Alex's newspaper

Alex95 - Новине из Bulgaria -

Објављено у Bulgaria - Ратне анализе - 15 Jun 2024 12:48 - 52

Hello eWorld,

this message is addressed to everyone because most probably everyone will be affected by what will it be announced.. one way or another. 

 Before we reach to it lets make some retrospection of the events happened "behind the curtains" in the last few days/weeks.

For over a month there is a global war. Global because 95% of active countries are involved it in. Unfortunately(for us) its 2 alliances and a lot of countris against our alliance. Unfortunately(for them) they still havent any major victory. Anyway, its been exhausting war for everyone and we(Bulgaria) have been trying to achieve peace in the last 10 days. They declined.

We have contacted every alliance and almost every country from the other sides. Some people saw it as a period of weakness for Bulgaria..yet they havent win any battle since then. Anyway x2, we continued the peace talks, we have been offering even our rare bonuses. They declined.

The reasons for the declining? Personal agendas against, ego, complexes, b*tthurt etc.

Some of you said that we will become even stronger if we make peace, some of you said that it will be not beneficial for the game.

And with some of you we had verbal agreements not to shoot against each other despite being on different sides. Because of mutual respect during the long years together in other similar games.

And even these agreements got violated. That didnt feel good believe me.

Some of you blamed us for ruining the game. Sorry, the game is about dominating and that is what we did. You cant blame us for working hard as f*ck to be at this level for so long.

Some of you reported us for using bot scripts/servers to control multiple accounts as once. THANK YOU! This is the biggest compliment we can get and the true reward for our mentioned hard work. THANK YOU!

*and no, we dont use bot scripts

Taking all these recent accusations, declines, vulgarity, negative attitude i want to remind you of some things in the begining of the game:

As Bulgaria was the most organized and most populated since the begining, in the first day of the game we started like 10 Declaration of war to inactive countries for bonuses and to farm Round Hero medals(you remember how hard was the gold income at the start).

We had most of the rare bonuses then but some of the countries we hold regions started to gather some active people and for the sake of the game we released all of them. Examples: Georgia, Peru, Greece, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Italy, France, Ukraine and probably more.

But of course this is not appreciated by the people accusing us for braking

the game. Dont worry, we dont dont get offended by mediocre players we just wanted to refresh your memory about it.

Anyway x3.

We are tired. Its mentally tiring to deal with negativity from all sides just because you are playing the game as you should. With good discipline and perfect organization.

We had enough. 

For all these "good wishers" i have good news.. or not


is no more!

Today we dismantle all of the government. We stop all of the organization proccess. Everyone who dare to take rare regions from us - you are welcome. You will not face any organized fighting.

Hope you got what you wished for.


Because of all the negativity mentioned above you brought us to our breaking point. 

A big group of players had enough of all your bullsh*t and because of that we say this:

Until today we had VIRIBUS UNITIS only as a name of the unit. From now you will see what its trully means.


From now on we dont care about countries, regions, bonuses, allies, enemies, agreements, talks, excuses etc.

You pushed us to the edge its time for us to strike back without any regrets how it will affect our country, your country or whoever.


tyrlakagzhnSir barbodPentitoOverseerNo One SeeLesleyRomy

Коментари (52)

