The Poet

Malpicci - Новине из Peru -

Објављено у Brazil - Први кораци у игри - 30 Jun 2024 17:28 - 16


DeathCancellerLesleyFERPETripleKolaK R L

Коментари (16)

If the it is a little bit hard to read because of the font size, you may need to zoom in. I've tried to put numbers close to each other so it would help to compare data. Sorry if it is a bit small.
Good idea, it would make the competition fairer. o7
In next two days, I will be on 3500+ str , no worries Laugh but yeah, weekly based on levels are much more fairer. Good article o7
@Lesley, I didn't mean to point you out as a bad thing. I kind saw that you changed from one list to the other so it was a great example Smile Also, str will be increasing really fast from now on due to the new training center giving 75 str and tt will impact even more the tiers if they stay strength based
Cool as usual o7
@malpicci no worries, I did not think other way, of course! 😊 but also as I said, based on level is better option in every case o7
level based is a good idea
I don't think so, I would go against tanks with 3000+ strength and I don't even have 2000 :/
@LordSun3, you can check the damage formula and see if that doesn't make sense. However, you are saying you have 2000 str, right? Well, I have 3000 and my 1DMGHIT is 8719 while yours is 10717. Do you know what that means? Even tho I have more STR, since you were able to tank more, maybe because you spent more RL money, you have more firepower than me. Usually, higher the level higher the firepower.
Good idea because DMG formula is based on the level and not the strength
Funny that in proposal I’m in the first group but this week I was in 3rd Sad
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