The Dead Potato

Megjelenés helye Bulgaria - Hadügyi elemzések - 15 Apr 2024 17:33 - 8

Hey There,

Did you know that the “Gold Ticket” for the new Daily/Weekly Challenges is 18Euro for New Users?

It’s open for older accounts, only for the first time, and in the future it will cost you 18Euros as well. This means now the game is effectively Selling Strength and Intelligence — because there are big strength and intelligence rewards in challenges that F2P users simply can’t access to.

Me personally, i don’t mind the game making money, i will even support it if its fair… as long as there is balance, and it’s not all about payments.

I want to know you opinion about this Gold Ticket, and how you perceive it.
Yours Truly,


Ali NazariCRIS 99Shadow Fiend

Hozzászólások (8)

I think it is expensive And many players cannot afford it The free bar rewards are very small
This game is not free to play. It never was.
it should be free for new players also until the event ends..
The sus thing is they tried to hide it from older players… 18 euro is too much and there gotta be a balance really. This thing is getting insane…
SubOld + v7 - o7 Nuevo país, nueva oportunidad New country, new opportunity
Fantastic m8
Don't think this game gonna hold for long
That is 18 euros to much.