Publicat in Hungary - Analiză militară - 19 Nov 2024 15:43 - 8
Hello everyone,
I want to publish the latest article on this topic. I provided some explanations in the previous article, and if you haven't read it yet, I recommend doing so first... ⬇️
After Romy announced that he would interview Bikkin in the game and published the article(Interview Series #49: @Bikkin), I contacted Bikkin on Discord and sent him the link to the article. He was very surprised and said he doesn’t have an account in this game at all. As always, Bikkin and I had a friendly conversation on Discord, and we agreed that I would publish a message on his behalf for the players in this game.⬇️

Most of us know Bikkin; he is a very respectable person. When I found out that a fake account with his name was insulting all the players in the game, I couldn’t stay silent. I felt it was my duty to defend his rights.
I want to publish the latest article on this topic. I provided some explanations in the previous article, and if you haven't read it yet, I recommend doing so first... ⬇️
After Romy announced that he would interview Bikkin in the game and published the article(Interview Series #49: @Bikkin), I contacted Bikkin on Discord and sent him the link to the article. He was very surprised and said he doesn’t have an account in this game at all. As always, Bikkin and I had a friendly conversation on Discord, and we agreed that I would publish a message on his behalf for the players in this game.⬇️

Most of us know Bikkin; he is a very respectable person. When I found out that a fake account with his name was insulting all the players in the game, I couldn’t stay silent. I felt it was my duty to defend his rights.
MoysenEL COMANDANTEBikkinharry potterharry potterharry potterspageComentarii (8)

Thank you Barbod for information o/

Oooo I remember this avatar!xD

I know that it's not him.

I was telling you it was Guatemala ahh article

@Guatemala I think he is not you he pretends to be you believe me !!!

I guess the Bikkin account in the game is currently penalized and silenced due to the numerous insults.This raises a question for me: If Bikkin account is silenced in the game, then where did Romy interview him? Doesn’t Romy have Bikkin's real ID on Discord? We have to thanks Guatemala and Romy for their efforts. o/

The fake Bikkin has a fake Discord ID aswell, i did speak with him a while back when he was named Gustavus. Discord ID is jonjo1249