resetting the board 3 times, you will get a medal that you only get once.

- From 13 July to 16 July 2024 the admin is giving discounts on Training grounds, Strategic Buildings, and Special Items

- Admin makes it easy to copy article links by simply right clicking on the article title

2. Domestic News

- In the last 24 hours there was a rebellion in the Sabah region. Come on, the Indonesian people can take advantage of this battle to harvest TR and TP medals.


- The government of this period has begun to form, including:

   - Prime Minister                : Nezuko

   - Minister of Defense         : No One See

   - Minister of Foreign Affairs: To Be Confirm

   - Governor                        : Claoner

   - Minister of Education       : Javier XXII

Let's support the governments that have been formed together and let's wait together for the government's work program for this period and the accountability report for the previous period.

3. Foreign News

Hungary's new Minister of Defense Jaca conveyed Hungary's current position, conditions and geopolitical situation, as well as opportunities that can be realized, read in full here


RedAngel14 Ireland's new Minister of Education again invites Irish citizens to join the Irish discord server and conveys the benefits, read more here


XerTaLT The new German Public Relations team announced the German Government cabinet for this period, read more here


Chinese President Humulus issued a statement in an article stating the reasons why the Former President of Romania is a liar, read more here


BattleHero, former President of Romania for the previous period, replied to the article issued by humulus in the previous article, read in full here


Ucuitoru Member of Congress and Romanian education minister announced a give away for Romanian citizens, read more here

"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"

That's all for the Day 102 edition of eIndonesia 24 Hours, if there's something wrong, you can say it in the comments. If anyone is interested in being involved in this project, you can PM me directly. Support with Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)

See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Stay Stupid, Don't be Smart (Tere Liye)

Red_ Wing



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