Whisper of The Sky

Red_Wing - Новине из Indonesia -

Објављено у Indonesia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 17 Jun 2024 06:06 - 9

Ina Version

Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia

Kali ini di eIndonesia 24 Hours edisi Days 82:



- League Wars: Battle for the Crown Final sudah selesai dan pemenangnya adalah Rumania. Selamat bagi juara dan bagi rakyat Indonesia sebagai 10 besar kita juga mendapatkan hadiah gold mine 3 Hari. Lumayan dapat tambahan gold.

- Golden Island telah dimulai dan akan berlangsung selama 7 hari. Mari manfaatkan event ini dengan sebaik-baiknya. Bakar yang bisa dibakar Laugh


1. Pertahanan dan Keamanan

Dalam 24 jam terakhir  pemberontakan di region Hokkaido, Central Thailand, Southern Taiwan, Sabah dan Luzon berhasil ditumpas. Terima kasih bagi warga negara yang mensupport dalam mempertahankan negara.

2. Berita Dalam Negeri

Sampai hari ini akun Pedjoeang belum merespon kegiatan Battle Pantun, oleh karena itu lomba akan dirubah formatnya penjelasan akan dibahas pada rubrik terpisah.

- Terjadi peningkatan pendapatan dari pajak dalam bentuk gold sebesar 300% dari hari kemarin. Hal ini disebabkan karena sedang berlangsungnya event Golden Island

- Selamat kepada Garuda Clan karena mewakili Indonesia kategori Top Military Unit pada peringkat 10 Weekly Tournament 12

- Selamat juga kepada nama di bawah ini yang mewakili Indonesia kategori Top Soldiers *:
a. Peringkat 6 :  Perdjoeangan - Garuda Clan
b. Peringkat 8 : Red_Wing - Garuda Clan
c. Peringkat 17 : Urek Mazino - Outsider
d. Peringkat 18 :  mister3 - Outsider
e. Peringkat 25 : Malevolent Shrine - Outsider
f.  Peringkat 29 : Queensha Jasmine - Outsider

-  Selamat juga kepada nama di bawah ini yang mewakili Indonesia kategori Top Soldiers **:
a. Peringkat 20 : Megawati - Garuda Clan

-  Selamat juga kepada nama di bawah ini yang mewakili Indonesia kategori Top Soldiers ***:
a. Peringkat 20 : xaqaparwa - Garuda Clan

3. Berita Luar Negeri

- Michael Collins salah satu anggota kongres Irlandia memberikan apresiasi atas pencapaian dalam perang dan juga mengapresiasi bantuan dari rekan aliansi. Namun di komentar kubu Serbia tidak menerima statement yang diutarakan dia artikel tersebut. Perdebatan ini masih berlangsung di artikel tersebut. Selengkapnya bisa baca disini.

- humulus mantan warga negara Rumania yang sekarang berpindah kewarganegaraan menjadi warga negara China mengeluarkan artikel yang memprovokasi Bulgaria. Sampai artikel ini keluar belum ada perdebatan di kolom komentar yang cukup ramai.

Aveun salah satu anggota kongres Jerman mengeluarkan artikel yang menunjukkan pendapat pribadinya tentang adanya rencana perdamaian dengan Phoenix. Artikel ini tidak secara langsung menunjuk salah satu negara atau aliansi, namun di kolom komentar terlihat mengarah ke Bulgaria dan Aliansi CF, selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini

 Tankardist salah satu anggota kongres sekaligus Menteri Pertahanan Rumania menyampaikan rasa terima kasih atas support MU dan warga negara Rumania dalam League Wars: Battle for the Crown. Selain itu dia juga menyampaikan kesalahan yang di lakukan sebagai bahan evaluasi.

