Whisper of The Sky

Red_Wing - Новине из Indonesia -

Објављено у Indonesia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 03 Jul 2024 06:08 - 5

Ina Version

Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia

Sebelum saya menyampaikan artikel edisi Days 98, saya ingin menyampaikan permohonan maaf karena ada 4 edisi yang tidak terbit dikarenakan anak saya sedang dirawat di rumah sakit. Alhamdulillah sekarang sudah sembuh dan bisa bermain kembali. Selanjutnya saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih bagi yang sudah mendoakan di shout dan juga yang meluangkan waktu untuk DM saya untuk memberikan doa dan semangat. 

Kali ini di eIndonesia 24 Hours edisi Days 98:



1. Berita Dalam Negeri

- Dalam 24 jam terakhir pemberontakan di region Luzon dan Singapore City  berhasil ditumpas namun Missouri dapat dikuasai oleh pemberontak. Selain itu Indonesia menyatakan perang kepada Australia dan menyerang New South Wales dan posisi sudah dikuasai. Untuk sekarang mari support ally dan ambil Medal TR.

- Terdapat 1 warga baru yang lahir hari ini yaitu Lex Aterna. Kepada warga yang baru lahir segera bergabung discord Indonesia agar dapat suntikan info dan bisa juga suntikan dana.

- Navy weapon sudah mencapai 80% bonus warga Indonesia bisa produksi dengan baik ship di Indonesia

2. Berita Luar Negeri

TheRedActor salah satu anggota BR88 MU yang ada di Brazil mengumumkan rekrutmen MU mereka bagi yang berminat selengkapnya baca disini

OchiReci salah satu anggota Kongres Rumania mengumumkan kembali proses pembagian makanan untuk warga Rumania edisi ke-20

NSKBpro Presiden Serbia periode kembali mencalonkan diri sebagai Presiden Serbia periode berikutnya, selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini

Herz Menteri Luar Negeri Makedonia menyampaikan posisi netral Makedonia, selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini


Eng Version 

Good Evening eIndonesian Citizens

Before I submit the article for the Days 98 edition, I would like to apologize because there were 4 editions that were not published because my child was being treated in hospital. Thank God, now he has recovered and can play again. Furthermore, I would also like to thank those who have prayed for Shout and also those who took the time to DM me to give prayers and encouragement.

This time on eIndonesia 24 Hour Day 98 edition : 

1. Domestic News

- In the last 24 hours the uprisings in the Luzon and Singapore City regions  were successfully suppressed but Missouri was controlled by the rebels. Apart from that, Indonesia declared war on Australia and attacked New South Wales and the position was captured. For now, let's support allies and take the TR Medal.

- There is 1 new citizen born today, namely  Lex Aterna. Newly born residents immediately join the Indonesian discord so they can get an injection of information and possibly an injection of funds.

- Navy weapons have reached 80% of the bonus for Indonesian citizens being able to produce ships properly in Indonesia

2. Foreign News

TheRedActor, one of the BR88 MU members in Brazil, announced their MU recruitment. For those who are interested, read more details here

OchiReci, a member of the Romanian Congress, announced the return of the 20th edition of the process of distributing food to Romanian citizens

NSKBpro President of Serbia for the next term is running again as President of Serbia for the next term, you can read more about it here

Herz The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia expressed Macedonia's neutral position, you can read more about it here

"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"

That's all for the Day 98 edition of eIndonesia 24 Hours, if there's something wrong, you can say it in the comments. If anyone is interested in being involved in this project, you can PM me directly. Support with Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)

See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Stay Stupid, Don't be Smart (Tere Liye)

Red_ Wing


Коментари (5)

Alhamdulillah udah sembuh anaknya. Semoga ga sakit lagi ya anak pinteeerrrr
welcome back Smile
berita engte nyalon jadi pres mana om hihi