Alex's newspaper

Alex95 - Новине из Bulgaria -

Објављено у Bulgaria - Први кораци у игри - 31 Mar 2024 11:58 - 24

Hey, as you all know me, I am Alex95

This article is addressed to all players and the team of eDominacy game. After the turmoil that happened yesterday, we decided to form some proposals. Today some of them were already implemented. With this article we want to present the rest and express the option of our community regarding the game as of right now.

We ask every player to express his opinion about these things in the comments.

#1 Implement True Ally and True Revolutionary Medals
This we thing is a 100% required for the game - it is connected to alliances, actuall cooperation between countries, it is related to every single player playing the game. Because fight is the most used module of the game.

#2 Balance gold income for players in the game
You should generally look more actively in how the game rewards people with gold. Right now a player receives almost no gold by playing even actively, which doesn’t allow him develop. It is too slow and it will make many players give up. We want to have more players for bigger entertainment. 

#3 More responsibility towards player
We didn’t want to have turmoil in the game, like it happened with the change of company discount. You don’t want to have turmoil in the game because such happenings as well. We really like the game and believe in its potential. That’s why we ask you to be more thoughtful when taking such actions and generally when you change something in the game. It doesn’t affect just a few players. It affects everyone in the game, hundreds, let’s hope soon thousands of users, players, humans behind the screen.

#4 Currency rate debate
We are not sure that 1 gold = 20 CC is the right way to go for the game. We agree that it should be lower compared to what is used at another games, but maybe this is too much. We saw that a lot of governments and individual players have the same opinion about it. Even with the help of admin adding currency to the game, it’s really hard to manage it. So we would like to ask you to make an in-depth analysis on currency and take some measures - whether through adjusting the rate, or with missions like you did. We know this is active process and can’t be changed with one click of the fingers.

Thank you for your attention! We will be grateful to receive feedback in the comments.Best regards, The community of Bulgaria in eDominations



Коментари (24)

I like the tone and the direction of the article
Yup totally agree, also please raise the packs and infinite energy issues, it shouldnt be like this
I totally agree with the proposal and I hope Admins take action... Smile Admins SHOULD NEVER do something before announcing and giving heads up!
Agreed, id like to add - energy packs need to be limited aswell if not removed as a whole Smile Having unlimited energy while also having the advantage of buying infinite gold and building everything in a matter of days wont help the game in any way.
+1 I completely agree with everything presented in the article and comments.
Ultimate packs of whatever sort are a cancer for these games. Make all of them limited. Even the gold ones, not just the energy packs. As gold gives you many, many opportunities to also spam energy non stop, which, essentially, turns the gold packs into energy packs basically. Sure, you will clip the wings of a few players a bit, but the rest will be waaaaay more eager to buy those limited packs themselves. I kow I would be.
I dont know who are you but I agree with you.
good job!