Cassis la Panadera emperador dari Mexico mengumumkan Operasi Coyote, slah satu isi terpenting operasi ini adalah kemerdekaan dari Federasi Peru, selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini

 NSKBpro Presiden Serbia menyampaikan hadiah apa saja yang di dapat dari Golden Key, selengkpanya baca disini

  Kaveh Menteri Pertahanan Jerman membuat artikel yang terkesan seperti joke, namun kolom komentar dipenuhi perdebatan saling provokasi, selengkapnya baca disini

"Anything in game stay in game, anything in RL still in RL"

Eng Version 

Good Evening eIndonesian Citizens

This time on eIndonesia 24 Jam Day 82 edition


- League Wars: Battle for the Crown Finals are over and the winner is Romania. Congratulations to the champions and to the people of Indonesia as the top 10 we also get a 3 day gold mine prize. It's good to get extra gold.

- Golden Island has started and will last for 7 days. Let's make the best use of this event. Burn what can be burned Laugh


1. Defense and Security

In the last 24 hours uprisings in the regions of Hokkaido, Central Thailand, Southern Taiwan, Sabah and Luzon were successfully suppressed. Thank you to the citizens who support in defending the country.

2. Domestic News

- Until today the Pedjoeang account has not responded to the Battle Pantun activity, therefore the format of the competition will be changed, the explanation will be discussed in a separate column.

- There was an increase in income from taxes in the form of gold by 300% from yesterday. This is because the Golden Island event is currently underway

- Congratulations to Garuda Clan for representing Indonesia in the Top Military Unit category in 10th place in Weekly Tournament 12

- Congratulations also to the names below who represent Indonesia in the Top Soldiers category*:
a. Rank 6   : Perdjoeangan - Garuda Clan
b. Rank 8   : Red_Wing - Garuda Clan
c. Rank 17 : Urek Mazino - Outsider
d. Rank 18 : mister3 - Outsider
e. Rank 25 : Malevolent Shrine - Outsider
f.  Rank 29 : Queensha Jasmine - Outsider

-  Congratulations also to the names below who represent Indonesia in the Top Soldiers ** category:
a. Rank 20: Megawati - Garuda Clan

-  Congratulations also to the names below who represent Indonesia in the Top Soldiers *** category:
a. Rank 20 : xaqaparwa - Garuda Clan

3. Foreign News

- Michael Collins, one of the Irish congressmen, expressed his appreciation for the achievements in the war and also appreciated the help from alliance partners. However, in the comments the Serbian camp did not accept the statement expressed in the article. This debate is still ongoing in the article. You can read more here.

- Humulus, a former Romanian citizen who has now changed citizenship to become a Chinese citizen, published an article that provoked Bulgaria. Until this article came out there was no debate in the comments column which was quite busy.

Aveun one of the German congressmen released an article showing his personal opinion about the existence of a peace plan with Phoenix. This article does not directly point to any one country or alliance, but in the comments section it seems to point to Bulgaria and the CF Alliance, you can read more about it here

Tankardist, a congressman and Minister of Defense of Romania, expressed his gratitude for the support of MU and Romanian citizens in League Wars: Battle for the Crown. Apart from that, he also conveyed the mistakes he made as evaluation material.

Cassis la Panadera emperador from Mexico announced Operation Coyote, one of the most important contents of this operation was independence from the Peruvian Federation, you can read more about it here

NSKBpro The President of Serbia conveyed what prizes he got from the Golden Key, read in full here

-  Kaveh, the German Minister of Defense, wrote an article that seemed like a joke, but the comments column was filled with mutually provoking debates, read more here

"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"

That's all for the Day 82 edition of eIndonesia 24 Hours, if there's something wrong, you can say it in the comments. If anyone is interested in being involved in this project, you can PM me directly. Support with Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)

See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Stay Stupid, Don't be Smart (Tere Liye)

Red_ Wing


Emergency FoodHazelxaqaparwaPlay2285No One SeeJavier XXIITankardistTheRedActor

Коментари (9)

Banyak drama barat nya ya wkwkwkwk
iya lagi banyak disana
Voted! Selalu dukung article begini, kaya baca koran harian wkwkwk..
Good job
Semangat menulis terus om o/
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