Publicat in Denmark - Socializare și divertisment - 02 Nov 2024 00:24 - 11

1) First of all, thanks for this interview Dear @OchiReci. Please introduce yourself to the readers.
Hy all. Im Silviu, OchiReci as username, a name I've had for over two decades, first on MIRC (for who knows) and later it was also a stage name (but that's another story).
I also have over 20 years of online games under my belt, I think I've played or tried them all, from hattrick and sokker to ikariam, travian, FOE, Renaissance and so on. I caught the bug for the first time with a game Space - Glory through Conquest and after that game succumbed to death I looked for other games and that's how I got on 03.04.2008 to experience such games for the first time (since then I play the original game whose name I am not allowed to give obviously, but I think you know it).
So it's been 16 years since then, during which time I've done everything, I've tried everything, I've suffered everything and so on. Until the current game I tried a few versions that appeared over the years but none of them appealed to me, just as I am not attracted to the new variants that appeared in recent months.
So I'm a dinosaur on such games (that's how we pamper ourselves on the original those who have been since then), past a certain age in RL obviously and long ago vaccinated to many things (because none of them were invented in eDominacy

I have a community help program called Church, I created it in the old game and I brought it here when I came, but I still have no problem letting my inner demons take a little breath when someone steps on my tail (and unfortunately some people do it quite often, I think they like it..

Is to much already so I finish this answer with I am born and raise in Romania, but I live and work in Denmark for over 2 years now, I think will be important for next question to say it.
2) How did you register in eDominacy?
Here again is a story from the old game. A lot happened there, it's not worth the ink to tell it all (plus we have a word limit here on the article) and I didn't play it for a long time. I went back there this year somewhere in February-March and played for a while. If here you think I have here a lot of articles, there I have over 1000 so even during this period I wrote a few and at each of them it kept showing a clone with "join this game", I ignored it, once, 2 times, 3 times but the man was literally relentless (each time that admin kill one of his clone, he made another one and start again). I got angry and with the belief that I was getting rid of his spam I entered the game, I tried not to be his referral but unfortunately it didn't work, so from 02.04 this year until today BattleHero has over 2,000 gold earned from me, because he was the clone I was talking about (unfortunately). And that's how I get here!
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
That is easy, I will not allow Romania on game and save a lot of drama
Regarding the game I will add the name of the one that open each RW under the fight bar, to be public because I presume if somebody have the balls to one (good or bad) should have the honour or the courage to assume it.
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
The most fun thing. That is very hard to explain, will take to much time and space also. Let me try summarise.
Lets say first time I candidate for Romanian CP, against Hero and I get over 20 votes and Tankardist start insulting all the people who vote me for being alcoholics.
Or second time I try and get elected, but I knew they will not allow me to do my job (even so, in my short term I did more than they did in a full one - I survive 1 impeach, fail the second one)
Or maybe the way how Tankardist got elected as vSC on Unity, or how BattleHero still push his ”brother” Asmin as Romanian CP even now.
Romania is always drama in this kind of games so if you play it there, there will be extremely funny moments always, because some of them believe they own the game and is funny when you show them that is not the case.
But all I say before ar just small thing, the most fun thing and the most hard thing was to put Denmark on map and start build it. When people join was fun, when Romanian or China attack was not that fun, but it worth it when we defend it, a small group of people against the might of Hydra and the small of China. So that was intense and nice, as result.
5) You are one of tank in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
I don't consider myself to be a tank, I just start early, I was active, I never lose a day, I invest and grow.
I fight all the wars, I stay nights, days, oh, all that is, but I still don't see me as a tank, there are others that maybe don't have my strength but hit more than me each day. I don't care about medals, I don't care about tops or any of that, I always fight when I could where it was needed and nothing more.
Now about the players, I don't think they need motivation, I think they need to understand that this is not a race! This is a game nothing more, it doesn't matter who is above or behind you in any top, who have more or less power, who use or don't use credit card.
So I will them them:
The only thing that matter is you, play your game, understand is a game, be your own king and not a pawn in other people game.
Here everything is allow, nothing is forbidden (unless admin say so), so just play, experiment, try all, and have patience anything good come in time!
Be a leader not a fallower! And you will be your own hero and you will have nice memory's , get cool friends, learn a lot of stuff and maybe find more than you ever dream (and trust me not in pixels)
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
I believe the word friends is not that ok in this kind of game, should be acquaintances, people we meet, we talk, we understand each-others, we help each-others in game and so on.
Do my vast experience playing previous game I know a lot of players, but even so the word friend is hard to use, is much more than that.
But I can tell you who I respect and consider to be people that I can talk with and the one that help me and I have gratitude for them
Of course, I can't start without the people who came to Denmark. I'm not going to lie that it was my idea to come here, even though I'm here RL (Schmidt told me to go to a place far from Romania, and it seemed normal for me to come here).
To be able to be here I speak with Kh4n and he give me a region, after that me and Schmidt (Satan then) move, they Okelar and romario45 join us.
Romania attack us (I'm not gone explain here the Estonian dilemma, no point) and Wyceff and MrCuli95 join us also to help us.
We survive many attacks from then, and vali2009 (the only friend I know RL) and Old Q join us also.
They are more than 3 right now, proven friends.. (kh4n is first, I explain already) and I will add Guatemala who help us get Sjalland, and Safer who as new German CP understand that all the stupid rw-s made in wrong regions was against us not made by us (we all know who make them, but is also not the point)
The current Denmark Cp, Schmidt join Eden, so I find there people that I fight against pretty much all game before, to have more honour that the ones I left behind. I will name Manga, aeriuz and wurtex (we was booth on unity before also), and all the rest.
I also like and consider a friend gzhn, pavelcho, and even Lesley and many more players from former alliance, because they were fair with me and I will always be that with them
I try to explain who and how, I probably forgote some people but that is old
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
I don't have enemies, at least when I try to find them. I don't succeed, they hide from me!
I don't believe is healthy to have grudges in a online game, but other think different so I have three stooges, like in the animal farm I have a caterpillar, a snake and a worm. I'm not gonna say there names, they know what they are, what's the point?
They are all three Romanian, I don't think is somebody outside that I can consider my enemy (not even danigay, I consider his a foul, nothing more, his the worm mentor so obvious).
To be fair, I will never play or do something with humulus, BattleHero, tankardist and danider , I consider them to be to much of a ............ to lose my time with them! Who like them, go check your glasses! (I can explain but will require 2-3 more article and is no point to give a s... about this kind of people)
8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
I have a good friend Wyceff who is in my unit from start, and he is from Turkey. I also always have a good relation with GZHN (I hope he see the same). I know I defend Turkey when you was Unity, and I have no problem with your country.
Not even in the wars against Denmark I didn't comment about your people hit against us.
Avem o istorie mult prea lungă să fim acum străini
ااب ہمارے پاس غیر ملکی ہونے کی بہت طویل تاریخ ہے
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
I detest communism, because there is where dictator is. Romania is a there already again, divided between a traitor (humulus) and a young boy who wanna be (hero). I try to show some light, they don't let me, so I let them die, and that they are now nothing more.
I wont ever be a dictator, I prefer to hung myself meaning delete my account, but to respect you question and make a imagination effort: I will have Denmark (my friends as ally), and all Eden (more than 2 so I wont name all)
I don't need much to find the enemy the caterpillar humulus, he was a troll against me years on the previous game, and now he pretend to be something.

