Publicat in Israel - Primii pași în eDominacy - 13 Apr 2024 18:24 - 6

LVL 600 - Mission
1x Medal
70x Workers
200x Energy Q5
3000x RPG Q5
5x Booster Q3
My Achivment on DAY 17 - 600LVL

SatoruComentarii (6)

GG all Admmiration for You

I wonder what level is the limit.

it will be cool when you're the only 1 left to play this so called 'game'. gj I hope you've negotiated better energy/weapon pack prices with admins. I believe you deserve discounts!

Didnt you post level 500 a few hours ago ? 😂😂


#kycSuxAgainEverSince and #googleAdSuxAloT