La Panadería Express

Објављено у Mexico - Политичке дебате и анализе - 08 Jun 2024 15:24 - 5

Hola a todos...

Recientemente salio este artículo:
Yo creo creo es importante mecionar unas cosas deacuerdo a mi punto de vista, y dejar unos puntos claros...

Primero he de mencionar que yo en la vida real no soy partidario de la uniomn hispanica, y menos de una union latinoamerica. Pero siento que esas posturas son muypersonales como para considerarlas en este mundo. Sin embargo, es de remarcar unas cosas que si son mas situacionales que me pueden ayudar a sostener una poistura mas lógica:

1. Como personas democraticas, considero que fue muy impulsiva la idea de crar una "Federación de las Americas" sin hacer una consulta. Aunque reconozco que esta semana fue muy ocupada de mi parte, creo yo que no se debio de hacer ese movimiento sin consultar democraticamente a la comunidad (Que si, somos pocos, pero todos somos parte de una) Es de considerar que en México hubo elecciones recientemente.

2. La unión con Perú me desagrada. Perú fue el primer agresor a nuestra soberania, y tecnicamente en sus "propuestas de paz" eran tratos humillantes. Yo nunca olvido, y considero que unirse a una union en donde ellos serían mayoria, sería una subjugación a sus intereses.

3. Bajo el segundo punto, es probable que Perú diriga todo, o que impulse su agenta. Por lo tanto, eso implica ir a pelear al bando del cual ellos se sientan más comodos. Y eso no se me hace adecuado, considerando que los aliados de México son los piases que son enemigos de Perú, o están bajo intereses diferentes.

4. Sosteniendo el segundo y tercer punto... Perú es la nación "hispanoamericana" mas grande. Posiblemente con 50 personas. Nosotros no tenemos esa cantidad de personas. Asi que bajo un simple calculo matemático, no es soprendente saber que ellos al tener mayor poder democratico, serán capaces de imponer su voluntad mas hacia sus intereses particulares. En una democracia, el poder lo obtienen las mayorias, y ellos son mayoría. Y yo sinceramente no tengo mucho interes en seguir ordenes del pais que considero agresor.

Con todos estos puntos, quiero volver a remarcar que yo no soy partidario de dicha unión. Remarcando que soy el Primer Ministro de México. (Y se Inglés, asi que para mi el argumento lingüistico no me es suficiente) Prefiero irme a algun país aliado y usar el Ingles como idioma, antes de trabajar con ellos.

Una ves dicho eso, respetare la voluntad de otros mexicanos, no me voy a meter en su desicion, simplemente yo no voy a formar parte de eso.


Hello everyone...

I recently came from this article:
I think it is important to mention some things according to my point of view, and to make some points clear...

First I must mention that in real life I am not in favor of any Hispanic Union, and even less of a Latin American Union. But I feel that these positions are too personal to consider in this world. However, it is worth pointing out some things that are more situational that can help me maintain a more logical position:

1. As democratic people, I consider that the idea of creating a "Federation of the Americas" without consultation was very impulsive. Although I recognize that this week was very busy on my part, I believe that this movement should not be made without consulting the community democratically (Yes, we are few, but we are all part of one). It is worth considering that in Mexico there were federal elections recently.

2. The union with Peru has displeased me. Peru was the first aggressor to our sovereignty, and technically in their "peace proposals" they were humiliating deals. I will never forget that, and I consider that joining a union where they would be the majority, would make us subjugate to their interests.

3. On the second point, it is likely that Peru will be commanding everything, or that it will push its agent. Therefore, that implies going to fight on the side that they feel more comfortable with. And that does not seem adequate to me, considering that Mexico's allies are the same ones that are enemies of Peru, or are under different interests.

4. Supporting the second and third points... Peru is the largest "Hispanic American" nation. Possibly with 50 people. We do not have that amount of people. So under a simple mathematical calculation, it is not surprising to know that they, having greater democratic power, will be able to impose their will more towards their particular interests. In a democracy, power is obtained by the majorities, and they are the majority. And I sincerely do not have much interest in following orders from a group of people I consider the aggressor.

With all these points, I want to remind you again that I am not in favor of such a union. Remembering that I am the Prime Minister of Mexico. (And I know English, so for me the linguistic argument is not enough) I prefer to go to an allied country and use English as a language, rather than work with guys who speaks Spanish and were agressors.

Having said that, I will respect the will of other Mexicans, I will not get involved in their decision, I simply will not be part of it.



Коментари (5)

Lo entiendo, más no lo comparto. Suerte we
Tu opinion se respeta. De todas maneras, la gente que ya está en la federación esta viendo el esfuerzo porque cada nacion sea equitativamente representada, independientemente del tamaño de la misma. Viva la Federación de las Americas!
so, the a president from Mexico didn't agree that Mexico is in the Federation, but Mexico still in the Federation? How does it make sense?
Same question as Governador, maybe because the original CP requested Peruvian Citizenship? Anyways, if I were in my country i wouldn't have agreed to this either. Same vibes as when Ireland claimed North America for themselves.
Yes, I got the presidency as it was empty