The Guardian

Manga - Новине из Croatia -

Објављено у Croatia - Политичке дебате и анализе - 17 Jun 2024 17:19 - 17

Croatia is declaring neutrality on 18.06.2024 following decision to leave alliance after personal decision from one person to not include Croatia as their member in NAP talks. Bulgaria backstabbed Croatia by singing MPP with country that broke the NAP agreement with first fighting against Croatia and DoWing us but that one person consider that Croatia asking for help from Albania in war we didn’t started a problem and are leaving us out of NAP. We after all weren’t in direct conflict with any of PHOENIX countries so and we don’t want anything from anyone besides what is ours and what we have legitimate control so there is no need for NAP. Croatia have and had many enemies but Croatia never wanted to harm any community. It seems that for Croatia you were ally but for you Croatia wasn’t never considered ally. We are gonna fight everyone who questions our sovergnity and control over all regions we hold at the moment with priority on reworking whole diplomatic section and relationships. We will fight in war with Bosnia if needed, we already did that alone without allies and we showed them what no one belived we could. We are dissociating from any connection with Bulgaria and it’s ( new ) allies. 

Thank you CF for all the good times and bad times, it was nice ride o7


Play2285Sir barbod

Коментари (17)

dobro ti si fakultet
Manga idi sta pojebi. Lakse ce ti biti. Cijelu noc ne spavas zbog Bosne.
joke of the day
o7 ,one more country having issues with lil Bulgaria it seems 😞
nemoj misliti da je Srbija zaboravila koliko si udarao protiv nje, samo polako, sve u svoje vrijeme Laugh
steppenwolf sve sto sam udarao bi se odvilo u jednoj rundi. Hrvatska je bila protiv rata sa Srbijim i nismo ga podupirali, a sav nas dmg je bio samo odgovor na vas, necemo se lagati prvi ste nas poceli nisanit Wink
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