Publicat in Croatia - Socializare și divertisment - 28 Dec 2024 14:47 - 28
Hello ladies and gentleman!
Before you start reading the article I want to accentuate all memes having picture of a pig or mentioning a word pig in this article have no connection with religion. It is a joke and a way of representing our friend Humulus cause he has some big pig business.
Enjoy the article and please dont get offended cause it is not the point of the article, just laugh!

I want to inform everyone that every penny earned from endorsing will be used for gambling tommorrow. Thank you for financing my addiction!!!
Also, I call Indos to support with their local currency so I can raise RWs tommorrow!!!
Before you start reading the article I want to accentuate all memes having picture of a pig or mentioning a word pig in this article have no connection with religion. It is a joke and a way of representing our friend Humulus cause he has some big pig business.
Enjoy the article and please dont get offended cause it is not the point of the article, just laugh!

I want to inform everyone that every penny earned from endorsing will be used for gambling tommorrow. Thank you for financing my addiction!!!
Also, I call Indos to support with their local currency so I can raise RWs tommorrow!!!
MotorinaMotorinaLushaMotorinaEvanzEvanzEvanzbC iS hereMitar86z1IlyrianDer KommissarM E R L I NMurat MonstrumNSKBproLesleyLesleyLesleyLesleyLesleyLesleyLesleyLesleyLesleyLesleyClaonerClaonerClaonerhumulusKoenigstigerKoenigstigerKoenigstigerKoenigstigerAdminAdminAdminGrandpaGrandpaGrandpaMitar86KnightKnightKnightFlashxaqaparwaxaqaparwaxaqaparwaxaqaparwaxaqaparwaAlex95Alex95Alex95Alex95Alex95Moon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightWiizArDharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoharisHarkoMad Polar BearMad Polar BearMad Polar BearMad Polar BearMad Polar BearMysteriousMindMysteriousMindGovernadorkris124Comentarii (28)



humulus is related to pigs? now it all fits together

gj o7




🇮🇩 ❤️

🤣🤣🤣 great


No sweden, no vote


Stealing my content is bad idea!😃

Best article

Ismejavati naciju sa svinjom a pritom znati da je vecina islamske veroispobesti u Indoneziji je neukusno i bolesno. Tako postujete i eBiH koji je vas saveznik? A posle je Kosingas nazi, strasno !!

Da znas citat procita bi da je svinja humulus i da nema veze s vjeron.

Last 3 memes are mine , here @BornaX can’t delete my message 😹

Na slici pise Indos(a ne humulis) i pored Svinja!

Pored toga što si retardiran još si i glup. Ni kad ti čovek nacrta ne možeš da skapiraš


Ako sam ja retardiran, da li je to razlog za vredjanje Celestial? Još je tuznije od tebe sto vredjas ljude.

@BornaX moj ENG je los, a mimes su valjda da se gledaju. Tako da sam ja video Indos+Svinja. Meni to ne ide zajedno. I kao deo Indonezijske zajednice osecam se uvredjeno. Zato sam se oglasio u ovom clanku.

E pa onda nemoj pricat gluposti ako ne razumis. U tekstu pri slika pise da se svinja odnosi na lik humulusa kojeg tako zovemo jer se bavi svinjogojstvon i da nema veze s vjeron.

Ja ne pričam gluposti, ja vidim INDOS I SVINJU. Kraj priče.

Before you start reading the article I want to accentuate all memes having picture of a pig or mentioning a word pig in this article have no connection with religion. It is a joke and a way of representing our friend Humulus cause he has some big pig business.
Enjoy the article and please dont get offended cause it is not the point of the article, just laugh!

Nebitan si

Mozda sam ja nebitan, ali poenta prve slike nije nikakav Humulis. Vampr se plasi Sunca, Supermen se plasi kriptonita a Indos se plasi svinje. I nemojte da se vadite na humulusa. Da je u pitanju on na mesto Indos bi bilo napisano Humulis a ne Indos !!!