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Објављено у Croatia - Први кораци у игри - 29 Apr 2024 21:57 - 3


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Hrabriji od najhrabrijih“

Gurkhe imaju zastrašujuću reputaciju izgrađenu u posljednja dva stoljeća i propračenu njihovom krilaticom "bolje je umrijeti nego biti kukavica".
Proslavili su se u ratu protiv Britanaca

Gurkhe potječu iz planinskog područja Gorkha, jednog od 75 okruga modernog Nepala. Naziv je koristilo i kraljevstvo nastalo ujedinjenjem teritorija u 18. stoljeću.
Kraljevstvo je vodilo rat protiv britanske istočnoindijske tvrtke, počevši od 1814. i završavajući mirovnim ugovorom potpisanim 1815. i ratificiranim 1816. nakon što su snage tvrtke pretrpjele velike žrtve.
Ugovor je također značio da su pretučeni Britanci mogli regrutirati Gurkhe da služe u vlastitoj vojsci.

Gurkha ratnici poznati su po svojim „bunny“ šeširima i zakrivljenim kukri noževima.

Oni ne služe samo u britanskim snagama
Gurkhe su pretrpjeli 20 000 žrtava i dobili gotovo 2000 nagrada za hrabrost u Prvom svjetskom ratu.

Pratila ih je reputacija "Najhrabriji od hrabrih, najvelikodušniji od velikodušnih".
U Drugom svjetskom ratu borili su se protiv Nijemaca u Italiji i Japanaca u Burmi.

Dvadeset i šest križeva Victoria,največa nagrada za hrabrost u britanskim i državama Commonwealtha, dodijeljena je članovima pukovnija Gurkha.


To je nacionalni nož Nepala, radni alat koji se svakodnevno koristi u ruralnim zajednicama, a koristi se i u svečane svrhe.
Kukris dolazi u mnogo različitih veličina - uključujući divovske verzije sposobne odrubiti glavu vodenom bivolu.
Prema tradiciji, u prošlosti se govorilo da je jednom izvučen morao 'okusiti krv'.

Mladi Nepaljani natječu se u utrci za željeno mjesto u britanskoj vojsci Gurkha.
U očajno siromašnom Nepalu, mjesto u Gurkah mnogim je mladićima put iz siromaštva.
Svake godine preko 10000 kandidata se natječe za 240 mjesta u brigadi britanske vojske Gurkhas.
Smatra se jednim od najtežih selekcijskih procesa na svijetu.
Uključuje ispite iz matematike i engleskog jezika i iscrpljujuću "doko" utrku u kojoj potencijalni regruti nose 25 kg pijeska dok trče strmom stazom od 4,2 km.
Također trebaju napraviti 75 skokova s klupe u jednoj minuti i 70 trbušnjaka u dvije minute.
Gurkhe se regrutiraju u dobi od 18 ili 19 godina i ne odlaze u mirovinu dok ne napune 45 godina.

Umirovljeni Gurki koji se vrate u Nepal često se suočavaju s financijskim poteškoćama, a njihove mirovine i pravo na naseljavanje u Velikoj Britaniji bili su predmet nekoliko dobro objavljenih sporova između vlade Velike Britanije i pro-Gurkinih kampanja.
2009. godine Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova najavilo je da će Gurkhasima koji su služili između 1948. i 1997. također biti dozvoljeno da se nastane u Velikoj Britaniji.

Who are the Gurkhas?
the 'bravest of the brave'

Gurkhas have an intimidating reputation built over the last two centuries and accompanied by their motto “it is better to die than to be a coward”.
They became famous in the war against the British

The Gurkhas originate from the mountainous area of Gorkha, one of the 75 districts of modern Nepal. The name was also used by the kingdom formed by the unification of the territories in the 18th century.
The kingdom waged war against the British East India Company, beginning in 1814 and ending with a peace treaty signed in 1815 and ratified in 1816 after the company’s forces suffered heavy casualties.
The treaty also meant that the beaten British could recruit Gurkhas to serve in their own army.

Gurkha warriors are known for their "bunny" hats and curved kukri knives.

They do not only serve in the British forces
The Gurkhas suffered 20,000 casualties and received nearly 2,000 awards for bravery in the First World War.

They were followed by the reputation of "The bravest of the brave, the most generous of the generous."
In World War II, they fought against the Germans in Italy and the Japanese in Burma.

Twenty-six Victoria Crosses, the largest award for bravery in the British and Commonwealth states, was awarded to members of the Gurkha regiments.


It is the national knife of Nepal, a working tool that is used daily in rural communities, and is also used for festive purposes.
Kukris comes in many different sizes - including giant versions capable of beheading a water buffalo.
According to tradition, in the past it was said that once extracted he had to ‘taste the blood’.

Young Nepalese are competing in the race for the coveted spot in the British Gurkha army.
In desperately poor Nepal, a place in Gurkah is a path out of poverty for many young men.
Every year over 10,000 candidates compete for 240 seats in the British Army Gurkhas Brigade.
It is considered one of the most difficult selection processes in the world.
It includes exams in math and English and an exhausting “doko” race in which potential recruits carry 25kg of sand as they run a steep 4.2km course.
They also need to do 75 bench jumps in one minute and 70 sit-ups in two minutes.
Gurkhas are recruited at the age of 18 or 19 and do not retire until they turn 45 years old.

Retired Gurks returning to Nepal often face financial difficulties, and their pensions and right to settle in the UK have been the subject of several well-publicized disputes between the UK government and pro-Gurka campaigns.
In 2009, the Home Office announced that Gurkhas who had served between 1948 and 1997 would also be allowed to settle in the UK.

 the highest total war influence 



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Nice article
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