Publicat in Albania - Socializare și divertisment - 09 Jan 2025 12:34 - 15
Hello everyone, as you may have seen yesterday, I received numerous threats from Albanian people; if I dont make an article about Grandpa, they will all unsubscribe my newspaper. Taking on mind I have no pride and want that media mogul medal, I have made a new meme article; Albania edition.
15% of the money earned from endorsing will be sent to Grandpa as a gift!!!
In the mean time, I have received another threat; Murat wont endorse my article cause he was not mentioned even though he carried the battle against Zamo yesterday. For that reason I needed to make an edit to get an endorse and to thank Murat for his damage.
Lujomac1990MotorinaMotorinaz1Ilyrianz1Ilyriankris124Mad Polar BearBillyGrandeGovernadorMad Polar BearDozer JralbanezzialbanezzialbanezzialbanezziCrni Bombarderz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1IlyrianMurat Monstrumz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1Ilyrianz1IlyrianBetter look aroundBetter look aroundBetter look aroundMurat MonstrumSquanchyRistaSRBDiabloDiabloEzrailGrandpaGrandpaGrandpaGrandpaAeriuzAeriuzAeriuzAeriuzGrandpaGrandpaBillyGrandeBillyGrandecOSHiGuba OtrovnaGoGuGoGuLeBrahOptimus PrimeDeadlyDeadlyDeadlyRollerCoa5terComentarii (15)

No Zamo vs Murat, no endorse

Where is Murat Cocaina ???

I would make different drake meme on Zamo.

Masterpiece article

Mf endorse with more than 5 cc once...


keep going bro 🤣

As always, very funny article!

Grandpa sent me a gift recently. And my heart was indeed not troubled anymore

My troubled heart can only be calmed by gifts 😔

Where am I? 😔

I'm not a multi and I do not wear pink 😄

I am now aware of that Prime. I had a wrong infromation that you are Zamo's multi haha, sorry. LeBrah you need to sub first

BornaX you're really trying hard to piss the eGreeks off, don't you..?