Romania will not be my enemy, will be a country that I will let to die, and nothing more
10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?

A message to admin: kill all the clones from all side, and ban all there masters (1000%, no exception!, none...I say no, nothing ...death, death...kill them and let us survive!
A message for all players: learn to play if you didn't yet, is just a game, if you didn't smile yet you doing the wrong way.
Is nothing here that can heal you RL life, this is just a place to forgot about that and relaxe. So do That!
Thanks so much to Dear @OchiReci for this interview.... to be continued...

Interview Series #14 : @Sir barbod
Interview Series #13 : @Ragn0
Interview Series #12 : @z1Ilyrian
Special Interview with @Admin
Interview Series #10 : @Isaak Sirk0
Interview Series #9 : @The Emperor
Interview Series #8 : @harisHarko
Interview Series #7 : @gzhn
Interview Series #6 : @Murat Monstrum
Interview Series #5 : @Batasha
Interview Series #4 : @Gollldi
Interview Series #3 : @Manga
Interview Series #2 : @Lesley
Interview Series #1: @Danider
demahuMspageComentarii (11)

o7 and thanks


This is the longest bulls**t I have ever seen... booooring from the first answer.... o/



yeah fuck the multies 👍👍👍

So many words to say nothing. Thats some kind of record

hail Lupii Carpatini o7

when i will be in interview

o7 voted