Garuda News

xaqaparwa - Новине из Indonesia -

Објављено у Indonesia - Борбена наређења - 06 Jun 2024 04:30 - 14

The Indonesian government has decided to release two regions in Japan, Shikoku and Kyushu, to the Republic of Macedonia (MKD) as part of a strategic alliance and mutual agreement between our two nations.
Released Regions:

As a token of appreciation and symbol of our growing friendship, Macedonia has gifted us a magnificent statue of Alexander the Great. This stunning piece will be proudly displayed in our Museum of Indonesia.


We are delighted and honored to receive this statue, which will serve as a lasting symbol of the strong bond between Indonesia and Macedonia. This gesture reflects the deep respect and collaboration between our nations.
Hail Indonesia! Hail MKD (Republic of Macedonia)!

We look forward to continued cooperation and friendship with Macedonia, and we thank them for their generous gift. Together, we will continue to forge a path of mutual respect and shared prosperity.

Indonesia Melepas Dua Wilayah di Jepang ke Makedonia
Pemerintah Indonesia telah memutuskan untuk melepas dua wilayah di Jepang, yaitu Shikoku dan Kyushu, kepada Republik Makedonia (MKD) sebagai bagian dari aliansi strategis dan kesepakatan bersama antara kedua negara.
Wilayah yang Dilepas:

Sebagai tanda penghargaan dan simbol persahabatan yang semakin erat, Makedonia telah memberikan kami hadiah berupa patung megah Alexander the Great. Patung yang menakjubkan ini akan dipajang dengan bangga di Museum Indonesia.


Kami sangat gembira dan merasa terhormat menerima patung ini, yang akan menjadi simbol abadi dari ikatan kuat antara Indonesia dan Makedonia. Gagasan ini mencerminkan rasa hormat dan kerjasama yang mendalam antara kedua negara kita.
Hidup Indonesia! Hidup MKD (Republik Makedonia)!

Kami berharap untuk melanjutkan kerjasama dan persahabatan dengan Makedonia, dan kami berterima kasih atas hadiah mereka yang murah hati. Bersama-sama, kita akan terus menapaki jalan saling menghormati dan kemakmuran bersama.



Коментари (14)

Pertamax Hue Hue Hail indo Hail MKD
Ahhh... sorry for making wall in this fight, i dont know that you already talk to our president, MKD O7
Indo o7
Respect! You got my vote and support! All hail eIndonesia 🫡
Neither is Kosovo
I'm sorry mr. president for hit.
Ah shit Lucky Manga you will have to wait we have to deal with the Malaysians.
two region just for one pic of alexander the great...... i confused right now but yeah i am now just a regular citizen of eIndonesia
Putkalos яко във филма ебаси смешника хахахаххах
Only Kosingas can make a dill for Japan in this game !!! So DoW NM, DoW Indinesia, DoW NOW !!!
This is exactly the article you expect to see from wannabe Malaysians...