Romy nowhere

Romy - Ziar din Turkey -

Publicat in North Macedonia - Socializare și divertisment - 29 Oct 2024 23:37 - 13

1) First of all, thanks for this interview Dear @The Emperor.. Please introduce yourself to the readers.

First of all, thanks for chosing me to be part of your interview series. For those who don't know me, hardcore Macedonian, loyal to my people and my land forever, true to the core. bC

2) How did you register in eDominacy?

I've been part of these kind of games for 7+ years, in this game i came a little later. Thanks to Sheikh Brane for inviting me here.

3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change? 

If i could change something in the game, i would probably adjust a little bit more for free to play players to have fun too.But i must say that Admin is working on the game, he is active and the changes are visible, but in the end you can't please everyone, there will always be someone unsatisfied, which is normal too.

4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory. 

It's always fun when i shoot versus worthy enemy, epic battles and league wars. Battles with Serbia and Bosnia big respect for NSKBpro,Murat,Zylo... o7

5) You are one of tank in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?

Never let them distract you, fight for what is yours, be loyal and true to your people and never never give up, even if you are standing alone STAND STRAIGHT AND GIVE THEM HELL!

6) Who are your best friends in this game? 

Stamat,MysteriousMind,Herz,Wurtex,Manga,Shime,cOSHi are one of them and the list goes on... sorry for who i forgot to mention.

7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why? 

I don't have hard feelings towards any country in this game, but this guy batasha is very delusional. You know, i hate when someone poke  and when he get poke back he is playing victim card and now with no shame he is asking for apology 😁 We all know who started it, how and what happened after.Anyway, enough words for him, big respect for eSerbia then CP who acted like a real man, came and apologized. KTZH o7

8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game? 

I have nothing but respect for eTurkiye, brave fighters.

9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...  

My now allies and enemy whoever shoots back. 😁

10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin? 21

Have fun!    Admin, my troubled heart can only be calmed by gifts Sad


Thanks so much to Dear @The Emperor for this interview.... to be continued... 21 

Interview Series #8 : @harisHarko
Interview Series #7 : @gzhn
Interview Series #6 : @Murat Monstrum
Interview Series #5 : @Batasha
Interview Series #4 : @Gollldi
Interview Series #3 : @Manga
Interview Series #2 : @Lesley
Interview Series #1: @Danider


bC iS herez1IlyrianMurat MonstrumNSKBproKAKAZZUKTZHOOD43MysteriousMindcOSHi

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