Publicat in Romania - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 10 Feb 2025 12:40 - 10

Salutare romanasi si romancute.
Saptamana trecuta s-au finalizat mai multe programe precum "Romania | Grow" avand beneficiari 15 romani si cu un cost total de 2200 gold si 16000 ron, respectiv "Romania | Fight" avand 11 beneficiari romani si cu un cost de 11000 ron. Perioada urmatoare nu vom deschide noi programe si ne vom focusa pe a strange gold in asteptarea unor noi reduceri oferite de joc. Deasemenea, trebuie sa fim pregatiti si pentru resetarea mapei care se anunta pe data de 1 Martie.
Saptamana trecuta s-au finalizat mai multe programe precum "Romania | Grow" avand beneficiari 15 romani si cu un cost total de 2200 gold si 16000 ron, respectiv "Romania | Fight" avand 11 beneficiari romani si cu un cost de 11000 ron. Perioada urmatoare nu vom deschide noi programe si ne vom focusa pe a strange gold in asteptarea unor noi reduceri oferite de joc. Deasemenea, trebuie sa fim pregatiti si pentru resetarea mapei care se anunta pe data de 1 Martie.
Romania | Refund
Program care continua sa fie disponibil in fiecare zi si prin care puteti beneficia de 50% refund la work as manager sau 100% la construire de firme pe teritoriul Romaniei si este valabil momentan doar pentru romani.
Formularul ramane acelasi Romania | Refund
Pentru neclaritati nu ezitati sa ma contactati!
Romania | Extern
A. Agreement with Croatia for Hungary
Romania has recently been subjected to a spontaneous and unwanted conflict with Croatia, the stake being the Hungarian regions that Romania has held since the beginning of the year. It should be emphasized that Romania proposed to Hungary its return to the map with the condition that Romania bonus to not drop, but the offer was rejected by President Jaca.
After the conflict with the Croatian side today, and the countless diplomatic slip-ups of the latter highlighted by the opening of RWs and involvement in Romania's battles, an agreement was reached by which Romania will cede 4 Hungarian regions to Hungary, including the capital, in exchange for a de-escalation of the situation until the Map reset.
After the conflict with the Croatian side today, and the countless diplomatic slip-ups of the latter highlighted by the opening of RWs and involvement in Romania's battles, an agreement was reached by which Romania will cede 4 Hungarian regions to Hungary, including the capital, in exchange for a de-escalation of the situation until the Map reset.
The decision was made so that Romania would keep its word to remain in the neutral zone until March 1.
B. Future plans for Map reset
As soon as the map reset occurs, Romania will reevaluate its external policy considering the following priorities:
1. Own interests, obtaining 4x80 bonuses
2. Maintaining good relations with Romanian communities abroad
3. Renewing diplomatic trust with communities/countries that have shown respect for the Romanian people.
Also, Romania is a top 10 country in terms of damage and we are aware that our adhesion as part of an alliance can influence the dynamics of the game in one way or another. We don't necessarily want this, but if we are forced to do it, we will not hesitate.
Romania will have to be a country logistically prepared for any military conflict in order to discourage any attempt by another country and coalition to attack its own ideals.
1. Own interests, obtaining 4x80 bonuses
2. Maintaining good relations with Romanian communities abroad
3. Renewing diplomatic trust with communities/countries that have shown respect for the Romanian people.
Also, Romania is a top 10 country in terms of damage and we are aware that our adhesion as part of an alliance can influence the dynamics of the game in one way or another. We don't necessarily want this, but if we are forced to do it, we will not hesitate.
Romania will have to be a country logistically prepared for any military conflict in order to discourage any attempt by another country and coalition to attack its own ideals.
Long e-live Romania!

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C dow Cro



LOL Hungary is still opened to make better relations and a fair partnership with Romania right now and after the reshuffle. Only you neobolshevik arrogancy is on the way.
You started to being gentle after you heard that maybe we will have foreign support for the libertation. Then you wrote a messeage that we could libertate Northern Hungary and thats all. I rejected that because it was not a fair deal, sound like a bone to the dog, offered from you just because of scaring, not because of you want to being gentle.
As I wrote to you, I accept that you need bonuses and bridges to them, but those 4 regions means nothing to you. That's why I asked to libertate them. OFC you wrote nothing to that.
In this feed I also want to say THANK YOU for the eCroatian diplomacy for the help of returning us to the map with those conditions.
Hungary is still opened to make better relations and a fair partnership with Romania after the reshuffle.

@Jaca Is not about my arrogance. Romania is stronger than Hungary is a fact. Even with this reality you fought many times in our and USA RWs having in mind you are protected by Croatia. There will be no improvement in the relationship between Romania and Hungary/Croatia, and the only reason we took a step back is that we do not want to start a war from our assumed position of neutrality. But this thing won't stay like that forever.

@humulus I remembered that at the beginning, China with 3 players was stronger than Hungary


your intelligence casts a shadow over your modesty! DDDD
Modesty! More modesty! DDD

That's why I play this game: to fight when I have the chance against Hungary. Never ever other way