Publicat in Peru - Socializare și divertisment - 30 Oct 2024 06:02 - 21

1) First of all, thanks for this interview Dear @Isaak Sirk0.. Please introduce yourself to the readers.
Im just a normal guy who enjoys to play with his community and friends. Most of my community is from past games, and for me its everything to share some time with them.
2) How did you register in eDominacy?
A lot of peruvians invited me, also some good friends like Atilabg and so on.. but i decided to be refferral for a friend of my community that i will not mention.
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
Visa influence over the game for sure. Game has been exhausting a lot for F2P players, and as one of the leaders of an F2P countries i can guarantee that. Improving medals, reducing rounds and its duration, and limit more the VISA capacities is critical for game survival.
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
The most fun and important thing i ever made in this game, its put my effort with many other latin american fellows, in creating our most important project: The Federation of the Americas. We all know this kind of games are made for, and usually 90% of its members are from, a balcan country. We the latin americans are often used to fight against each other for superior interests.. and finally end up being bonusyard for higher potences. With the FA we managed to take advantage of our society, religion, language and attitude similitudes, and get together, like we were 200 years ago. And it worked.. it let us be strong and united, and avoid birds of prey like the Bulgarians or the Brazilians, that only seek bonuses without effort and taking advantage of our fewer differences. Now with Spanish join, we are a formidable force, and one of the very few most F2P player's country to make stand against visa's and big countries ingame.
5) You are one of tank in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
I dont consider myself as a tank, but indeed for FA i am one of the strongest players. Our people is highly motivated by our high community, good Ohs and friendships among our ranks. I encourage them to keep the discipline, follow our good officers instructions, and always remember that the FA is the community, not the number of regions we hold. The FA will always prevail!
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
my friends, indeed a lot, inside the FA i can name Sr Iki, Erasmowong, Squanchy, Nohtrim, Ragn0, Rosiel, Nemo, Jjperdido, Cetrored, Seratunick, Xysus, Atahualpa, triplekola, Drugsmx, Kachito, Jomiabe and many many others thst i will not end the list. Outside the FA, my friends are also a lot: Celio, Zaraki , FJNG (The true brazillians), Shayan, patalos, Stamat the great, Grandpa, Zamo, Aeriouz, Batasha, Itso, Manga, Atilabg, Aeon Flux, Romy :p and indeed many more.
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
Hating people in a game is stupid, but indeed my rivals are the ones that threathens the FA, specially for personal hate purposes like the Judicators and Governador's brazil did, and were defeated in their goal.
8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
eTurkiye is a great country, that always stands firm in their decisions, and have a good mix of players. They started late.. but gain a good force to be reckoned with, im glad you Romy are in their ranks!. I dont forget our friendship in erev, even being in enemy sides.
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
The FA is a consulate democracy, i would never impose them anything. But indeed we all love Indonesia, Albania, and Celio's Brazil.. we also like the rest of our allies at EDEN. Our enemies i think only BG, becouse they always threats our existence for their bonus greed.
10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?

The game needs serious improvements to keep alive. Take care of your people, not only visas.. without population also visas get bored of their ego wars and end up leaving. Making nonsenses updates like 2 months resets with one side having 50's and 30's regions pussy countries doesnt make any sense at all. Also remeber most of your customers are old people in their 30's whose have family, childs and a RL that has to be priority, you should priorize the game would be healthy for them as well.
Thanks so much to Dear @Isaak Sirk0 for this interview.... to be continued...

Interview Series #9 : @The Emperor
Interview Series #8 : @harisHarko
Interview Series #7 : @gzhn
Interview Series #6 : @Murat Monstrum
Interview Series #5 : @Batasha
Interview Series #4 : @Gollldi
Interview Series #3 : @Manga
Interview Series #2 : @Lesley
Interview Series #1: @Danider
EL COMANDANTEMurattiNemoRagn0TripleKolaeVokasiSquanchyComentarii (21)

o7 😉

Batasha loves Svirko, my heart is troubled. 😞

Exelente nota. La FA salvo a la comunidad latina, sin este proyecto, hoy seriamos 10 a dos click ,con surte y el resto simplemente muerto. No es poco lo que realizo Issak. Mis respeto y afecto a Gus !!.
Excellent note. The FA saved the Latin community, without this project, today we would be 10 with two clicks, with supplies and the rest simply dead. There is nothing little that Issak did. My respect and affection to Gus!!

FA is such a great project, congratzs and good job to everyone Who make It work


Totalmente hermano! Fue la mejor decisión que tomaste, y un éxito! Pude conocer gente nueva y muy buena onda!
Gracias Isaak!
Viva FA!!! o7

Viva la FA, se ha creado una gran comunidad gracias a esta idea que fue surgiendo desde los inicios del juego. No se podía haber realizado sin el liderato de Isaak. También comentar que tener a enemigos respetuosos ayuda y motiva a seguir siendo activo en el juego. (recalcar que los enemigos tienen que ser respetuosos). que tengan un excelente día

Excelente Isaak, un lujo pertenecer a la comunidad y demostrar que unidos somos más fuertes, así falsos defensores de paises latinoamericanos quieren quebrarnos, cada vez estamos más unidos en nuestro propósito.


V + S for the Multi-Cultural Federation

For Isaak I can only have good words. He is someone who works and works hard for the whole FA. When you meet people like that it is normal that everything else works, the people around him also ends up being influenced by that effort and makes that in the end we all row at the same time. You are a great Isaak!
Hail FA!
Hail EDEN!


Viva la federacion

Да живее Федерацијата!

tiene razon adm debe simplificar el juego, muchos superamos los 30 años, personalmente algunas misiones me resultan pesadas y algunas agradables, no estamos para odios personales todos somos amigos en la rl y enemigos en el game

Nice,and Stay Tuned

Celio e Zaraki são traidores, lutam contra a pátria constantemente. Lave sua boca para falar do Brasil, limite-se a falar do seu "multi" país. Parei de ler imediatamente.

The best thing is: I didn't even knew for this guy😶