Publicat in Ireland - Analiză financiară - 22 Apr 2024 07:15 - 9

Trends in markets:
Raw Mats -
Raw food amounts up 29% and Prices down 25%. will people start selling their raw food companies?
Raw Wep amounts up 18% and Prices up 100%. There's a huge increase in the Wep business.
Raw Naval amounts up 6% and Prices unchanged. Pretty quite in that area.
Raw House amounts up 13% and Prices down 25%. Are we seeing the limit of this industry?
Food Q1 amounts are up 76% and Prices up 190%. in these are low amounts but price is higher even than Q5
Food Q2 amounts are up 46% and Prices down 23%.
Food Q3 amounts are down 19% and Prices down 40%. seems we're full in Q3 around
Food Q4 amounts are down 98% and Prices up 7%.
Food Q5 amounts are down 12% and Prices Unchanged.
Q5 pricing has unchange giving a global market price of 0.765 gold per 1k in a cc buying rate of 0.051.
Wep Q1 amounts are up 15% and Prices down 24%.
Wep Q2 amounts are up 26% and Prices down 7%.
Wep Q3 amounts are down 4% and Prices up 4%.
Wep Q4 amounts are up 183% and Prices down 29%. Looks like a lot are saving for that Q5 upgrade.
Wep Q5 amounts are down 26% and Prices up 14% .
Q5 pricing went up by 10% giving a global market price of 25.5 gold per 1k in a cc buying rate of 0.051.
Naval Q1 amounts are up 16% and Prices up 17%.
Naval Q2 amounts are up 120% and Prices down 92%. While amounts still low in numbers, with prices like that we can suspect in increase of Naval companies around Q2
Naval Q3 amounts are up 45% and Prices down 6%.
Naval Q4 amounts are up 234% and Prices down 88%. Looks like a lot are saving for that Q5 upgrade here as well.
Naval Q5 amounts are down 84% and Prices Unchanged.
Q5 pricing Unchanged giving a global market price of 25.5 gold per 1k in a cc buying rate of 0.051.
House Q1 amounts are up 27% and Prices Uchanged.
House Q2 amounts are up 14% and Prices down 8%.
House Q3 amounts are up 17% and Prices up 9%.
House Q4 amounts are down 18% and Prices up 9%.
House Q5 amounts are up 13% and Prices down 14%.
House Pack pricing up 15% giving a global market price of 41.82 gold per 1k in a cc buying rate of 0.051.
Hope you enjoyed reading the "Economic Pulse"
Gral AguilarComentarii (9)

How do you know how much items are on the market?

о7 thanks for the analysis


@Bosszuallo =SUM()

Thanks for the analysis

Браво !!


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- ориз “Krina” – 2бр.;
- боб “Оберон” – 1бр.;
- леща “Krina” – 1бр.;
- брашно “София Мел” – 1 бр.;
- олио “Калиакра” – 2бр.;
- сол “Krina” – 1 бр.;
- захар “Сладея” – 2 бр..
☝️ Ако нямаш възможност да дариш цяла торба, можеш да помогнеш с ваучер от 10 лв., 5 лв. или 1 лв. от ❗️Да - всеки лев, който отделяш, е безценен и ни приближава до целта: да съберем и разпределим (по братски) възможно най-много пакети с основни храни между организаторите, които управляват великденски мисии в 🤗 Техните имена, линкове към мисиите им и пълните (и МНОГО ВАЖНИ) инструкции за дарението ти са тук 👉 👈
❤️ Благодарим ти, че отново ще се включиш! ❤️
📷 снимката във визията е дело на Денислав Стойчев и е от коледна инициатива на учениците от доброволчески клуб "Усмивка" (Вълчи дол)

Good article o7