Whisper of The Sky

Red_Wing - Новине из Indonesia -

Објављено у Indonesia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 26 Jun 2024 07:25 - 0

Ina Version

Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia

Kali ini di eIndonesia 24 Hours edisi Days 91:


1. Update Admin

- Quests Season akan dilaksanakan dari tgl 01 Juli 2024 sampai tgl 21 Juli 2024. Dengan Total hadiah sebanyak 44 pcs. Untuk klaim hadiah butuh 1000 bintang detil terkait ini bisa dibaca disini

- Untuk mensupport pemain baru, admin memberikan TG tambahan untuk str/int dibawah 3500 yang dapat memberikan 75 str/int per hari. Ini akan berlaku aktif 28 Juni 2024.

- Mulai 1 Juli 2024 resources akan di shuffle dan dipastikan yang sudah mendapatkan rare tidak akan mendapatkannya lagi. Ini akan dilakukan secara rutin selama 60 - 90 Hari.

- Mulai 1 Juli 2024 juga masa cool down penggantian kewarganegaraan akan diperpanjang dari 10 hari menjadi 20 hari.

- Admin juga menambah kapasitas gold yang bisa ditaruh di pasar uang dari 100 menjadi 300

-  Mulai 1 Juli 2024 juga tier Weekly Tournament berubah menjadi:

⭐ 1-1500 Strength

⭐⭐ 1501-3500 Strength

⭐⭐⭐ 3501+ Strength

2. Berita Dalam Negeri

- Dalam 24 jam terakhir pemberontakan di region   Sabah, Southern Taiwan dan Northern Thailand berhasil ditumpas. Selain itu baru saja dimulai pemberontakan di region Vermont dan Mindanao. Jangan lupa untuk hit side Indonesia dan segera tutup front yang terbuka.

- Hari ini Ketua Partai yang baru telah terpilih, mari kita ucapkan selamat dan semoga Ketua yang baru bisa memimpin partainya dengan baik selama 1 bulan ke depan.

- Selain itu pada hari ini juga secara resmi berdiri partai baru yaitu Progresif Party Indonesia (PPI) selengkapnya bisa baca disini

- Ada satu info terlewat kemarin bahwa Presiden kita yang sekarang adalah Jack Rafflesia yang sekaligus Menteri Pertahanan. Presiden sebelumnya diturunkan karena ada urusan di RL. Semoga Presiden baru bisa melanjutkan pekerjaan presiden sebelumnya.

3. Berita Luar Negeri

- BattleHero Presiden Rumania menyampaikan bahwa Rumania sudah tidak memiliki alasan untuk tetap di dalam aliansi Phoenix dan memutuskan untuk meninggalkan aliansi.

- Lesley Presiden USA menyatakan kemerdekaan dan kenetralan USA. Ada beberapa rencana pembangunan USA selengkapnya baca disini

Pinky Balls Menteri Pendidikan Irlandia mengumumkan NAP antara CF dan Phoenix. Selengkapnya baca disini

- Shayan Kapten MU dari Ancients melaporkan progress pelaksanaan program pengembangan Prajurit dari MU Ancients dan membuka bagi yang berminat untu bergabung.


Eng Version 

Good Evening eIndonesian Citizens

This time on eIndonesia 24 Jam Day 91 edition

1. Update Admin

- Quests Season will be held from 01 July 2024 to 21 July 2024. With a total prize of 44 pcs. To claim the prize you need 1000 stars. Details regarding this can be read here

- To support new players, the admin provides additional TG for str/int under 3500 which can provide 75 str/int per day. This will be effective June 28, 2024.

- Starting July 1 2024, resources will be shuffled and it is certain that those who have got rares will not get them again. This will be done regularly for 60 - 90 days.

- Starting July 1 2024, the cool down period for changing citizenship will also be extended from 10 days to 20 days.

- Admin also increased the gold capacity that can be placed on the money market from 100 to 300

-  Starting July 1 2024 the Weekly Tournament tier will also change to:

⭐ 1-1500 Strength

⭐⭐ 1501-3500 Strength

⭐⭐⭐ 3501+ Strength

2. Domestic News

- In the last 24 hours the rebellions in the Sabah, Southern Taiwan and Northern Thailand regions were successfully suppressed. Apart from that, rebellions have just begun in the Vermont and Mindanao regions. Don't forget to hit the Indonesian side and immediately close the open front.

- Today the new Party Chairman has been elected, let's congratulate him and hope that the new Chairman can lead his party well for the next 1 month.

- Apart from that, today a new party was officially founded, namely the Progressive Party Indonesia (PPI), you can read more about it here

- There was one piece of information that was missed yesterday that our current President is Jack Rafflesia who is also the Minister of Defense. The previous president was demoted because he had business at RL. Hopefully the new President can continue the work of the previous president.

2. Foreign News

BattleHero The President of Romania said that Romania no longer has any reason to remain in the Phoenix alliance and has decided to leave the alliance.

- Lesley The President of the USA declared the independence and neutrality of the USA. There are several USA development plans, read more here

Pinky Balls Ireland's Minister for Education announces NAP between CF and Phoenix. Read more here

- Shayan, MU Captain from Ancients, reports on the progress of the implementation of the Soldier development program from MU Ancients and opens for those interested to join.

"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"

That's all for the Day 91 edition of eIndonesia 24 Hours, if there's something wrong, you can say it in the comments. If anyone is interested in being involved in this project, you can PM me directly. Support with Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)

See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Stay Stupid, Don't be Smart (Tere Liye)

Red_ Wing


Emergency Food

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