Publicat in Turkey - Socializare și divertisment - 11 Dec 2024 02:33 - 19
Hello All,
as you know battle arena started, and most of players didnt understand how it works.. Battle Arena Admin Article at this article all details wroten, but i'll try to explain as a player
First of all, this event consist of 2 parts!!!
1) Eleminations:
admin said that, it will be an elemination to choose 64 players for MAIN EVENT! Yesterday we had an elemination, WIN OR LOSE NOT IMPORTANT, YOUR TOTAL DAMAGE WAS IMPORTANT TO JOIN MAIN EVENT!....
ex: you won 2-0 but made 1b damage, but you are not at top64... you're eleminated, and not at main event...
you lose 2-0 but you made 10b damage but you are at top64... you are at main event...
About the rewards... the shown rewards are FINAL REWARDS, there is not any reward at elemination!
2) Main Event..
When Main event starts, your damages at ELEMINATION will be removed, will start from 0..
this is so basic tournament with 64 players... if you get 2 points against your opponent you'll be at top32....
but some details....
at elemination, win or lose was not important, BUT AT MAIN EVENT, YOU HAVE TO WIN for TOP32....
AND an example for rankings;
for example, i made 100t damage, my opponent made 50t... but i lost 2-1 against him.... i'll be eleminated, and he'll go to top32...
and for the players 33-64 will be eleminated at first round, will range their total damages at 1. round...
for 17-32 will be be eleminated at second round, will range their total damages at 2. round...
etc etc....

as an example: Exoluthreutis, k0ld JanGo BillyGrande Won go to round 2.., Barza Smrt DemonDjaksun HarisHarko Shaddy lost... ranking will be like this
For rewards, as i said before, the shown rewards are final rewards... not daily
FINALLY; This event seems as league wars... but as ranking NOT SAME!!! CHAMPIONS RANKING WILL BE FOR YOUR POSITION, NOT FOR TOTAL DAMAGE!!!
if you have any question, write at comment, i'll try to explain....
* i'm not mod, i'm not admin, only a player like you. i did it yesterday with Turkish players, but really i didnt know that most of us dont know details... if i knew i would share this yesterday... Admin wrote details at article, but most of us dont read details. i only tried to explain basicly.
as you know battle arena started, and most of players didnt understand how it works.. Battle Arena Admin Article at this article all details wroten, but i'll try to explain as a player

First of all, this event consist of 2 parts!!!
1) Eleminations:
admin said that, it will be an elemination to choose 64 players for MAIN EVENT! Yesterday we had an elemination, WIN OR LOSE NOT IMPORTANT, YOUR TOTAL DAMAGE WAS IMPORTANT TO JOIN MAIN EVENT!....
ex: you won 2-0 but made 1b damage, but you are not at top64... you're eleminated, and not at main event...
you lose 2-0 but you made 10b damage but you are at top64... you are at main event...
About the rewards... the shown rewards are FINAL REWARDS, there is not any reward at elemination!
2) Main Event..
When Main event starts, your damages at ELEMINATION will be removed, will start from 0..
this is so basic tournament with 64 players... if you get 2 points against your opponent you'll be at top32....
but some details....
at elemination, win or lose was not important, BUT AT MAIN EVENT, YOU HAVE TO WIN for TOP32....
AND an example for rankings;
for example, i made 100t damage, my opponent made 50t... but i lost 2-1 against him.... i'll be eleminated, and he'll go to top32...
and for the players 33-64 will be eleminated at first round, will range their total damages at 1. round...
for 17-32 will be be eleminated at second round, will range their total damages at 2. round...
etc etc....

as an example: Exoluthreutis, k0ld JanGo BillyGrande Won go to round 2.., Barza Smrt DemonDjaksun HarisHarko Shaddy lost... ranking will be like this
For rewards, as i said before, the shown rewards are final rewards... not daily

FINALLY; This event seems as league wars... but as ranking NOT SAME!!! CHAMPIONS RANKING WILL BE FOR YOUR POSITION, NOT FOR TOTAL DAMAGE!!!
if you have any question, write at comment, i'll try to explain....
Why you don't write yesterday this article ??? 🤣🤣
* i'm not mod, i'm not admin, only a player like you. i did it yesterday with Turkish players, but really i didnt know that most of us dont know details... if i knew i would share this yesterday... Admin wrote details at article, but most of us dont read details. i only tried to explain basicly.
Murat MonstrumSaul GoodmanNemoKosingasSmiljanBornaXBaRBaRComentarii (19)

Why you don't write yesterday this article ??? 🤣🤣

Why you don't write yesterday this article ??? 🤣🤣 +1

Gracias Romy. Con la mitad de palabras lo explicaste mejor que el Admin.
Reitero este evento es una porquería, está todo mal.
Thanks Romy. With half as many words you explained it better than the Admin.
I repeat, this event is rubbish, everything is wrong.

Yesterday some who had 3 rounds were given the opportunity to know how much damage they needed to get into the top 64 and they displaced a lot of players with 2 rounds. If the win and loss are not in the qualifiers, at least we should all have equal rounds. It would also not be bad to know what the distribution of the base classification is from the qualifiers.. It will give us the opportunity to avoid a friend at least for the first round or if you are first in damage, it is appropriate to meet a player from the lower ranking for the next round. If the players have 0 damage, what criteria is used to determine who wins the next round?

Why didnt you write this article yesterday? 🧐

@merlin, agree with you about 3. round... only for eleminations. . we can write this to @Admin, n also i suggest him hide rewards at elemination

Bravo !!!


@Romy I don't want to write to the admin... or give him any kind of feedback
he's addicted to Danider's advice 

Sure he's watching

Design should be a bit different then 


@merlin, i dont too, admins never like me 

Also why is naval and land battles and u only take dmg. 90% of players do more dmg in land battles

Oh so that's why I'm already out of the competition

Bad event

This event is rubbish. VISA Rulz!

Already I'm banned from media due to criticize this stupid event

Romyyyy gj bro