Да са живи и здрави всички бгта, дето наливаха пари срещу Б-я. Честито, може да спите спокойно вече.
lets all log out after this
какво става бе александарееее чедо македонско
Кво стана двама Българи, които плюхте все едно сме ви взели жените съборихме кочината ли е брат... мн жалко
bro please take your chill pills you will need them Cheeky
o7 Thanks for your contributions.
Try to enjoy the game without being disrespectful o7
Tik Tak... Barbod
Македонија вечна! о7
Ма играјте људи за себе, шта вас брига штандруги причају!! Ако сте организовани и јаки, откачите сваку алијансуниниграјте за себе и ваше бонусе. Хаил Бугарска о7 Идемо у Јапанија 🇯🇵 о7
tik taki
It's a shame that external comments affect the psychology of this group. Congratulations on the organization, it is difficult to maintain organizations for the long term.
Cold war, whoever lasts the longest wins!
Whats a shame is starting a war and then dismanting your country to join the enemy. Keep your wise words to yourself, and use your main acc, Celio.
@Deflection We can make mistakes, but staying in the mistake is stupid, choosing to be on your side is stupid!
I love you Celio, you will always have place beside me
i ain't reading all that. im happy for you tho, or sorry that happened.
Congrulation for Bulgaria in Organisation and competition they provided, if we put aside flaming and insulting, it was a great time for that game o7 Respect !
Good luck brothers o7
Do you recruit new members? What are the perks?
Oh come on now!!!! Who you had “peace” talks with that they “declined”??? Some random people? The only one that i know of was an un-official one with Patalos (that he was talking to ireland not BG at that time and was not prepared to talk with BG at all)… We just had a meeting on Phoenix, LAST NIGHT to analyze potential scenarios of peace or NAP or to continue the war! I’m sorry, but if you ever tried to talk for somebody for peace and they declined, maybe it was the wrong person. I was at the top of the leadership of war and alliances and i NEVER heard bulgaria talking peace. —- Anyways just have fun playing the game. Tbh, Bulgaria made some wrong decisions in this game, but i love Bulgarian community and nobody wants you to break. We love you for real.
Dear Shayan, there are two scenarios: 1. you are lying that you havent received peace proposals. 2. If you are honest, imagine how much you are respected in your alliance to not tell you about the peace proposals in plural.
With this kind of article you will never get a peace.
LoooL what a drama queen you are alex
Alex95, it does not matter really. If you talk with the new leadership in last 4 days, then i could not be aware of it. Other than that i’m aware there were no talks. Anyways, wish you guys the best and you have my utmost respect in game o7
@humulus The thing is that we are no longer looking for it
We don't speak chinese
@danider, I didn't even expect you to speak. But instead, I thought you had the good sense not to attack former PB countries. You followed Bris' trick and thought that if you are the number 1 country on the server, everyone will follow you. Bad luck.
We don't need followers. Other are the people that seek following. And if you had bothered to answer me yesterday, you would know everything. But like usual you just go mad for no reason at all.
After acting like bullies and making almost everyone angry about you, now you want peace and stop spending resources on paying the consequences you looked for along with Ireland and threat with leaving the game due you are on the losing side (despite you dont see any "major win, it's the reality) It's funny, honestly. Maybe apologizing and agreeing with the people that really runs the winner side you get any peace agreement, I'm sure they won't decline reasonable proposals. Shayan's words shows how far away from reality is saying everyone declined already.
We didn't bully anyone. We don't ask for peace. We do not care about it. We are not leaving the game. We just won't mess with politics anytime soon because it is full of useless people. Learn to read with understanding.
Aceptan cs?
He's asking if yall accept Citizenship
@ValyR try us Smile
I am an old friend of Bulgaria. I told my friends that wrong decisions were made by Bulgaria, while I expected something else from the strength of the first game. including the unilateral dissolution of the alliance by Dani who was the boss. A behind the scenes agreement between Bulgaria and Ireland and discarding Iran, Greece, Romania, and Serbia instead of Barzel (SOA).Before you were broken, it was our friendship that was so broken and we doubted.But in the case of peace, when the foreign minister of our alliance, Shayan, does not talk about any negotiations or efforts, it means that you have officially gone the wrong way to get the answer. Let's assume that your attempt was rejected. Should lovely Bulgaria be broken? stop it alex You have strong teams in your country that cannot be broken. I always love you. be strong together o7
Nagy segítség ez a magyar családoknak.
alex o7
we arrrogants we are malakas we are Bulgaria ....xD peace? what is that ? xD
It doesn't matter whether you like Bulgaria or not, whether you are friends or competitors with Bulgaria. The biggest mistake you can make is to underestimate and misjudge the reality of Bulgaria, both militarily and politically. o7
BaRBaR o7
One whole month of global war ahahahahahha ffs
Aw man, we wouldn't mind lending you a hand from us if needed.
Veo puro lloriqueo en este artículo, en otros juegos pasamos meses borrados y lo más bien que seguiamos intentar liberando(Chile) y uds ni borrados están y ya están con lloriqueos....
Alex95 same propaganda like Danider