Whisper of The Sky

Red_Wing - Новине из Indonesia -

Објављено у Indonesia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 20 Jun 2024 06:20 - 8

Ina Version

Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia

Kali ini di eIndonesia 24 Hours edisi Days 85:



1. Berita Dalam Negeri

- Dalam 24 jam terakhir telah dimulai pemberontakan di region Central Taiwan, sesuai arahan Pak Presiden wilayah ini akan dilepas. Ayo warga Indonesia silahkan pilih side resistance dan petik Medal TRnya.

- Dalam 24 jam terakhir telah lahir 2 warga negara baru, yaitu bijionta dan ELOK selamat bergabung jangan lupa join discord eIndonesia, link channel bisa ditanya di wall shout.

- Jumlah pendapatan pajak Indonesia pada day 84 mencapai titik tertingginya dalam 7 hari terakhir khususnya dari IDR, berdasarkan data pendapatan berasal dari Work as Manager, hal ini berkemungkinan karena bonus Indonesia yang mencapai 80% untuk food, weapon dan navy weapon. Selain itu hal ini juga bisa jadi dikarenakan pajak untuk WNA sudah sama dengan pajak untuk WNI.

- Jack Rafflesia Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia sekaligus Anggota kongres mengajukan proposal untuk memindahakan dana dari kas negara ke Presiden sebesar 37.000 IDR. Sampai saya menerbitkan artikel ini belum ada informasi terkait tujuan pemindahan tersebut dan terkait program apa. Mari kita tunggu konferensi Persnya.

- Battle Pantun sampai saat ini terpantau sudah ada 3 pendaftar, bagi yang berminat silahkan mendaftar disini karena pendaftaran masih dibuka.

2. Berita Luar Negeri

OchiReci anggota kongres Rumania kembali membagikan makanan bagi warga Rumania

- Stark salah satu warga Jerman melakukan analisa terkait pertempuran dalam periode 10 - 16 Juni 2024, kita fokus ke Indonesia saja namun kalau mau lihat selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini . Bahwa Indonesia peringkat ke 5 dalam jumlah hit namun peringkat 9 dalam jumlah damage. Hal ini seperti yang disampaikan pak Presiden Indonesia bahwa hal ini disebabkan warga Indonesia masih hit tanpa senjata. Hal ini telah menjadi perhatian pak presiden, semoga ke depan ada program agar warga Indonesia bisa swasembada senjata

- Lesley Presiden USA mengundang seluruh warga dunia bagi yang berminat untuk menjadi warga negara USA. Dia menyiapkan hadiah yang tidak kecil dan dari hartanya sendiri bukan negara.

- Kaveh Menteri Pertahanan Jerman menyampaikan opininya yang ina bahwa apapun yang terjadi di game ini silahkan nikmati permainannya selengkapnya bisa baca disini

xaqaparwa Presiden Indonesia menyampaikan dalam rangka mendukung perkembangan komunitas Taiwan maka wilayah Central Taiwan akan dilepas menjadi wilayah yang mandiri.

- NSKBpro Presiden Serbia mengumumkan pembagian senjata untuk warga Serbia sejumlah 400 - 500 pcs

- Perang bacot di world shout masih terus berlanjut hingga saat ini.

"Anything in game stay in game, anything in RL still in RL"

Eng Version 

Good Evening eIndonesian Citizens

This time on eIndonesia 24 Jam Day 85 edition


1. Domestic News

- In the last 24 hours a rebellion has begun in the Central Taiwan region, according to the President's direction this region will be released. Come on, Indonesians, please choose side resistance and pick the TR Medal.

- In the last 24 hours 2 new citizens have been born, namely bijionta and ELOK welcome to join, don't forget to join the eIndonesia discord, the channel link can be asked on the shout wall.

- The amount of Indonesian tax income on day 84 reached its highest point in the last 7 days, especially from IDR, based on income data from Work as Manager, this is likely due to Indonesia's bonuses reaching 80% for food, weapons and naval weapons. Apart from that, this could also be because the tax for foreigners is the same as the tax for Indonesian citizens.

- Jack Rafflesia Indonesian Minister of Defense and Member of Congress submitted a proposal to transfer funds from the state treasury to the President in the amount of 37,000 IDR. Until I published this article there was no information regarding the purpose of the transfer and what program it was related to. Let's wait for the press conference.

- Battle Pantun has so far been observed to have 3 registrants, for those who are interested please register here because registration is still open.

2. Foreign News

Romanian congressman OchiReci returns to distribute food to Romanian citizens

- Stark, one of the German citizens, carried out an analysis regarding the fighting in the period 10 - 16 June 2024. We will only focus on Indonesia, but if you want to see more, you can read it here. That Indonesia ranks 5th in number of hits but ranks 9th in number of damage. This is as stated by the President of Indonesia, that this is because Indonesian citizens are still hit without weapons. This has become the president's concern, hopefully in the future there will be a program so that Indonesian citizens can be self-sufficient in weapons

- Lesley The President of the USA invites all citizens of the world who are interested in becoming USA citizens. He prepared gifts that were not small and from his own wealth, not the state's.

- Kaveh, the German Minister of Defense, expressed his opinion, the essence of which is that whatever happens in this game, please enjoy the game in full, you can read it here

xaqaparwa The President of Indonesia said that in order to support the development of the Taiwanese community, the Central Taiwan region would be released into an independent region.

- NSKBpro President of Serbia announced the distribution of weapons to Serbian citizens in the amount of 400 - 500 pcs

- The backlash war in World Shout continues to this day.

"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"

That's all for the Day 85 edition of eIndonesia 24 Hours, if there's something wrong, you can say it in the comments. If anyone is interested in being involved in this project, you can PM me directly. Support with Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)

See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Stay Stupid, Don't be Smart (Tere Liye)

Red_ Wing


No One SeeClaonerHazelPlay2285LeviafanOchiReciEmergency Food

Коментари (8)

Njay perang bacot wkkaak
I'm bored... Nothing about me...
@humulus maybe tomorrow if you make article, or you want special interview
Voted because the next china’s warrior give comment. GJ Humulus
jir nama perangnya sangat mantap sekali
The very most important foreign news was that Romanian congressman OchiReci returns to distribute food to Romanian citizens? Laugh