
hellspawn - Новине из Romania -

Објављено у Romania - Финансијске анализе - 11 May 2024 15:09 - 5

Salutari tuturor.
Dorim sa va aducem la cunostinta un nou program finantat de stat, si anume acordarea unei sume de bani in vederea folosirii lor la ruleta saptamanala, cu scopul de a ajuta toti cetatenii sa beneficieze de cat mai multe recompense.
Conditiile de participare sunt simple :
- cetatenie romana ;
- completarea unui formular ( https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxO_6_GVWAjuZfn8JYhjorhEbFAdi-caJC2T_XuzKFiiZpaA/viewform ) ;
- adaugarea unei capturi de ecran in acelasi formular dupa efectuarea rotirilor ( pentru a demonstra ca banii primiti nu au fost folositi in alte scopuri) .

Dupa ce completati formularul, va rog sa trimiteti un mesaj pe discord sau in joc, pentru a grabi transferul de bani ( daca aveti suficienti bani in cont puteti sa efectuati rotirile si sa trimiteti captura de ecran, iar banii vor fi virati in cel mai scurt timp posibil) .

Foarte important
Pe langa suma de bani alocata gratis, statul poate acorda si sume mai mari, suplimentare, la rata de schimb de 0.05 ( 1g = 20 ron), pentru cei care doresc sa beneficieze de mai multe rotiri la ruleta. 
Aveti optiunea aceasta in formular, tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa completati suma dorita si ele vor fi acordate in limita bugetului disponibil.

Pentru aceasta saptamana s-a decis sa se acorde cate 50 ron / persoana / zi ( 100ron in total pentru sambata si duminica).
Deoarece incepem tarziu acest program, aveti posibilitatea sa completati retroactiv formularul pentru ziua de sambata, inainte de terminarea ei.

Distractie placuta si spor la joc

English version

Hello everyone.
This part of the article is specially intended for our foreign friends with Romanian citizenship.

We would like to inform you about a new state financed program and that is granting subsidies for the weekly Lucky Wheel, with the sole purpose of helping everyone to benefit from as many rewards as possible.

What qualifies you for this? Simple :
- romanian citizenship ;
- filling in a document ( https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxO_6_GVWAjuZfn8JYhjorhEbFAdi-caJC2T_XuzKFiiZpaA/viewform ) ;
- adding a screenshot / printscreen in the same document after spinning the wheel ( with the sole purpose of proving the subsidies have not been used in other ways than intended ) .

After filling in the document, please send a discord or ingame message, to speed up the transfer ( if you have enough currency, you can spin the wheel and send a screenshot and the money will be sent as soon as possible ) .

Very important
Apart from the subsidies, all elligible players can opt to buy additional currency at 0.05 rate ( 1g = 20 ron) for those who wish to spin the wheel more. This option is available in the same document. All you have to so is fill in how much extra currency you would like and we will try to grant them within the allocated amount of money for said week.

For this week it has been decided to grant 50 ron / person / day ( 100 ron for both saturday and sunday).
Since we started late with the program, you still have the option to fill in the document before dc, to be able to receive the money for saturday.

Have fun and enjoy the game


BattleHeroHe did it

Коментари (5)

I don't know how to send ss from my phone. What I can do?